SOTT – All right-thinking people know that all loyal servants of the Anglo-American empire are deluded nut-jobs who wouldn’t know the truth if it bit them on the ass. But it must be admitted that this particular variety of human being does know one important thing, and they know it very well: Whenever anything happens that they don’t like: Putin did it!


4 thoughts on “LOL!!! US and British crazies blame Putin for “Brexit””
  1. Elie Weziel or was it Weasel said: “some events take place that are not true, and other events are true but never occurred…. It not that simple” Rabbi.

  2. Now that was funny. Sad part? They are serious and people will believe them.

    More proof you can be book smart but dumber than a bluebottle fly on a sunny afternoon.

  3. The Zio-boys blame Putin for every thing that goes bad on them. Judea declared war on Russia, not the other way around.

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