0 thoughts on “Lest We Forget–Muslim Solidarity in the Middle East and the end of Jewish Serial Wars–The Real “Iranian Bomb” Israel Fears More Than Anything Else”
  1. Jewry enslaved Russian under Communism. Jewry enslaved USA under Capitalism. Jewry enslaved Palestinians under Zionism. Jewry seeks to enslave the World under Globalism. I was fortunate today to see a Toulouse Lautrec exhibition along with his French contemporaries. Saw my first Manet. 2nd floor was all Dutch, with German/Prussian center floor. Magnificent! Carl Wilhelm Huber, The Village On Fire(1872), Albert Venus, Thunderstorm In The Roman Campagna(1868), Christian Adolf Schreyer, Arab Warrior On Horseback Stopping At a Well(circa 1880, my favorite)a beautiful painting of an Arab man in full dress on a beautiful white Arabian horse while it was at a water well drinking. Took pictures of them all freely, but I did sneak one Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec. It was, Femme Au Tub( woman in the bath) 1896. I was told that was not allowed for that exhibition, but she was kind enough to let me keep it. I saw incredible paintings and sculptures today. Many of them well over 300 years old. Some of these works were artistic impressions of proud or even saddening moments in our human history. Some of them were a capturing of a beautiful moment in lifestyle and landscape. All of them made me feel human, and gave me hope. And I thanked God that He has given men and women gifts such as these.

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