britain england america israel axis of evil

KHAMENEI.IR – One of the little-known chapters of history was the widespread famine in Iran during World War I, caused by the British presence in Iran. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Britain became the main foreign power in Iran and this famine or–more accurately–‘genocide’ was committed by the British. The document in the American Archives, reporting the widespread famine and spread of epidemic disease in Iran, estimates the number of the deceased due to the famine to be about 8-10 million during 1917-19, making this the greatest genocide of the 20th century and Iran the biggest victim of World War I.


One thought on “LEST WE FORGET – 8-10 million Iranians died over Great Famine caused by the British in late 1910s”
  1. You will never learn about that in any Western school, its all about the 6 million jews and their suffering.

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