3 thoughts on “Lest We Forget…”
  1. “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” — Benjamin Franklin
    Americans are the hardest working people on the planet.

  2. infant mortality rates and stupidity quotient are inversely proportional, which explains the paucity of original thought as well as the absence of plain common sense (horses got it probably because of infant horse mortality – the misbegotten ones make good glue), the deadly weeds choking the psychosphere of the last 150 years – jew’s chosen farmland.
    ezra pound was the last genius out and he slammed the door shut behind him.

  3. here is a proof that NOT ALL canucks are retarded.
    as a torontonian, i am doing my patriotic bit to promote the glorious homeland that keeps dodging the pursuing thought cops.

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