ed note–It has been accurately said that the entire Hitler/Holocaust/WWII revisionist business is a dead end as far as waking the average person up to the dangers that Zionism and organized Jewish interests pose to today’s world, but I also think that accuracy for history be maintained as well.
On this note, a great deal of distraction is/has been created by those who claim that ‘Hitler was a Jew’ and that he was a ‘Zionist’–intellectual stink bombs that cause otherwise productive discussions on various important issues to transform into something of an intellectual tornado that goes nowhere and leaves nothing but ruin in its wake.
Below should suffice as a good starting point in settling the question concerning Hitler’s ‘Jewish’ roots and his support for a Jewish state in Palestine.
As always, our eternal gratitude to Trevor for the info.
Hitler nixes the “Transfer Agreement.”
While in 1933, under the Haavara Agreement, the Germans agreed to send Jews to Palestine, only to have them change their position later as indicated by theoffiial statements below–
“The Reich Government cannot lend itself to taking part in a manoeuvre that would tend to let the Jews chase the noble and valiant Arab people from their homeland, Palestine. These talks can continue only if the British Government is prepared to host the Jews in Britain, not in Palestine, and it ensures that they will stay there permanently.”
– The German Foreign Ministry, headed by Joachim von Ribbentrop (informing the British in 1944)
(source: Nuremberg document NG-1794, Eberhardt von Thadden, on 29 April and 5 May 1944; Wagner, July 29, 1944. Henri Monneray, former deputy prosecutor at the International Military Tribunal, La persécution des juifs dans les pays de l’Est présentée à Nuremberg, Paris, Editions du Centre de documentation juive contemporaine, 1949, p. 168-169).
“Our view on the Jewish question is as follows: the position taken by America and England regarding the Jews does not interest us in any way. What is clear is that we do not want to have them in Germany and in the German living space, given the decades of experience since the [First] World War, and we shall not join in any discussion on the matter. If America wants to take them, we are glad of it. But it must be ruled out, and here a guarantee will have to be given to us, that the Jews whom we allow to leave [continental Europe] via Switzerland can ever be sent back to Palestine. We know that the Arabs, just as much as we Germans, reject the Jews and we do not want to partake in such an indecency as the sending of more Jews to that poor nation tormented by the Jews.”
– Heinrich Himmler, Chief of German Police and Minister of the Interior (note written in 1945)
(source: document of the US-Document-Center, Berlin. Photograph in Werner Maser, Nürnberg, Tribunal der Sieger, Munich-Zürich, Droemer Knauer, 1979, p. 262-263)
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These quotes do NOT prove neither that Hitler was not a Zionist nor that he was part Jewish.
1- the above memos are from 1944 and 1945, which was end of the war.
2- the transfer of Jews to Palestine, in large numbers, by Nazis and Zionists had already taken place in the 1930’s; leading to riots there where the Palestinians and Arabs protested what was being done to them.
3- the memos above, seem to indicate a discourse over declaring the Zionist entity, “Israel”, and not to be about the transfer agreement that had already been executed.
4- the 1944 memo is from Ribbentrop, the foreign minister that engineered the Hitler-Stalin pact; a pact that was personally broken by Hitler.
5- there is no memo by Hitler to indicate otherwise.
I gather that you respect David Irving as a genuine historian who has dealt with investigating primary documents. Well, I suggest you read his “Hitler’s War” book. He indicates:
1- in introduction of book that Zionists financed Hitler from 1929 on. He does not explore the topic in the rest of the book. But, the books thesis is that Hitler had NO plan to exterminate the Jews. And, he seems to be right.
2- in introduction Irving in a footnote indicates, as possible false, that Hitler was Jewish. However, if you read “Hitler founder of Israel” you see that Hitler did have Jewish roots which he had discovered (he was a bastard son of), and was refused funds from, when he solicited money from him for art school. Hitler further demolished his family’s cemetery in Austria, as his first act in occupying or adjoining Austria to Germany.
3- Irving provides plenty of proof that whenever Jews were executed by officers in the fields of war, Hitler would sent a personal memo demanding an end to any such behavior. Thus, bolstering case that Hitler had no agenda to exterminate Jews.
4- At Irving trial the case was over this issue that Hitler “had a plan to exterminate Jews”, which Irving had/has refuted. And, the countering attorneys I found had no case, but to rely on a few frames of a 16mm film for their case. After viewing the film, I realized they had no case in proving Hitler had a plan to exterminate the Jews. And, after reading Irving’s book, I am very convinced that Hitler had NO plan to exterminate Jews.
