

Massachusetts lawmakers in a joint legislative session approved a resolution condemning anti-Semitism and calling for expanded anti-bias and Holocaust education.

A similar resolution that decries anti-Semitism and all forms of faith-based violence is under consideration in New Jersey, where a bill is expected to pass that state’s senate March 16, followed by its state assembly, according to the New Jersey State Association of Jewish Federations.

The Massachusetts resolution was approved on Monday. It was sponsored by State Senator Cynthia Stone Creem, and Lori A. Ehrlich, both Jewish members of the state legislature, and is expected to be signed later this week by Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo and Senate President Stan Rosenberg. As a joint resolution, it does not require the signature of Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.

The impetus for the Massachusetts measure came from the Anti Defamation League of New England, which initiated discussion with the two leading sponsors out of concern about the rising incidents of global anti-Semitic violence and the impact it is having in Massachusetts, according to Robert Trestan, regional director of ADL New England. He believes Massachusetts is the first state legislature to approve such a measure.

“Events in Europe have elevated the anxiety within the Jewish community,” Trestan said, referring to the murders at the kosher supermarket in Paris and the murder of a Jewish guard outside a Copenhagen synagogue. The regional ADL has seen a rise in the number of reported incidents of anti-Semitism beginning with last summer’s conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and since the murders in Europe, he said.

There’s also a concern about security for Jewish institutions, Trestan said, noting that Jewish groups have been specifically targeted. Increasing education about anti-Semitism and bigotry and hate should be a priority for all schools, he said.

“This statewide resolution shines a light on a disturbing trend while sending a strong, unequivocal message that such behavior will not be tolerated in the Commonwealth,” said Ehrlich who represents a district north of Boston with many Jewish residents and institutions.

“In free societies, education and remembering past tragedies like the Holocaust play a critical role in defeating fanatical anti-Semitism,” said Creem, who represents Newton, a suburb of Boston with a substantial Jewish population.

A bill condemning anti-Semitism that calls on American and European leaders to take specific actions to confront it is currently before the U.S. Senate, sponsored by Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Mark Kirk (R-Il.).

0 thoughts on “Massachusetts lawmakers approve resolution condemning anti-Semitism”
  1. Think of it ! All of the problems we have as individuals, ,and the world has,and all we hear about are “JEWS”. The entire focus of our politics ,religious,social agenda,media,and culture,revolves around 1.7 % of the worlds population ! Yahwehs hidious ‘Chosen People’. The obtuse masses, often say:” How can the Jews have power,they are so small”? The stupid sees authority in terms of ‘democratic mass’. This is nonsense. “The inert masses,will always be rules by the active minority “. Napoleon. There are always much less leaders,bosses,and commanders than the workers ,and soldiers ! The Jews own the MONEY,and the power that entails. This is why they are in charge,and the focus of the worlds agenda. “PAYCHECK”. See: THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA: Real Jew News . You Tube. REAL MONEY AND THE JEWISH DIALECTIC: Real Jew News, You Tube. THE NATIONALIST SOLUTION TO MONEY: Real Jew News. You Tube. JUDE SUSS: 1940,YOU TUBE.

  2. A bill condemning anti-Semitism that calls on American and European leaders to take specific actions to confront it is currently before the U.S. Senate, sponsored by Sens. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) and Mark Kirk (R-Il.).

    That would be S.Res. 87, which Menendez submitted on 25 Feb 2015. It has 57 co-sponsors in the US Senate (33 Democrat and 23 Republican, plus Angus King, an Independent from Maine who was previously the governor of Mane.)

    Menendez’ bill was sent to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which is chaired by Mendendez. It’s just a resolution, not a law. It represents Menendez’ plea for help from his beloved Jews. Menendez faces criminal indictments if he does not get in board with the Iran Project and the Cuba Project.

    On 27 Feb 2015 an identical bill (H. Res 130) was submitted to the House by Rep. Alcee Hastings, a democrat whose district is Palm Beach and West Palm Beach Florida, which have the highest concentration of Jews south of New York and New Jersey. This area also has the USA’s lowest intermarriage (i.e. “assimilation”) rate. Mr. Hastings’s district also includes part of Broward County, which has almost as many Jews as does Palm Beach County. Palm Beach County has 4,800 Jews who claim to be hoax “survivors.” Neighboring Broward County has 7,400, and Los Angeles County has 14,000. (And the number keeps growing all the time, even though WW II ended 70 years ago.) Palm Beach and Broward Counties in Florida are where New York Jews go when they retire, if they have any money.

