0 thoughts on “Loon Star State…”
  1. I should think asking jewish attendees to sign a pledge of allegiance to this country to more be in order; especially as for many jews their allegiance is so often to Israel, and Not America. Jews should be viewed with suspicion

  2. is america a israel or what? take back your country americans or you lost it forever

  3. The insane Neoconservative/Evangelical Mind,of todays Texas… how,and where did it all begin? The state was in the Confederacy,who’s De Facto President ,was proud Jew,and Rothschilds agent Judah Benjamen. Like the entire South (except for mountain enclaves there & border states),the region was staunchly Democrat,till some break offs ,as the Northern “Liberal” wing,alienated them;only sinking in a big way,with mass communications….but they mostly clung till the 90’s on the lower end. Rothschilds Jew agent; Colonel (honorary)Edward Mandel House,was from Texas,and along with fellow Southern Democrat Jew International briber/fixer-Bernad Baruch,ran the US under Woodrow Wilson. LBJ was known as a “FDR Democrat “,in the state for a reason: That meant a Pro-Jew one. In the mid 50’s; Jews where getting exposed ,as all LEFT-Reds,in the public mind by the Rosenbergs treachery,and the “Red Witch Hunts’. What to do? The Jews set up fronts, like THE JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY ,for the rubes,and Bill Buckleys National Review,for the country club set. Some conservative,racist,Democrats ate there stuff up…the old Republicans;many anti war,pro industry,and pro-civil rights had NO APPEAL to them.. ….but the cunning Jews new the NEW-Neoconservative message would ! Eisenhower was not Cold Warrior enough ( The total Jew stooges sin was waking up to late,and stopping Israel/England Egypt from taking back Suez for Rothschilds,in 1956) , Adali Stevenson was roughed up.in Dallas,and of course JFK became a target of hate,for all of the wrong reasons,by this proto Tea Party dummies. An example of the mentality: The fateful day in Dallas,where the Jews cleverly set up JFK’s death,an old idiot unfurled an unbrella(representing Chamberlain ) ,at the President,to protest the Presidents,fathers anti-war stance in WW2 ! We all know the Jew rubbish that fool,had been brain washed by ! But Bush 1 could not win a Senate Seat there,and Goldwater,or Nixon in 68 could not carry the state. Jimmy Carter even pulled it off in 76 ! Why? The stubborn culture,and generational fix. Plus the bulk of the Republican Party was still to proper,and reasonable to the rubes.. But oh,they where lurking. The Jews backed up the Zio-Preachers of Texas in the 80’s big time. 33rd Degree Mason,and protoge of the Rothschilds;Pat (pronounced PEEE -AT ) Robertson was big there . The old line respectable Republicans ,who gained a big bridghead in the Reagan years ,where just to lame,and mainline ! OUT THEY WENT IN 1993,at the Texas State GOP Convention. It was something to behold ! The Evangelicals STORMED IT. One old,man; Republican activist said:” These people are more dangerous than any Communists ever where”. He was very brilliant,as being Jew led,they,have the same methods,tactics,and indeed inner ideology of the old Reds. ENABLING JEWISH POWER ! With financial decontrol,FOX NEWS/TV Preachers;and decease as a tool (by Jews) of Democrat Party in the state; the Jews have totaliterian JEW RIGHT control of the Texas mind.culture, spirit,politics,economy(Rothschold own Royal Dutch Shell,and stakes in all other Transnationals.Banks there) of the Lone Star State, THE YELLOW ROSE OF TEXAS,is now the “BLUE STAR OF DAVID ” (Saturn)

  4. Don’t need to point out to the choir here that the privilege of lying to Goy is located in the Talmud as I have read in many locations but have never had my hands on one of those books, same as she has never had her hands on a Koran or at least never read one, which makes HER the paid expert in public office.

  5. Kittie Kittie : Yes. Ciudad Juarez … if that’s what you were thinking too.

    Dante: Thank you for that informative comment and summary. I’m one of many here who acknowledge and benefit from your knowledgeable input.