5- But, Hitler did have a pact with Zionists, which he honored to the end, contrary to the pact with Stalin that he violated.
If anything I think Stalin was much more adamantly anti-Zionist that Hitler was.
This does not mean that the German people were not anti-Zionist or opposed to Jewish bankers and their conspiracies. But, it does seem like the Jewish bankers pulled a fast one on the German people with Hitler, whose personal doctor was a Jew and got a free out of prison card at the Nuremberg trials. It is the same fast card the Jewish bankers are trying to pull over the Muslims today with the invention of al-qaeda, isil, isis, is and what not to come …
Yes, the Nazi party was vehemently anti-Jewish and what not, but Hitler was NOT. He personally took care of the SA, in the “night of the long knives”, who were determined to fight the Jews.
And, if it was not for Hitler’s dictatorial decision to open a second front against Russia, and against the advice of all his officers and generals of the National Socialist state, the world may have been different today.
In the end, national socialism and Hitler need to be differentiated, just as Islam and bin-Laden, or al-Baghdadi, or other Zionist false-flags need to be differentiated.
If Hitler is to be white washed, it needs a lot more than these two quotes; and so far it seems to be impossible.
World War Two had NO heroes, but the God, which the Jews thought they had and is coming back to haunt them as promised to them by the Lord.
There is no mystery about the “transfer agreement,” except in the minds of people who seek to get attention by claiming that “Hitler was a Jew” or “Hitler was a Rothschild agent,” or “the Jews financed Hitler.”
The truth is straightforward…
The Nazi “final solution” to the Jewish problem was to arrange to have all Jews converge on their own country somewhere. This was also Theodore Herzl’s idea.
Such a place could be Madagascar, or British or French Guyana, or (most plausibly) the Jewish Autonomous Oblast that Stalin established in 1934 (and which still exists).
However, Hitler could not send Jews to the USSR until he first defeated Stalin. Until that happened, Jews in Germany were either untouched, or else Jews were sent to industrial parks like Auschwitz, where they were kept safe and well-fed.
Meanwhile the Germans encouraged Jews to emigrate, although few countries (if any) would accept the Jews. Even the USA wouldn’t accept them. American Jews were not keen on having mass numbers of Jewish competitors enter the USA.
The Nazis thought that if they put a religious veneer on emigration, then Jews would be more inclined to leave. Therefore they signed the Haavara Agreement of 25 Aug 1933 to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Otto Adolf Eichmann studied up on Palestine, and even learned to speak Hebrew, in an effort to encourage Jews to depart from Europe.
Again, Theodore Herzl had agreed with this. Herzl never designated a specific place where Jews should go, but he thought that Palestine might appeal to Jews, because of its religious context.
And so, some Jews went to Palestine — but everything stopped when war broke out in 1939.
On 28 November 1941, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, met with Hitler and asked Hitler to make a public declaration that “Recognized and sympathized with the Arab struggles for independence and liberation and that would support the elimination of a national Jewish homeland in Palestine.”
Hitler declined, saying that it would strengthen the Gaullists against the Vichy France, and that in any case, Germany first needed to win the war. But if al-Husseini could continue harassing the British in Palestine, then Hitler would make it worth his while after the war. Hitler also valued any intelligence that al-Husseini could feed him about Iraq. On 2 May 1941 the British had savagely invaded and occupied neutral Iraq to seize the oil there. On 25 Aug 1941 the British and the Soviets savagely invaded and occupied neutral Iran — again to seize the oil.
As I said, there is nothing mysterious about any of this. Herzl and the Zionists suggested that Jews should go to Palestine. Hitler agreed, at least initially. Hitler wanted the Jews to leave. Therefore Hitler was a “Zionist.” So what? This changes nothing.
I myself am a “Solar Zionist.” I say let’s put all the Jews on rocket ships and shoot them into the sun.
Just kidding. The best strategy is BDS. Cut them off. Stop feeding the parasite cancer. Deny the vampire your blood and your energy. And quit worshipping the holo-hoax.
Even more: Hitler offered to Ben Gurion, that 400.000 jewish chidren could go to Britain. Ben- Gurion said: 200.000 jews in Palestine are better than 400.000 children in England.
Golda Meir expressed her evil mind in stating: I don’t care for the old, crippled or very young jews. I only want the young and healthy ones for our jewish state.
Out of ” The Myths of Zionisms” by John Rose.
Some people claim that the “Zionist financed the Nazis.”
To these people I ask, “What need have you of ‘Zionist financing’ when you have full control of a nation’s banks and finances?”
