1. Yeees, well it sure is gratifying to see of the contortions these air-headed ‘slabs’ (celebrities) put themselves through in their fervent embrace of the ‘liberal’ agenda which has rewarded them so handsomely over the years. Why WOULD they want to change anything? “Because the peasants have no bread, Lady Gagaesque.” “Then let them eat cake!” she cackles as she retreats in her chauffeur-driven black limo to her castle on the hill.
    But before we surrender to the glorious euphoria of a Trump victory, let us take a moment to reflect upon the predictive programming of the Simpsons when ‘… in an episode aired in 2000, the show portrays a grown-up Lisa as the incumbent, who refers to “inheriting quite a budget crunch from President Trump”.’ … http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/the-simpsons-tipped-donald-trump-presidency/news-story/c988aa678646caebc0e5256f6d767844
    Yes, it is always a possibility that we have been played just as comprehensively as the teary-eyed ‘liberals’ were played by the Hopey-Changey O’Bumma machine in far off 2012 … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WWTBAQllWA
    Remember the tears of joy! Remember the jubilation! Remember the total and utter vacuity of it all!

  2. lot a cyber space wasted on low level brains
    most are slaves to the devil’s own
    and have to mouth the right words

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