
Authorities say John Russell Houser, who killed two women and himself, had a history of mental illness and espoused right-wing extremist views

ed note–I’d love to be able to jump on the bandwagon like so many others and say this was a put-up job and that somehow he was coerced into doing it, but my own personal experience with these types tells me otherwise.

As we have discussed often on this site, the white nationalist neighborhood within this ‘movement’ is littered with mentally ill individuals. In the 20+ years I have spent dealing with them, discussing politics and being present during their most ‘intimate’ moments where they were free to say whatever they felt like saying, I heard things that told me that there was something rotten in Denmark, no pun intended. The one factor that seems to predominate amongst them are feelings of rage over being alone, unmarried, underemployed, and under-educated, and all of this the result of a giant conspiracy against ‘the white man’ rather than it being a product of bad decisions they made that have now brought them to whatever point they are at in their lives. I listened to them talking about how much they looked forward to the coming race war so that they could ‘kill niggers and spics’ at will, and in once case, I knew an individual who discussed openly how if ‘the feds’ ever came to get him, he planned to hunt down his ex-wife and children, kill all of them and then kill himself.

My reason for bringing this up–AGAIN– is to underscore the importance of not giving aid and comfort to these types within ‘the movement’. Whilst our enemy maintains a strategy of ‘2 steps forward, one step back’, unfortunately as a result of the unwarranted tolerance afforded to these aforementioned elements within this ‘movement’ it is the opposite, a strategy of ‘one step forward, 2 steps back’.

Associated Press

A man who opened fire on strangers in a darkened movie theater on Thursday lost his family, home and businesses as he spent years angrily espousing right-wing extremism on television, the Internet and to anyone else who would listen.

This undated photo provided by the Lafayette Police Department shows John Russel Houser, in Lafayette, La. Authorities have identified Houser as the gunman who opened fire in a movie theater on Thursday, July 23, 2015, in Lafayette. (Lafayette Police Department via AP)

He once flew a Nazi banner outside a bar he owned as an anti-government statement.

John Russell Houser, 59, stood up about 20 minutes into Thursday night’s showing of “Trainwreck” and fired on the audience, killing two people and wounding nine with a semi-automatic handgun.

“That was a horrific scene in there — the blood on the floor, sticks in the seats (showing the trajectory of the bullets), the smell,” state police Col. Michael Edmonson said after top officials got an inside look at the theater.

“He took his time, methodically choosing his victims,” Gov. Bobby Jindal added. “One of the surviving wounded victims actually played dead to stay alive.”

Houser then tried to escape by blending into the fleeing crowd after one of his victims pulled a fire alarm and hundreds poured out of the theater complex. But he turned back as police officers approached, reloading and firing into the crowd before killing himself with a single shot inside the theater, police said.

“This is such a senseless, tragic action,” Lafayette Police Chief Jim Craft said. “Why would you come here and do something like this?”

Investigators recovered Houser’s journals, were studying his online postings and trying to reconstruct his movements to identify a motive and provide what Edmonson called “some closure” for the victims’ families.

Craft said Houser bought the weapon legally at a pawnshop in Phenix City, Alabama, last year, and that he had visited the theater more than once, perhaps to determine “whether there was anything that could be a soft target for him.”

He had only been in Louisiana since early July, staying in a Motel 6 room littered with wigs and disguises. His only known connection to the Lafayette was an uncle who died there three decades ago.

Details quickly emerged about Houser’s mental problems, prompting authorities in Louisiana and Alabama to bemoan the underfunding of mental health services in America.

Court records describe erratic behavior and threats of violence that led to a brief involuntary hospitalization in 2008 and a restraining order preventing Houser from approaching family members. Houser “has a history of mental health issues, i.e., manic depression and/or bi-polar disorder,” his estranged wife told the judge.

Educated in accounting and law, he owned bars in Georgia — including one where he flew a Nazi banner out front as an anti-government statement. He tried real estate in Phenix City, Alabama. But Houser’s own resume, posted online, says what he really loved to do was make provocative statements at local board meetings and in the media.

