YNET – Archaeologists are beginning to study and excavate an ancient Jewish pyramid believed to be related to a burial structure near Hirbet Madras; pyramid is believed to be a vestige of Hellenistic influence in the area.
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LOL! Yawn….What’s taking the jews so long to charge admission to have a look?
Just as a fun exercise, I am right now trying to recall all seven of the Ancient Wonders from memory. Let’s see… There was:
1. The Great Pyramid of Cheops
2. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3. The Pyramid near Hirbet Madras
4. The Colossus of Rhodes
5. The Pharos at Alexandria
6. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
7. The Temple of Artemis
I think that’s all of them?
The Egyptian pyramids are anti Semetic.
What a sore sight/site…:–).
What an ugly structure
So the Jew will now claim part of Egypt? They did it in the Sinai.
In the Bible, in spite of 800 mentions of “Egypt” there is not ONE mention of Pyramids–how did they miss that, if they were ever even there?