
(Pictured above: recent photo of Noam Chomsky’s head, during a recent speech)

Ed Note (Trevor) ~Like I am always telling people, Noam Chomsky is one of the more destructive jews. He is promoted as the “Einstein” of geopolitics (Einstein himslef being another fraud artificially inflated to celebrity status) and then he injects the poison…some people believe what he says, UNFORTUNATELY… The truth is that the jews hate Donald Trump because he is an old-school conservative and a nationalist. Also, I say it often, but perhaps people do not believe me: the jewish religion/ideology says over and over, and never anything to the contrary, that non-jews are NOT HUMAN BEINGS, but animals in human form. So when Chomsky, a jew, says that Trump is a threat to humans, are we to take that as meaning Trump is a threat to jews? I think so.

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4 thoughts on “LOL!!! "Trump puts human species in deep trouble": Chomsky”
  1. chomsky is a zionist jew rat, everything he says is a distraction to try and make israel a nice guy,

  2. Yes. Noam Chomsky is a Zionist rat, in his books all he does is to point at the US government as the bully, criminal dictator of the world but he never mention that behind the scenes lies the real rats who are controlling the US government, the Zionist Jews.

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