ed note (Tony)…Get your popcorn folks, as the ‘left’ foot-soldiers and associates in the gang war react to Netanyahu. It will be something to watch in the coming days…..

Really is unprecedented in the inner working of “our” sold-out Congress. Amazing

0 thoughts on “Likud leader Schmoozing Speech: 41 Standing Ovations a New Personal Record”
  1. Michelle’s hair looked strange to them like burkas look foreign to US citizens. …Get over it…

  2. Think of this? A foreign leader usurping the power of an elected US President ! This man ,through the Jews control of the FED,Media,Hollywood AIPAC ,Zio-Christianity,has more power than a President ! He has both parties,and not just one! The Jew LEFT/RIGHT Matrix here,at his command . We are told that Jews have no power in any field ! Absolutely bo ‘influence’. The ADL,Glenn Beck, establishment religion told me,’they are mere victims’. Alex Jones told me the “Nazis” rule us ? Than why is this Christ Killer, a war criminal getting 41 standing ovations ? Why are “Liberals”, applauding the leader of a racist ,theological state ? Are they not for ‘diversity,and tolerance?’ We live under the Jews. This is obvious to only the most stupid. We are experiancing the Palestinian plight. The Red Revolution,and corrupt Weimar Germany. One can see why they killed JFK,and RFK. The later defied them on the Rothschilds FED,and the later wanted the Zionist Organization Of America registered as a foreign agent. Yahweh has revenge up the ‘the 4th Generation’. They killed John Jr,and his pregnant wife ! We must pray for deliverance,to Christ the Savior, “They are of their father the devil; a liar from th beginning”.

  3. Tony,

    I wanted to contribute to this important post, but I don’t have anything new to add that we haven’t said many times over — in a nutshell.

  4. “………the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.” Matthew 27:20/John 18:40……….”now Barabbas was a robber.”

    We just saw a repeat.

    ….”then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain………….. ” Matthew 28:16.
    1 Peter 4:17………..”judgment comes to the house of God first because: (Isaiah 24:5/Zechariah 5:3).

    Have to agree with Dante Ardenz……… doesn’t look too good people. Get out of the church, you don’t want to be there. There maybe a repeat like those who didn’t leave Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

  5. The US Army was known to be the most powerful army in the world. .. Just to think, that IF they had the true Love of God in them … the could have solved/ wiped out the entire global Jewish problem within 24 hours!

  6. 41 standing ovations? That’s a lie. I watched it from beginning to end. I don’t think he broke the 29 ovation mark. 🙂

    ed note (Tony)…lasilencia, you are right and I stand corrected. I meant to say “41 rounds of applause”. Thanks.

  7. Seriously, if that nut case received 41 standing ovations he would have never finished his very short speech. He had more piles of paper that he was nervously flipping through. People were tweeting and counting the standing ovations and believe me 41 is totally inaccurate. If he received 29, it was enough to finish speaking and get the hell out. This is why the media boils our blood because of the lies they tell. I sat through his entire speech. I already made notes about it. He was not a happy camper and the clapping were not thunderous and cheering clapping. Netanyahu bombed out! 🙂

    ed note (Tony)…Oops, my mistake, see above

  8. By evoking Haman from the start, Netanyahu firmly establishes what he wants to do Iran. It’s not about “WMDs.” It’s about denying Iran technological development, period, because the stronger Iran gets, the more it frustrates Israel’s hegemonic ambitions to Balkanize its neighbors and expand.

  9. Iran is critical to the approach towards Russia.
    Now that a green light has basically been given to go ahead and bomb, bomb, bomb Iran….it has opened the door that much wider for a nuclear event.

    As this Iran talk was gearing up with Netanyahu , notice how the neo cons never missed a beat on their dealings with Putin.

    Much of this goes back decades to the ‘Gold Standard’. After that was tossed aside, we got unbridled paper money (Bretton Woods), and then there was no limit to the amount that can be printed. US paper dollar value sky rocketed and those dollars were being sailed around the globe.

    Later, Saudi oil was no longer attached to gold. It was though, (after intense wheeling & dealing) pegged to the US dollar. The deal was that the House of Saud could only sell their oil in US dollars. Hence, the birth of the Petro Dollar, and OPEC..with Saudi Arabia at the helm. Now it can be all done electronically; digital money…or just ‘write checks’…..UNlimited checks.

    But….central banks, including the US Federal Reserve Bank were designed and then created to fall. Yes indeed. When will it / they all come down in controlled collapse? Very soon. And what will happen to Saudi Arabia then? It will suffocate.

    Recall that Iraq & Libya were arranging to sell their oil very differently. Ah ah ah…ya don’t do that. That draws a lot of bad attention.

    But China & Russia are challenging that system. They are challenging that ‘monetary’ system and Iran is critical. And Putin has made it very clear that he will not back down on this build up to war. He will fight and fight with everything he has. Ukraine will probably be the first to disappear being where it is located when Zionist West meets the East.

  10. Looking at that picture, I think about every single one of them under the effect on some sorts of mental illnesses. These people..these minds…is what happens to so called “leaders”. It really is an evolution unto itself. What the hell happened to these people?

    But no doubt about it; they are a threat to Life on this planet.

    People have a will. Some more than others but, the will of these people are to such a degree that any conscience is arrested in their minds, and locked away in solitary confinement. They function on pure predatory thoughts and do not care about that. They are gone like a person in a horror movie that is bitten by a zombie that will eventually lose it’s human qualities and then turn into a creature running on pure predatory functioning.

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