
ed note–at times we are chided as being too ‘alarmist’ by those who fancy themselves as being ‘up to date’ on world affairs, and especially those world affairs involving Israel and the Middle East. These chiding types downgrade the danger the entire earth is facing as a result of the mental illness afflicting one tiny and (seemingly) statistically-insignificant group of people who ‘call themselves Jews’ and the genocidal mindset that has been their calling card dating back to the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt.

Below are excerpts from a poem written by Israeli writer Itamar Yaoz-Kost indicating the ‘pulse’ of Jewish thinking today that, even if only rarely heard, nevertheless is there in a very hidden and subterranean manner.

And it is in this light therefore that the warnings of Jesus of Nazareth, giving his life up in trying to save the world from the menace of Judaic madness which all life on earth faces today take on deeper meaning–

“For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not been seen or experienced since the beginning of the world until now and not to be suffered again, and were it not for those days being made shorter, no life would remain on earth…



I want to be a danger…

I want to be a danger to the entire world…

So that after my destruction, not a single blade of grass will remain on the face of the Earth…

Upon the Earth where, since I was born, I pose a danger to the world.

Because it is my right!

It is my right to live or die while annihilating my annihilators…

And yet, there is a right reserved only to us Jews–to take the weary and sated world with us into non-existence along with its wondrous libraries and heart-stirring tunes, in such a way that after we descend into the grave the ground emits radioactive rays to all four winds…

Indeed – we have the right! It is mine, too!

For it is the right of the Nation of Israel to finally shut the gates to the world after it leaves this place, and we have the right to say, at the price of the 3,000 year old fear: “If you force us yet again to descend from the face of the Earth to the depths of the Earth – let the Earth roll toward the nothingness…’

7 thoughts on “Lest We Forget…”
  1. The “tribe” is monstrously insane……
    “they” ought to be discarded/eclipsed, once and for all, so PEACE may reign on GOD’S planet.

  2. Brilliant article ,and all must take heed.
    To understand this world one must understand that it is under seige by a God called Yahweh who Plato referred to as ,The Demeriuge .
    His ” Chosen People ” , are the Jews , and their ” persecution ” means they cannot RULE this planet !
    That means the enslavement of ALL Gentiles including Jew idolizing ones like ” Born Again ” Christians ,Vatican 2 Catholics ,and Evangelicals .
    Unless the Jews achieve total Unconditional Surrender they intend to take the world down in flames.
    The Samson Option is very real …materially and theologically to them.

  3. This evil insane mindset has infected the whole world; but even the best ( read helpful to them ) Gentiles have to be killed.
    With this evil mindset you can never bring about beauty, peace and harmony. Humanity must understand this and get rid of the destructive, evil way of theirs, which will destroy everything.

  4. I would have to disagree here: “…downgrade the danger the entire earth is facing as a result of the mental illness afflicting one tiny and (seemingly) statistically-insignificant group of people who ‘call themselves Jews’ and the genocidal mindset that has been their calling card dating back to the time of the Pharaohs of Egypt…”
    White identity, and Judeo-Christians, are just as dangerous as Jewish identity, and the Jews.

  5. What is the title and source? Needs to be exposed and disseminated but needs author.

  6. Almost so sweet a testament to their evil you have to check it further for validity! Certainly does explain that Samson Option we discuss so frequently.
    It explains a great deal.
    DRSP, look to Judaic meddling and rabbinical oppression thousands of years ago ~ OT times well before Christ ~ your comparison means nothing. Look to the common factor with most of these difficulties and you find the common problem ~ Jews and their meddling.

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