  6. Ol’ Molly said : “Remember, in the Koran, it is ok to lie for the purpose of advancing Islam”!

    LIES, Molly! That’s not in the Quran (your bosses made you look like a fool). It’s in the Talmud … and ‘some’ Shia believe that concept (it’s called ‘Taqiyah’), but true Muslims don’t. I wonder if you knew … even JFK said “Secrecy is most Repugnant!” before your Godfathers arranged for his death.

    Ol’ Molly said : “Texans must never allow fringe groups of people to come here so that they can advance their own culture instead of becoming an American and assimilating into the American way of life. That, I can assure is not the intent of most Muslims who move to America.”

    So, Molly … you don’t feel like applying the same to the Jews? Why, because they OWN you (down to your beautiful Mortgaged ranch and the finance on your SUV? …

    Here’s one real reason why your puppet masters don’t like Muslims… … [though not all Muslims… not the insecure, hypocritical, sellout jellyfish, and the “I want to fit in so bad”, “please ‘like’ me, I worship you” – types… but the REAL Muslims whose homelands you destroyed through your lies and brought them here as dupes and refugees to serve the lowest stratum of your already decrepit fiat economy] …



    Dr. Kevin Barrett had the same take on Hebdo as I did … and stated (on VT and Press TV) …

    “Charlie Hebdo was not just an attack on any one religion — it was an attack on FAITH! … The war on Islam is really a war on ALL religions! … The Zionist-controlled media in the United States is seeking to “destroy” Islam and Christianity while promoting a “clash of civilizations”!”

    – A new survey suggests that a relative majority of Americans believe it is acceptable to ridicule Islam, highlighting the depth of anti-Islamic sentiment and widespread Islamophobia in the United States.

    – According to the HuffPost/YouGov survey, 46 percent of Americans thought it was acceptable to mock Islam, while 44 percent said it was unacceptable to mock Christianity, a consequence of the “Islamophobia project” promoted by US media outlets.

    – Moreover, 63 percent of Americans said it is more important to protect the freedom of speech than to protect the sanctity of religious beliefs. Only 19 percent said the sanctity of religious beliefs was more important than free speech and 18 percent were not sure.


    So, back to Ol’ Molly …

    After doing as she was told, and uploading that facebook post, she went to her office and did this …


    … And she is just fronting a rising initiative as classy as this …


    … And they seem to begin a schizophrenic agenda that won’t stop until they drive people to do this :


  7. So much for those country songs that rave about “a woman with a heart bigger than Teeexus” …!

  8. The Israeli flag on the side of the Christians there in Texas we see ?

    Jewish writer Peta Jones-Pellach wrote that in any conflict between the Anglo Australian and Muslims, Jews should take the side of the Muslims.

    Jews were entirely behind the commencement of Muslim immigration in 1974 into Australia, so it means they were also behind the Muslim immigration into America.

    But in Australia, when it hits the fan here, Jews will be backing the Muslims, but in America Jews will be backing the European Americans ?

    In each case then, they are backing the side they think will ‘win’, for the only winner in each case will be the Jew.

  9. Dear ol’ Molly just displays her woeful and willful ignorance. The Qur’an does not allow lying in order to advance Islam. It does permit someone to deny he/she is Muslim if his/her life is being threatened for being Muslim – so long as the person does not actually deny Islam in his/her heart. But lying in order to ‘advance the cause’ of Islam is never allowed.

    As to the need for assimilation, it seems to me it is the supposed ‘patriotic American Christians’ who stand in need of such ‘assimilation’ to foundational ‘American’ principles! The Muslims there in Texas are in fact practicing 4 of the foundational principles of the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights: (1) Freedom of religion; (2) Freedom of speech; (3) Freedom to peacefully assemble; and (4) Freedom to petition for a redress of grievances. Since the supposed ‘patriotic Christians’ are so angry that US citizens should practice those rights, it sounds to me like it is THEY who are ‘unassimilated’! 😆

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