National Socialist Germany had monetary sovereignty, which meant it created Reichsmarks out of thin air. Moreover the German Reichsmark was accepted by all of Germany’s trading partners in Europe. And it remained Germany’s currency until June 1948 when it was replaced by the Deutsche Mark.
Thus, it is silly to claim that the “Zionists financed the Nazis.”
It is true that Hjalmar Schacht, head of the Reichsbank, sympathized with Jews, and was close personal friends with Montagu Norman, head of the Bank of England. But historical research has revealed that Hitler from the start had planned to remove Schacht after he had fulfilled his function, since Schacht could not be fully trusted. As Hitler put it, “The Moor will have done his duty,” an allusion to Shakespeare’s “Othello.” Schacht was arrested on 23 July 1944, and sent to several different detention camps. After the war he was saved from the Nuremberg hangman by Montagu Norman and by Walter Samuel, 2nd Viscount Bearsted (aka “Lord Bearsted,” a powerful Jew).
Incidentally, I am curious to know the psychological motivation of people who claim that “Hitler was a Jew,” or that National Socialism was a “Zionist plot.” Are they trying to say that Jewish power is so absolute that everything is a “Zionist plot”?
If so, that’s childish.
A good follow up to the NS and Islam post. But on “..entire Hitler/Holocaust/WWII revisionist business is a dead end..” I disagree. Even though the Palestine/’israel’ situation is only indirectly touched (because pre-1949) it shows what must be done to deconstruct JWO high finance namely cut the roots of their funding thru usury. NS Germany shows the way: STATE issued debt-free currency, and a host of other anti-usury policies. World public opinion was/is unable to rain in the genocide in Palestine. ABOLISHING JEWISH OWNED HIGH FINANCE AUTOMATICALLY ABOLISHES / DEFUNDS ‘israel’. As places for ‘settlement’ Patagonia, Madagascar or Birobidzhan were discussed. Lastly a revisionist discussion will remove the jewish psychology holocaust tactic. The enemy must try to block such a discussion by demonizing AH and make it illegal.
Hitler was definitely not a Zionist and not Jewish. Hitler was a Nationalist. Historical records surrounding Hitlers birth are clear. Anything else is conjecture and undemonstrable.
The Third Reich may have worked with individual Jews in order to perpetuate the Reich, but there is no evidence the Third Reich supported Zionism or other Jewish causes. The direct historical record does not contradict this prevailing conclusion, AT ALL.
Bolshevikism/Menshevikism was a Zionist ideology that replaced the Russian monarchy with Zionist Jews and non-Russians (Stalin was Georgian married to a Jew). The assertion “Stalin was more anti-Zionist that Hitler” is absurd.
Germany is smaller than Montana and had population of 87 million people in 1939. You cannot tell me that the German leader was unaware of major Third Reich military operations especially since Adolph Hitler often personally ordered specific operations. If you’d like to discuss the prisoner composition of the concentration camps, then let us. The holocaust did happen, but not as the Jews want us to believe. See the The Diary of Tatyana Savicheva.
Reading a single modern after-the-fact historical account by Irving or anyone else does not provide Authority or Truth. Irving only provides insight into some of the questions concerning World War II. We must seek Truth through evidence or reasoned deduction when evidence is unavailable and not subjective opinions, conjecture and hearsay.
“The holocaust did happen, but not as the Jews want us to believe.”
No kittie kittie, the hoax did NOT happen. Not a single Jew was ever gassed with Zyklon B, nor in the silly “gas vans” that some Jews claim were used.
Were some Jews sent to industrial parks like Auschwitz? Sure, but every nation that participated in WW II had camps. Some were POW camps. Some were racially-motivated detention camps, like those that held US citizens of Japanese descent. Some camps held political activists like Oswald Mosely that the Jews wanted out of the way. Some camps punished Americans who refused to go fight for the Jews. An example was the 152 labor camps of the “Civilian Public Service” across the USA.
No kittie, the hoax did not happen.
It goes to show that the Germans used a wrong strategy to deal with the Jewish problem.
The people wanted to fight the Jewish-Bankers, and they ended up serving the very same manipulative masters and going after East European Jews who were most distant from the Jewish-Bankers, as they made an alliance with the Zionists who were the Jewish-Banker’s gangsters.
And, Herzl was a nobody, as far as Jewish Community went those days. One could say Mahmoud Abbas is more representative of Palestinians (which he is not) than Herzl could ever be. Herzl was serving Jewish-bankers. And, he seems to have been keen to accept Uganda as a solution, which seems to indicate why he met an early death. Because, the Jewish-Bankers had their “heart” set on Palestine, as the Balfour Declaration indicates, addressed to the one of the Jewish-Bankers.
