Ed note–This was back in October. Apparently Merkel has not taken his advice.

Breach Of The Oath Of The Chancellor: An Open Letter by Major General Schultze-Rhonhof: Why Merkel Has To Step Down For The Benefit Of The German People

Breach Of The Oath Of The Chancellor

This is an English translation of the original German letter posted at Epoch Times.

Open Letter by Major General Schultze-Rhonhof: Why Merkel Has To Step Down For The Benefit Of The German People

Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof

By Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, Gastautor, Friday, 9 October 2015 1:17 p.m.

A retired Major General of the Bundeswehr sharply critizises Merkel’s policy on refugees: with her welcome messages she has triggered a tidal wave of mass immigration that has created incalculable harm for the German people of today and their descendants.

Four weeks ago, Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof, Major General of the Bundeswehr, submitted detailed proposals to Angela Merkel and her staff in order to avert damage to the German people in the ongoing refugee crisis. (see: 1. Offener Brief “Asyl-Politik ohne Weitsicht” [German])

Because nothing has happened in this matter, he now wrote a second open letter. He calls for Merkel’s resignation and suggests that Horst Seehofer (Prime Minister of Bavaria) should assume office until the end of the legislative period. Again he combines a relentless analysis and concrete proposals.

Schultze-Rhonhof supports economic refugees himself, but clearly distances his stance from the headless policies of the Chancellor.

His unabridged letter here.

9 thoughts on “Major General Demands Merkel’s Resignation”

    First of all, this General is a great hero to stand up against the mentally deranged criminal Merkel for destroying her country. He is right to demand she resign. She should also be arrested and tried for crimes against humanity, besides treason.

    The Armed forces have a duty to protect the NATION (not the govt.) from its enemies, domestic and foreign. It is very clear that this Merkel is public enemy number 1 for the German people, and needs to be arrested and tried for her crimes.

    The people and the armed forces have a LEGAL AND MORAL RIGHT and DUTY to rise up and overthrow her, by force if necessary.

    Furthermore, Merkel is operating under the pseudo-authority of a sham document called the “Basic Law” which is null and void because it was never approved by the People and is not the constitution.
    This Basic law and this “Federal Constitutional Court” are therefore unconstitutional and therefore illegal and null and void:

    She is therefore an usuper and a trespasser and devoid of all legal authority and the army and the people all have a duty to remove her and try her for her crimes of treason and alienism, which is a crime against humanity.

  2. This is most thrilling to me.
    Someone in the German system has courage and brains to speak out against the embodiment of the Left /Right Judaic Matrix Merkel.
    That dog faced woman is an enemy of Germany, and Europe as a whole.
    She is the virtual International Jews dictator ,of an occupied land her mission is to ruin .

    A Neoconservative leader of a ” Christain ” political party ,leading a ” grand coalition”, she grew up a card carrying ,uniform wearing Communist apparatchik in East Germany.
    Her origins are in Danzig, the ill-fated city whose welfare was the concearn of Adolf Hitler ,as the people voted 100 % to return to Germany, and the Polish military junta, emboldened by bribes ,and flattery of the International Jews would not let go.
    Today it’s Gdansk ,and Merkel ran there to attack the Reich in a disgusting speech, attired as a man.
    See Hitler’s War, What Historians Neglect To Mention ,You Tube.

    But her actions are worse than her words….she is undermining the very foundations of Germany,the people’s heart, soul, and blood.

    It is obvious Merkel, the Polish washer woman with heavy Jewish blood is obeying the Jews’ God Yahweh in his eternal quest to destroy — “the best of the Gentiles must be destroyed”.

    Patriots within Germany must rise up with courage and intelligent action to save the fatherland.
    This German General is the embodiment of all that was the German spirit of honor, beauty, and progress.
    If Germany is destroyed the West will crumble…make no mistake about this.
    One a powerful,traditional ” Holy Roman Empire ” can stand against the eternal enemy of ALL Humanity. The Eternal Jews.
    See,The Foundations Of The 19 th Century, Houston Stewert Chamberlain.

  3. Great letter. He discusses all the relevant issues. Does the German Chancellor or any other European leader even tell the American leader that the USA’s wars on the middle east are the cause of the invasion of Europe by migrants? Does she tell the UK or French leader they are responsible too? No, or Germany would not agree to send military “help” to Syria now too. The European leaders and in particular the German leader does not represent the interests of their peoples. The establishment no doubt despises the General’s great letter. The very idea that the Germans are an ethnic group is racist to them. They are mentally ill. Seventy years of hatred and propaganda directed at them while they were forbidden from exposing the liars has led to this self hatred.

    The General is also a great historian but he has helped expose the lies about how WW II started and who wanted it. If you liked his letter you might like his discussion about his book.’The War That Had Many Fathers’ with English Subtitles.

  4. Agree with comments 1-3.
    Peter’s point: “The European leaders and in particular the German leader does not represent the interests of their peoples.” accurately states an astounding fact:
    representative democracy actually prevents the interests of most people being served.
    Representative Democracy is a confidence trick.
    Democracy should not be about power; it should be about responsibility and accountability.
    Representative Democracy is a disguise for unaccountable oligarchy!
    Bravo, Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof!

  5. I disagree with one of your comments, Dante, which I find deeply offensive:
    “That dog faced woman.”
    I am a dog lover. Your slur shows you are harboring ugly prejudices of anti-caninism.

  6. Ariad, I love dogs too ! All animals.
    I must apologize to the canine kingdom.
    Ms Merkel is not loyal, serving, and a great friend like any dog can be.
    Nor does she have dignity, or good instincts like a dog.

    She is what she is: a creature created by the Jews.

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