0 thoughts on “Man brutally bashed 82-year-old Sikh with a pipe for looking like one of ‘those people’”
  1. This just shows how much the Jews have got the population brainwashed by intensive anti-Muslim rhetoric .From movies in the 50,s onward due to Jews owing Hollywood and more and more owing or controlling the media . It has reached such an extent that he probably thought he was doing “good ” for the country as the Jews have integrated loyalty to the State and Country as equalling loyalty to them . He is like millions of “Proxy ” Jews -ie=Christian fundamentalists or even non-religious people. who “hate ” Muslims because they think =all Americans hate Muslims because the Government tells us they are “bad ” people . So the average Joe enlists to “help ” America rid the World of this “evil ” and they have no problem blowing up 1000,s of civilians as they think thats what America wants but America=Jew-land as does England . This will never change as the Jews control the media in both countries it will only get worse till people think they are doing a religious act by killing all Muslims then the Jews will sit in their rooms laughing their heads off at how stupid people in both countries are.

  2. Not once does this Raw Story article mention the fact that the intended target for this American’s racist hatred was for Muslims. The Sikhs also like to let us all know that they are NOT LIKE MUSLIMS. and therefore it appears that it is OK for Victims to be Muslims because they are all perceived as being ‘RADICAL’.
    A Young Sikh girl I know here accidently came out at how cross she gets when people mistake Sikhs for Muslims, and how Sikhs are harassed because they are mistaken for Muslims. From what she was saying, I got the impression that they all resent being tarnished with the ‘Muslim’ Brush and that people should and must exclude them absolutely as they are nothing like those ‘terrorist radical Muslims!!. Not a word about condemning any brutal attacks on anyone on the grounds of their religion. I wonder what the Sikh community would have said, if anything, if the victim indeed had been an elderly Muslim man outside a mosque, helping to distribute food to the needy!!
    Sikhs have by the way, a very violent history in India, many of them serving the Colonial British Army
    I also never hear any condemnations form the Hindus either who share deep seated hatred for Muslims with their Israel friends who influence their politics a great deal In India and in fact the next largest influential Lobby in the USA after the Israeli/Jewish Lobby is in fact the Hindu Lobby. The ‘Arab’ Lobby is in fact the Jewish Tribe and not Muslim.
    Every which way you look, MUSLIMS are demonised, labelled, insulted, denigrated and sectioned out. Islamists = Islam and TerrorISTS- Islam/ISTS. The Jews sure love their ISTS and ISMS [Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Zionism, Lesbianism, Feminism etc]

    What NEXT does the world want- perhaps a new Nazi style real Holocaust of the world’s Muslims?? Tattoo the word Muslim on their foreheads perhaps or put them all in concentration camps and forget about the After all, you are almost half way there now with the wars against Arabs, destroying Arab People, their history, faith and culture. After all, the Middle East, from Palestine, through to Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen have already been transformed into a living hell on earth, a graveyard full of dead, dying or paraplegics and still counting, with maimed and tortured souls discarded in the dustbin of Colonialists’ history

  3. That is what the Jewish controlled news media does. These diabolical beings have a great ability to make people fight between each other. They have hated Muslims for many centuries because the Muslim religion prohibits “USURY” which is how these sons of Satan live. From the work of others.

  4. They don’t get around to mentioning just who “those people” are. It could be anyone ~ unless of course, you are Muslim or even appreciate the Islamic culture ~ then of course you are guilty at most, suspect at the very least.

  5. Statistics explain it in part:
    — most Americans haven’t read a book since they left high school.
    — 42% of college graduates have not read another book after graduating,
    — 80% of US families did not buy or read a book last year,
    — 70% of US adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years,
    — 57% of new books are not read to completion,
    — most “readers” (to use the term loosely) do not get past page 18 in the last book they purchased.
    — the average American reads/understands at an 8th grade level or under.

  6. This is very interesting ariadnatheo I am always looking for answers to questions people dont like answering. The only reason I can think of taking into account those Americans that are highly intelligent and innovative is that ,that is the way the Jews want them -ie= as advertising fodder . Your news programs are dummed down and you have to seek for intellectually inspiring program . Meanwhile Cameron in England is doing his best to achieve the same end for citizens in this country. so that all US bad points intellectually but profitable to the Jews in buy this or that gets accented . Most US programs here follow the same line of showing you half of the program to I assume “keep you interested ” This drives me “mad ” the last thing I want to see is part of a program you have seen already. It puts me off watching it. Some Americans have told me Americans have and I quote= A “short ” attention span but I want to know WHY ??? that is the case . And why is this mainly a US thing ? its not the case in Scotland ,well not yet anyway but Cameron is trying to dumb us all down .He failed dramatically when 95 % of Scots voted for the SNP .300 years of English brainwashing didnt work .

  7. ariadnatheo. Yes, you are absolutely right. I come to the surprise that many “well educated Americans” do not read books, much less the hill billies, red necks, they only watch TV, the foot ball games, the TV news, and they buy the news paper just to see the adds, and buy plenty of beer to watch the distracting games. That is why they ignore many facts that are eating this country alive. They blindly believe what the Jewish controlled news media tells us. Thanks to the internet people are opening their eyes not because they read but because in the internet you can see links that verbally explain the truth.

  8. Arianatheo and duncanlucas. Do not forget the Sodium fluoride the government adds to the drinking water and to the tooth paste to keep the population dummed down and the vaccinations to kids are injected with a substance to keep them also dummed down. That is why many Americans couldn’t care less for the future of America and Humanity.

  9. Right Isaac, its the anti-usury stance of Islam and their sheer numbers world wide and close to ‘israel’, and Muslims know that jews tried to kill Mohamed many times. But there is more to it I believe the chosenites are planning to take down also the ‘west’ in this coming blood bath, ‘israel’ is almost “mighty” enough on their own and westerners are waking up. Unfortunately not to their cunning divisionary tactics.

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