    Rep. Hastings’ heritage is Black-Caribbean, and he does the Jews’ bidding. His bill has only one co-sponsor, Republican Bob Dold, a Jew-loving evangelical Christian in Illinois.

    Neither resolution has any chance of being passed at the moment, since all attention is focused on the Menendez affair.


  3. it is obvious that all the politicians think about are the Jews who pay for their election,and reelections. The Jews through Finance Capital,and exclusive ownership,of the media ,are in full charge of the Goyim. This is a totally Jew run society,and we are in the beginnings of complete Judaic enslavement. yes,it is bad now,but eventually be more blatent,as the Jews arrogance grows. We can thank the millions ,and millions of Judiazed Gentiles, for this. That is why the Jews refer to us ,as “the Goyim”,or herd.

  4. Does anyone really know what ‘anti-semitism’ really is? I can assure you, it isn’t what you think. Everything that calls itself ‘israel’ ain’t Israel!

  5. From where and when will a man step forward with the courage, wisdom, knowledge, and balls to seek out and identify those frauds around the World that are in key positions of finance and government? Where is that man?

    It is far beyond the time. We are in the last hour and closing in on midnight. A new dawn is on the horizon and it will not be good for the Goy.

    Phuck this anti – semite jargon and holocaust legislation. It is they that write it all and put it up as a fortress wall. They are locking the doors to truths.

    It will have to come down to physical removals. Writing and writing obviously is not cutting it. Speaking and speaking obviously is not getting the job done.

    Thru the centuries they HAVE been removed. It took physical actions to do it. Have we morphed ino such weak sloths that we can no longer have an organization power? There are 7 BILLION people on this planet. The evidence is there. It’s the ‘elite’ Jew…century after century invading countries by stealth, getting into key positions of the country’s culture and society. They take over. As the Roman named Seneca said; the conquered have given laws to the conquerors. And as the ancient Egyptian writer said; the craftsmen no longer have a craft not the product to sell. It has been taken over by foreigners. And people (native Egyptians) were starving even though there was food. The food was being horded and kept out of reach from the native peoples. The native Egyptian ship builders no longer had the trade to build their ships. It was taken by the foreigners that came down into Egypt and pillages and plundered; at first thru stealth..

    Time after time….country after country..it’s the Same Damn Thing!

    Egypt fell, Greece fell. Rome fell. England, Spain, Germany, Russia, Palestine, South Africa, to name a few. The Got have built these countries thru blood, sweat, and tears…and ingenuity and inventiveness. The ‘elite’ Jew pig sat back and grew fat, and lived high on the hog. We are now in the phase of where they have dominated entire regions and not just trades, families, and countries. These regions are interconnected now and they wish to completely monopolize them. It will be their cherry on top if they achieve it.

    China, Iran, Russia, and others stand in their way. Will it come to blows? Probably..and once it begins..it will be a fight to the death When that time comes, it will not be the time to sit and write articles nor comments. It takes active involvement. Better start planning now and not just thinking of an escape route to weather out the storm. That is doing Nothing but being a coward.

    These bastards need to be taken out cuz they sure as hell have already planned to take You out.

  6. Nothing surprises me out of my former home state. Watching Boston get rolled by the Feds and then cheer about it two years ago was the last straw for me.

  7. On second thought, I guess we can all just “turn the other cheek” and “love our enemies”. That’s what the great Jewish Messiah said. In fact, he also said that when they ask to have something, hell…just give them more than what they ask.

  8. @ DRUID (#4):

    That blog post ignores the reality that the difference between “fact” and a “conspiracy theory” is a function of power.

    If you have power in society, then you speak the “truth,” no matter how ridiculous are your claims. Indeed, the more false and absurd your claims, the more “true” they are.

    If you do not have power, and your observations run counter to people who do have power, then then your assertion is a “conspiracy theory,” no matter how logical, factual, and provable your assertion is.

    In American society, Jews and warmongers have more power than you have. Therefore everything they say is automatically “true,” and everything you say is automatically a “conspiracy theory.”


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