Ed-note (Sabba)  – Who will fall victim to US ‘humanitarian’ intervention next? Could be the American people themselves this time.


0 thoughts on “Libyan Crisis: Who Will Fall Victim to US ‘Humanitarian’ Intervention Next?”
  1. The Wests Puritan ” Judeo Christain ” ,theology at work.

    Putting hellfire on them to ” save them”.

    These justifications are why the religion will never be banished by the system…not to worry all of you good ” Christains ” out there .
    The Satanic Jews who killed Christ just live to use the structure of the religion his followers hoped would liberate the world from Judaism, to enslave us with it .

    Always remember ground zero was the Catholic Cathedral in Hiroshima.

    But this ” had to be done”.

    Libyia ,” had to be freed”.

    Wow ! Can they vote in phoney religions now?

    They are freeeeee !

    All why the smell of their dead family and friends are are all around them .

    God bless America !

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