After Friday’s attempt by Syria to down IAF planes, defense minister says in next incident Israel will have no ‘hesitation’

ed note–all can absolutely rest assured that the recent events involving the act of war against Syria by the Jewish state was/is directly tied to the failed attempt on the part of Netanyahu to sway Russian President Putin into seeing things ‘Bibi’s way’ at their recent meeting in Moscow. The fact that Nutty Netty tried to ‘Purimize’ Putin but with absolutely no luck, followed by Putin’s subtle yet clear warning to Netanyahu that Israel stands on the brink of seeing history repeat itself vis a vis the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Empire as outlined in Josephus’ book ‘Wars of the Jews’ which Putin gave Netanyahu as a ‘Purim’ gift indicates that the recent attack by Israel should not be seen as some isolated and disconnected event. Furthermore, all should understand as well that Netanyahu ‘got the message’ loud and clear from Putin and decided to utilize this attack on Syria as a means of telling the Russians that the recent warning about their impending implosion means nothing to them and that they will move forward with their own imperical plans without any hesitation whatsoever, irrespective of the consequences.

Times of Israel

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Sunday threatened to destroy Syrian air defense systems after they fired ground-to-air missiles at Israeli warplanes carrying out strikes.

“The next time the Syrians use their air defense systems against our planes we will destroy them without the slightest hesitation,” Lieberman said on Israeli public radio.

Israeli fighter jets hit several targets in Syria on Friday, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying the strikes targeted weapons bound for the Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon.

Syria’s military claimed it downed one of the Israeli planes and hit another as they were carrying out the predawn strikes near the famed desert city of Palmyra that it recaptured from jihadists this month.

The IDF denied that any of its planes were hit. The Syrian government has made similar claims in the past.

An Israeli army statement said “several anti-aircraft missiles” were fired following the raid but that none hit their targets.

One missile was intercepted by Israel’s Arrow missile defense battery, military officials said, in the first reported use of the advanced system.

It was the most serious incident between the two countries since the Syrian civil war began six years ago.

In April 2016, Netanyahu admitted for the first time that Israel had attacked dozens of convoys transporting weapons in Syria destined for Hezbollah, which fought a 2006 war with Israel and is now battling alongside the Damascus regime.

Israel does not usually confirm or deny individual raids, but it may have been led to do so this time by the circumstances of the incident.

4 thoughts on “Lieberman threatens to ‘destroy’ Syrian air defense systems”
  1. Why Russia allows any plane other than Russian or Syrian in Syrian air space is beyond my comprehension. Why is there not a no fly zone over Syria?? I don’t want to hear about Israeli planes over Syria and not getting shot out of the sky! The S-300 & 400 systems are in place, use ’em!!
    I would love to see Israeli planes locked out of Syrian airspace; getting shot down right & left. Israel wants war, and may soon get it! I hope Tel Aviv gets destroyed this time, with real missiles. Tell Hamas to stop wasting their time with those stupid bottle rockets; out of thousands fired, they’ve only hit jews a few times – all the rest only find open fields. Stop. Their only use would be to overwhelm the rickety “Iron Dome” boondoggle, while the real missiles from Hezbollah wipe out jews along with their homes & infrastructure.

    On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 7:56 AM, The Ugly Truth wrote:
    > MG editor posted: ” After Friday’s attempt by Syria to down IAF planes, > defense minister says in next incident Israel will have no ‘hesitation’ ed > note–all can absolutely rest assured that the recent events involving the > act of war against Syria by the Jewish state was/i” >

  3. Friggin peaceful Israelis and their GI Plan. They would never admit a hit anyhow. That would indicate a loss and we cannot have that. I don’t know why airspace over Syria is not better locked down for lack of a better term.

  4. I enjoin everyone to listen to this video in its entirety:
    What is touched upon: E.M.J. asserts that Muslims and Catholics do pray to the same God; Logos (the Word/Divine Order/Moral Order is God asChrist; the split within Islam; The wickedness of Judaism is the direct and unequivocal rejection of Christ when they chose Barabas and murdered Christ; how Nasrallah COUNTER threatened to rain rockets on Dimona is key the Jews paused, for now, on their latest bloodlust to make up for their 2006 ass-whoopin’ by Hezbollah.
    The “deep state” according to the Saker and others is split 70/30, with the 30 going for Trump. It could have been this 30 percent that pushed for Flynn’s getting the ax. Jones, though, simply says it was “the deep state.”
    Anyway, I have been listening to E.M.J. for years. He’s the real deal in terms of being a scholar. His insights are sweeping yet at the same time profound, never careless. He’s spent most of life trying to deconstruct the heart of evil on this planet. Anyone serious about understanding the “Judiazed world” we live in will seriously take in what he has to say. Think deeply about what he says about Logos (in the beginning was the Word, etc.) as the model for Order of all creation, and only one group, the Jews, are committed to destroying it and therefore the world.

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