On an NBC television affiliate’s call-in show in the 1990s, Houser encouraged violent responses to abortion and condemned working women, host Calvin Floyd recalled. He was an “angry man” who spoke opposite a Democrat and really lit up the phones, he added.

Houser wrote that he was a weekly guest for 60 episodes on “Rise and Shine WLTZ” in Columbus, Georgia, where he “invited political controversy on every one of them, and loved every minute of it.”

In recent years, Houser turned to right-wing extremist Internet message boards, where he praised Adolf Hitler, and advised people not to underestimate “the power of the lone wolf,” according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose hate-group watchdogs spotted Houser registering to meet with former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke in 2005.

What prompted Houser to kill people Thursday night remains unknown.

He seemed like just another patron as he entered Lafayette’s Grand 16 theater, one of 25 people who bought tickets to the romantic comedy starring feminist jokester Amy Schumer as a boozing, promiscuous reporter.

Police believe he hoped to escape his deadly ambush before police closed in. Inside a Motel 6 room he rented, they found wigs, glasses and other disguises. Houser also swapped the license plates on his 1995 Lincoln Continental before parking it by the theater’s exit door. He stashed the keys atop one of its wheels.

Once inside, he sat by himself and gave others in the theater no reason for concern before he began shooting, firing first at two women who were sitting in front of him, then wounding nine other people.

“He wasn’t saying anything,” Katie Domingue told The Advertiser. “I didn’t hear anybody screaming either.”

Randall Manning’s 21-year-old daughter, Emily, and a friend were sitting in the same row as the gunman, and saw the flashes from his gun barrel.

“She hit the floor immediately,” Manning said of his daughter, who escaped along with her friend but was “traumatized.”

Jeanerette High School English teacher Ali Martin and librarian Jena Meaux were credited with helping save lives amid the chaos. Meaux, who was shot in the leg, told her colleagues that Martin, who was shot in the kneecap, still managed to pull a fire alarm, their former principal Heath Hulin said.

The lights came as the siren sounded, with a message urging everyone to leave. Outside, a woman was laying down, shot in her leg, said Jacob Broussard, who heard the gunshots from another theater across the hall.

“She was bleeding on the grass, in the front of the theater,” Broussard said. “A man had actually dragged her out.”

Theatergoers didn’t panic, police said, but they left in a rush, leaving behind purses, keys and even shoes. Officers found 15 spent shell casings.

The two women killed were 21-year-old Mayci Breaux and 33-year-old Jillian Johnson. Breaux’s body was brought to the same hospital where she was preparing to become a radiology technician. Johnson ran clothing and art boutiques, played in a rootsy rock band and planted fruit trees for neighbors and the homeless.

The wounded ranged in age from teenagers to their late 60s, Craft said. Five were treated at Lafayette General Health Center. Three patients had been stabilized, including one who remained in intensive care. Two others were released Thursday night.

Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor said his office denied Houser’s request for a concealed weapons permit in 2006 because he had been treated for mental illness and arrested for arson in Georgia.

“He was pretty even-keeled until you disagreed with him or made him mad,” said Jeff Hardin, the former mayor of Phenix City, Alabama, just across the state line from Columbus. “Then he became your sworn enemy.”

Hardin said he once partnered with Houser on a real-estate project, but they had a falling out and hadn’t spoken since around 2007.

Houser was evicted from his home in Phenix City last year, then returned to throw paint, pour concrete down the plumbing and tamper with a gas line, Taylor said.

Houser’s wife filed for divorce in March, saying their differences were irreconcilable and his whereabouts were unknown. His mother recently lent him $5,000, but “It just seems like he was kind of drifting along,” Craft said.

Houser’s only known relative in Lafayette, an uncle, died 35 years ago.

After detailing each victim’s wounds, David Callecod, president of Lafayette General Health, pleaded Friday for society to provide as much funding for mental health services as it does for other medical problems.

Pressed to explain why Houser wasn’t arrested before, Sheriff Taylor also blamed cuts in the safety net.