I think one needs to learn lessons from experience of WW2; that a race constructed reality does not work.
The race-constructed reality is a social mindset, fabricated by the British to advance their empire, as the Spanish used the Pope to advance against native-Americans. So, the Germans borrowed from the British “science” to compete with the British empire with their own empire. The fact is the German philosophy was far more advanced than this defunct British “science” of the races.
The solution I see is to enjoin the Iranian “empire of the mind”, no one has been able to snuff it out for twenty five centuries; not Alexander, not the Arabs, and not the Mongols. And, it seems certainly not the Anglo-American-Zionist empire of fiat money.
So, why forsake Hegel for Hitler who did not even write Mein Kemp (written by Rudolf Hess). The only thing Hitler wrote was his “Second Book”, which was purely anti-Soviet and not against Jews as Mein Kemp was. And, hopefully, you know what happened to Rudolf Hess.
Hitler kept true to his promise as espoused in his “Second Book” and attacked Russia. Nothing more. And, he certainly was no ideologue in a nation of philosophers.
In the end, Hitler was a fashion statement. And, that is the only thing one can admire about the dude; which he designed as an artist.
After much research, it seems to me that Stalin was the real enemy of the Jewish-Bankers, caged in the Jewish dominated Soviet system. Whereas, Hitler was dubiously an agent roaming free in a system that wanted to break free from the Jewish dominated system.
Different text in different context. The text being the psychology of the man.
The Socialists in Russia had the man, but not the context
The Socialists in Germany had the context, but not the man.
And, the only way you can get to the truth of the matter, is if you surmise the psychology of the ‘man’ in charge.
Stalin was a Priest. Working for the Czar and the Church.
Read “Stalin as Revolutionary”.
don’t fall for the fashion
as fashion makes a promise it can never keep.
Reblogged this on Mothman777's Blog and commented:
Very enlightening information
“Hitler was a fashion statement. And, that is the only thing one can admire about the dude; which he designed as an artist.”
That is comically sophomoric, like the rest of that individual’s comments. Incidentally the The Zweites Buch was a fraud, like the “Hitler Diaries.” It was perpetrated by a Hitler-bashing Jew named Gerhard L. Weinberg.
I recommend reading this book …
Essentially Hitler worked with the Zionists not only as a means to get rid of the Jews from Germany but also to ease the boycott against Germany undertaken in 1933. The German economy was extremely weak when Hitler took power and the last thing she needed was a world wide economic boycott.
~~ “So, who wants you to believe this “Hitler was a Jew” or that “Hitler was Rothschild” rubbish, and why?
Whose agenda does it really serve? The Rothschild’s and their NWO agenda! Time for the so-called “Truth Movement” to wake up, to turn your lying “gurus” off, do some research on your own, and figure out who really fought the NWO agenda, and who had devised the perfect model that would defeat it, if had been permitted to continue”.
Also ~ https://archive.org/stream/NotGuiltyAtNuremberg/CPeng#page/n9/mode/2up
I’m beyond the WWII narrative. You see Jews as victims. I see Jews and their enablers as perpetrators. I’ve been wrong more than once in my lifetime.
@ kittie kittie:
You say there was a “holocaust.”
I say there wasn’t.
Therefore, according to you, I claim that Jews are victims.
Flawless logic that.
Are you Sarah Palin by any chance?
Konrad tou are right, and that disgusting moron “Fox” go to Israhell!
Nice comeback, Konrad.
You will always be the better and smarter man.
@ kittie kittie It’s just that you said some strange things. I only responded to you (albeit sarcastically) because I respect you, and I enjoy your wit. Like me, you sometimes try to see the humorous side of the nightmare.
There are other people’s comments in this thread (above) that are too idiotic to merit any response at all.
To Zero.’Adolf Hitler did not ‘violate,’,any pact with Stalin. The Soviet Union was ready to ounce on Germany,and he reacted.’That is quit clear in Irving’s masterpiece. The International Jews declared war on the Reich in 33,and agitated for war,which the world British Empire declared without being threatened ,or attacked,on September,3 1933. The German economy recovered,like no other except Japan by purging International Jewish Finance. Your reading of Irving,is very selective. Adolf Hitler was the mortal antedote to world Jewry. See,Hitler Speech Against The NWO,You Tube. HITLER CALLS FOR FREEDOM In PALESTINE,You Tube. THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY,YounTube……..if Hitler where pro Jew,that would,not of fought him. My God,than if he was where thevJew bribed allies anti-Jew? Anyone trying to be be anti Hitler,and pro Allies in WW 2,is pathetic,and stupid!