The Israeli leader was scheduled to spend four days in the U.S. but due to the recent rocket attack in Israel was forced to cancel an address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) conference and meetings with congressional leaders.
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Must be tough having to run America and Israel at the same time….maybe Yahu will bitch slap Trump the same Yahu used to bitch slap Obama….that rocket attack is a Jew fabrication…Hamas ain’t got no rockets….I think the final purge of Palestine is here…all the Christian whites are cheering for israel
I heard that it was a “rock” attack, not a rocket attack. Some kids through some rocks and all of Israel is going bonkers and needed their son of satan back home to plan some white phosphorus attacks back at those pesky kids. I say, send in the US Air Force and blow the living shit out of Israel. After all, they did do 911 and America has never gotten even from that one…yet.
Truthuotjournal…..and here are the names of the 5 dancing Israelis…Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Omer Marmari, and Oded Elner…they were interviewed on Israeli TV…America will never accept that it was NOT the Mooselims who done 911
@sotomayor111 – THIS Catholic of European descent ISN’T “cheering for Israel”.
And why would IsRaEl NOT want Nutty to speak to AIPAC? This smells like someone other than the J e w s sent in these little rockettes.
Hello Mark, It’s Delana. i’ve seen the news today and something just jumps out. It was reported on RT that Egypt broke the cease fire between Hamas and Israel. But then 3 hrs later it’s said that Egypt arranged a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. I’m confused. Which is it, and if Egypt broke the ceasefire, who there would do it and why? So if you could let me knoow, or Johnathan, that would be good. Also have heard that declaration Trump signed recognising Israel’s right to rule the Golon Heights. Well, he must need the Ziochristian freaks pretty badly for 2020.
ed note–I think they may have mispoken and meant to say ‘brokered’ and not ‘broke’. Either way, no one can possibly see this latest ‘incident’ with the ‘Hamas rocket’ in another light other than one where Israel engineered this in order for Netanyahu to have an excuse to bow out from appearing at AIPAC, given the amount of ‘domestic’ hostility aimed at him by ;eft wing jewry in America.
As far as Trump and the Golan thing, you’re right–the largest voting block in America are the ‘Zio-Christian freaks’ as you accurately put it and their numbers and influence cannot be dismissed or taken lightly, and especially given what Trump wants to do with his peace deal. If he doesn’t have them on his side than Netanyahu and yahud will mobilize them–the largest standing army on American soil–to weaken Trump’s base of support.
nice hearing from you again and I pray all is well in your corner of the world.
Yep.neither I am cheering for ISISrael,being from european descent,and catholic.Terms like “white”,black,tall,short,fat,slim, whatever only benefits our enemy divide n conquer agenda.