ed note–despite the fact that Jews the world over are laughing their asses off at all of this nonsense, from the ‘armed guards’ outside recruiting centers to the lunatic pictured above, the fact is that this is no laughing matter.
Like a form of dementia, what it shows is how mentally ill/mentally incompetent so much of America has become. If Americans had even a smidgeon of their wits in tact and truly wanted our men and women in the armed services safe and protected, they would be demanding an end to these wars in the Middle East and elsewhere that are putting them in danger.
Instead, they are engaging in the kind of nonsense we have witnessed as of late and the worst part of it is this–there’s plenty more to come.
0 thoughts on “Man dons Knights Templar costume to scare away Muslims from New York military recruiting center”
If they truly want to protect the lives of American service men and women, they need to hold signs and placard outside the recruiting stations that read; “No More Wars For Israel”
Every cloud has a silver lining. If this imbecile indeed scares away some confused Muslim who might be thinking of joining, that’s good. Otherwise, I’d like to know how hot it is there right now–hope the idiot fries in his getup
If they truly want to protect the lives of American service men and women, they need to hold signs and placard outside the recruiting stations that read; “No More Wars For Israel”
Every cloud has a silver lining. If this imbecile indeed scares away some confused Muslim who might be thinking of joining, that’s good. Otherwise, I’d like to know how hot it is there right now–hope the idiot fries in his getup