“There’s cuts being made all over,” Taylor said. “What should be scary for the community is that the cuts being made in mental health around the state are allowing these people, who should not be walking around, to be out in the community.”

0 thoughts on “Louisiana shooter flew Nazi banner, praised Hitler”
  1. “Though all things foul would wear the brows of grace,
    Yet grace must still look so.”
    As a modern old man, I have to ask ‘What is grace’? ‘Where can I find it’? ‘What does grace look like’? ‘Is it for sale’?
    You know, I don’t even know what disgrace is. I feel that it is everywhere. But I can’t see it.
    When I figure out what grace is, then I’ll have a look at honour and dishonour.
    I know they ain’t in fashion, but I get this strange feeling that they are important, vitally important.
    What do you think?

    Babylonian the whore the harlot mother of repugnant things on earth and their dark allies the ET’S or demons!! Starting with the most satanic terrorist organization on earth, The Vaticans, monarchies, lodges, Satanists, masons, oligarchs plutocrats , they r all worshippers of the occult!!
    The Et’s are revenging against humanity ever since the last flood when planet earth was flooded for one year’ Jesus Christ killed the children of the ET’S’ The ET’S were manipulating Sodom & Gomorrah corrupting it’ They swore to take revenge since the last flood up to these days’ Using Babylonian empire of addictions to create and divide humanity with a deep hatred to confront nations to nations neighbor to neighbor in a deep hatred’
    Before 911 humanity was entering into a state of peace wellness happiness harmony love and the ET’S hated deeeeeply hated along with lustful Babylonians, they got to destroy it!!!
    This was done to get humanity lost confused to have nowhere to go

  3. I agree he wasnt coerced and yes he looks at first glance as a “put up job ” but the question remains why is it the US which seems to be the World capital of these types of murders even individual states in the US have higher murder tolls than many countries Worldwide . To me its all down to focus 60 years or more of Jewish media brainwashing dont kill the Jews -aka-Big Business love it -fight against your own neighbor (divide and conquer) -fight for your job (against each other ) hate fellow Americans but love and obey Jewish Capitalism . Does this sound like -arrrgh !!! communism ??? do you see what I mean ?? Your basic American goodness and help your fellow American has been distorted by the Jews ANYTHING that isnt pro Jewish BB is communism -protesters are are commies-reds etc and get clubbed down by the Jewish police and your average American sitting in a beer parlor will say=they deserve it . So the US citizen looking for someone to blame for anything wont think =JEWS ! but will gun down their own people this thinking is now built into the US physic . I am pro normal capitalism BUT not the Jewish slavery version -cant support the family on one job -get two still cant then work 24;7 until you take a stroke / heart attack and WHO profits why your “ever loving ” Jew or coarse ! Dont you remember how you started off your Nation on high ideals -where are they now ?? CRUSHED by the Jews !

  4. Mark has a point…but first the “Confederate”, Flag ,’did it,’ and next the’ Swastika,’
    Watch the third will be, ‘The Koran”.
    Please remrmber true National Socialism is not ‘Right Wing,’ and trandscends Left/Right.
    It attracts ,when truly understood, and presented….the best, smartest, and healthy people possible.
    It stands for unity, beauty, sovereignty, both personal and national ,compassion,and nobility.
    It is not racist ,but backs orude in every group.
    It is Gentile unity, against Jews.
    These loosers, are recruited by the Jews lies about what it really means.

  5. In reading the article better…this creep was not a “Nazi”, but Tea Party Conservative, flying the flag, to show,”we live in secret Nazi dictatorship. ”
    We gave these where I live.
    This nut is Glenn Beck, Alex Jones.

  6. @Dante Ardenz
    Good catch. They also try to frame him as a fan of Dr. David Duke because he registered (no mention of whether or not he attended) for the 2005 European-American Unity and Rights Organization Conference, yet in 2013 he said that Duke, who was doing a radio show 5 days a week and making videos regular basis, had been “unseen or hear[d] of in years”. How big of a fan could he have been?
    That being said, I wholeheartedly agree with Mark’s commentary as a general description of those types.

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