ed note–as the old saying goes, ‘la plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…’
Before all the usual suspects engage in all their usual theatrics, let it be known–plain and clear–that indeed, Bill Clinton and his ‘wife’ represent the epitome of corruption, vice, and every other characteristic associated with the Dark Side. This is not in any way intended as an exercise in political apologism for them, but rather to underscore that many of the same parameters that existed at the time when Clinton was being impeached exist today vis Trump, and for precisely the same reasons–Just as DJT, POTUS has made arriving at some sort of reasonable resolution to what is that time bomb known as Armageddon in the Middle East, likewise, so did Clinton, and despite the 2 being on opposite sides of the political spectrum, both faced an Israeli-orchestrated op at having them removed from office before anything substantive could be done in that regard.
Please pay close attention to those areas highlighted in red, the first indicating the timing of Clinton’s final impeachment articles being announced at the very moment he was landing in Israel to meet with
–drum role please–
To discuss
–another drum role please–
Please note what Clinton said in his remarks–
‘We believe that for two peoples who are fated to share this land…’
Remember, that the Jews do not believe in such niceties. For them, their Judaism is clear on this issue–a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates.
Yes, for sure, must be coincidental. No way Netanyahu would use his deep state assets in the US–including a nice Jewish girl named Monica Lewinsky–to ensnare an uber-corrupt Clinton into a honeytrap that could then be used for political blackmail anymore than he would use deep state assets such as the entire JMSM, Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and all the rest to do a repeat performance with regards to DJT, POTUS.
With Washington’s impeachment storm now an ocean away, President Clinton landed in Israel late tonight and was immediately confronted with a bracing reminder that the political weather here is scarcely more hospitable than what he left at home.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, in an airport arrival ceremony that U.S. officials had anticipated would feature only polite and perfunctory words of welcome, warned Clinton that the Middle East peace process is in danger of unraveling yet again.
While insisting that “all the people of Israel want peace,” Netanyahu served notice that he would not still his recent criticism of the Palestinian Authority in the interests of a harmonious summit with Clinton. And he accused the Palestinians of violating provisions of the interim peace agreement brokered under U.S. auspices in October at Maryland’s Wye River Plantation.
“You yourself, Mr. President, have wisely said that agreements without compliance are worthless,” said Netanyahu, whose governing coalition is in danger of collapse because of criticism of his handling of the Wye River negotiations and their aftermath. “What we must ensure is a peace with full compliance, a peace which will endure for decades and not for the next newscast,” he added.
Clinton, taking the podium after Netanyahu, did not refer directly to the prime minister’s tough rhetoric. But he said he had come here to put the peace process back “on track.”
“We believe that for two peoples who are fated to share this land,” Clinton said, “peace is not simply an option among many, but the only choice that can avert still more years of bloodshed, apprehension and sorrow.”
The ongoing confrontation between the White House and congressional Republicans over whether impeachment is justified because of Clinton’s conduct in the Monica S. Lewinsky controversy is inevitably affecting the prism through which the president’s trip is being viewed not just in the United States but in Israel as well.
News coverage here, while sometimes expressing astonishment that a sex scandal has pushed Clinton to the brink of impeachment, is filled with speculation about whether and how the president’s domestic perils will affect his visit. On Israel’s Channel One, a news commentator covering Clinton’s arrival at Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv twice referred in Hebrew to Clinton as “Nixon.” He apologized both times, blaming the slips on the impeachment controversy.
A few minutes later, CNN reporter Bob Franken, referring to Clinton, called him “Richard” before quickly correcting himself.
Air Force One was midair when the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives approved on a party-line vote a fourth and final impeachment article against Clinton.
White House aides said Clinton did not do any significant work related to his impeachment defense on the 10-hour flight here, though senior adviser Douglas Sosnik received impeachment updates from colleagues in Washington.
On Air Force One as part of the official delegation were two of the moderate Republicans the White House is counting on to avert an impeachment vote from passing in the full House: Reps. Rick Lazio (N.Y.) and Jon D. Fox (Pa.), both undecided on impeachment.
Lazio said he spoke with Clinton during the flight, but that impeachment did not come up. He added that “it’s up to [Clinton] if he wants to raise the issue . . . I’m sure he’s laboring under a good deal of anxiety about this trip and about the outcome of the vote.”
Clinton is to meet with Netanyahu on Sunday before taking an unprecedented trip to Palestinian-controlled territory in the Gaza Strip on Monday. Still unclear is whether Netanyahu’s government will accede to U.S. pressure to have a three-way meeting on Monday with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.
Clinton agreed, during the Wye negotiations, to travel here. The original plan was that he would witness the Palestinian National Council affirm that it had disavowed planks in its charter calling for the destruction of Israel, and more generally celebrate what all sides had described as a breakthrough at Wye River. It is now clear that the trip is more of a rescue mission than a victory lap.
Netanyahu faces a vote of confidence in the Knesset, Israel’s parliament, on Dec. 21 that many analysts think he will lose. If he does, that would cut short his term, which was to end in November 2000, and force new elections early next year.
Confronted with hard-line opposition to carrying out the Wye agreement, which would leave 40 percent of the West Bank under full or partial Palestinian control, Netanyahu suspended further troop withdrawals 10 days ago.
He insisted that the Palestinians drop their demand for Israel to release “security prisoners” from Israeli jails, an issue that has sparked two weeks of violent Palestinian protests in the West Bank.
The Israeli premier further demanded that Arafat cease his threat to declare an independent Palestinian state on May 4. That is the date by which the Oslo peace process is supposed to be completed.
Finally, Netanyahu has demanded an end to the violence that has caused hundreds of injuries in the past week, mostly to young Palestinian men, and the deaths of four Palestinians.
“Agreements not anchored in security, agreements which only serve to conceal belligerent aims, agreements brazenly flouted and violated with violence inevitably lead not to peace but to the continuation and intensification of conflict,” Netanyahu said.
The Americans have called on Israel to drop its conditions and proceed with the implementation of the Wye accord. But it seems likely that the next pullback of Israeli troops from the West Bank, scheduled for next Friday, will not take place on time.
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