ed note–reposted in light of the piece appearing yesterday featuring a certain Brig General Aryeh Eldad describing the manner by which the installation of Al Sisi as military dictator of Egypt was an Israeli operation. The reasons this particular development is important are several–
1. It underscores what was said here from the beginning concerning the entire ‘Arab Spring’ affair, where hordes of emotionally-driven ‘truthers’ were out in force, loud and proud/large and in charge and allowing themselves to get ‘caught up’ in the rapturous spirit of the moment by claiming that this signaled ‘the end’ of Israel and of Zionism. It was/is the position of this website that the more likely explanation of this event was that it was indeed a Zionist operation aimed at removing one dictator and replacing him with his near-identical twin.
And yes, just like it was with the ‘no one died at Sandy Hook’ and now with the ‘Trump is owned by the Jews’ brigades, injecting even as much as a micro-ounce of common sense and/or nuanced perspective resulted in a tidal wave of screeching and theatrics that anyone–us included–who did not buy into the theatrics and Jrama of the ‘Arab Spring’ was a ‘traitor’ to the cause.
Now, as much as this may appear to be a case of ‘we told ya so’, it isn’t. Rather it is a case of ‘how they do it’.
In this case, our unesteemed Hebraic general Aryeh Eldad does engage in some truth-telling by admitting to what was obvious from the beginning of the affair–Israel’s hand in the removal of Mubarak. Where the typical Judaic sleight of hand and the ‘by way of deception’ protocol comes into operation was in the following from the piece–
‘The outbreak of the January revolution coincided with the Israeli security assessment that President-elect Mohamed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood man, intended to cancel the peace agreement with Israel and send more Egyptian military forces to the Sinai Peninsula.’