if anyone can find the book ” This One Mad Act” by Izola Forrester ; read it. The author is John Wilkes Booth’ granddaughter. Very revealing.
I wonder what Lincoln would think of them and their “Jewish state” today if he were alive to see it. How they have sucked the life blood out of the USA.
No surprise here. It’s when the jews got their foot in the door. In 1913 they got their Federal Reserve scam going and the rest is history.
Ironically John Wilkes Booth was a least part Jewish. “Sic Semper Tyrannis” was his parting shot re Lincoln. I would imagine that along with a majority of the spies, magicians, and schlock-meisters most of the world’s assassins have been Jews. I’m sure I will be cured of these bad images under the ‘thought crimes’ re-indoctrination program at one of the F.E.M.A. camps in the coming American gulag system.(complete with electrodes)!
And so the Jewish parasite attaches itself to yet another symbol of “America.”
Since Lincoln loved Jews, to question the holo-hoax is to question Lincoln’s sainthood. And to question Lincoln’s sainthood is to be an “anti-Semite.”
Lincoln represents power, because the Goyim revere Lincoln, even though he was a fanatical racist who wanted to deport all blacks to South America. Lincoln was pro-slavery all his life until he issued his “Emancipation Proclamation” so that the North would have a clear reason to keep fighting.
The Internet is full of articles that reveal how depraved Lincoln really was. The more you delve into his evil, the more disgusted you become. Lincoln was a vicious, ugly bastard who hated the poor and championed the rich.
And, as we see from the article above, Lincoln was also a Jew-lover, since Lincoln was a Jew at heart. No doubt he even loved Judah P. Benjamin, the Jew who was the Confederacy’s Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Attorney General (and who skipped off to London after the war, where he lived the rest of his life as a wealthy lawyer.)
if anyone can find the book ” This One Mad Act” by Izola Forrester ; read it. The author is John Wilkes Booth’ granddaughter. Very revealing.
I wonder what Lincoln would think of them and their “Jewish state” today if he were alive to see it. How they have sucked the life blood out of the USA.
No surprise here. It’s when the jews got their foot in the door. In 1913 they got their Federal Reserve scam going and the rest is history.
Ironically John Wilkes Booth was a least part Jewish. “Sic Semper Tyrannis” was his parting shot re Lincoln. I would imagine that along with a majority of the spies, magicians, and schlock-meisters most of the world’s assassins have been Jews. I’m sure I will be cured of these bad images under the ‘thought crimes’ re-indoctrination program at one of the F.E.M.A. camps in the coming American gulag system.(complete with electrodes)!
And so the Jewish parasite attaches itself to yet another symbol of “America.”
Since Lincoln loved Jews, to question the holo-hoax is to question Lincoln’s sainthood. And to question Lincoln’s sainthood is to be an “anti-Semite.”
Lincoln represents power, because the Goyim revere Lincoln, even though he was a fanatical racist who wanted to deport all blacks to South America. Lincoln was pro-slavery all his life until he issued his “Emancipation Proclamation” so that the North would have a clear reason to keep fighting.
The Internet is full of articles that reveal how depraved Lincoln really was. The more you delve into his evil, the more disgusted you become. Lincoln was a vicious, ugly bastard who hated the poor and championed the rich.
And, as we see from the article above, Lincoln was also a Jew-lover, since Lincoln was a Jew at heart. No doubt he even loved Judah P. Benjamin, the Jew who was the Confederacy’s Secretary of State, Secretary of War, and Attorney General (and who skipped off to London after the war, where he lived the rest of his life as a wealthy lawyer.)