THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT – Displaying flags and placing flowers on the graves of military members might be two of the more traditional Memorial Day methods of showing tribute to those who have fallen in battle; but perhaps a new tradition must be initiated — one that would constitute the highest form of respect. It’s time, beginning with Memorial Day 2016, to prevent any further unnecessary deaths by exposing the lies of the American empire in corporate and defense profiteering as the now-exclusive driving factors behind its push for war on all fronts.


9 thoughts on “Memorial Day: Honor those who have died by exposing the lies of U.S. pro-war propaganda”
  1. Stop/ and tear down all these Glorification of War enhanced by Banner Worship i’m radically opposed to all this Junk Patriotism. There is nothing since WWII for anyone to celebrate and the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was totally GEOpolitical writ Large to the tenth power. Along with Tee Vee and Bomb the Capitalists have been seeking Full Spectrum Dominance for a long long time.
    Every excuse to subjugate Russia is the State Depts only Goal; using various strategies and tactics ~ like Fear Mongering to enhance all this junk patriotism that fuels Wall Street and K-street…and back thru the revolving door.
    Anyways this Memorial day crap is nauseating to say the least for this disabled vet during the Tet Offensive. Now the US State Dept is giving them guns and ammo to fight the Chinese. This ‘Pivot to Asia’ i’d love to see unravel as all those potential colonies for Capitalisms endless Exploitation: need for cheaper raw material and labor till World Fascism sets in ~ yeah Thank a Vet for this !
    Tear down the War Memorials. Stop the Banner Worship.

  2. Where is this ” Fascism ?” Darwin 26 ? Stuck in the Left\ Right Matrix I see and the Jews charges against the Sovereign State ,, Tradition ,Industrial Capital ,and Social Reform which is the true definition of ” Fascism ” .
    They opposed this with their Marxism \ Finance Capital alliance which culminated in Hiroshima ,and Nagaskai as Japan was a ” Fascist State who’s policies of Nationalism of Banking had to be stopped along Germany \Italy .

    We are living under International Jewish Finance within the Cultural Marxist Matrix.
    No ” Fascism ” allowed I assure you.
    Using the Jews own buzzwords and propaganda is a sure looser.

    But then believing in Rothschild’s promoted Darwin Evolution theory with no ” missing link ” like the Holohoax and WW 2 as ” celebration ” which was the triumph of what plagues us today is a dead end to.

    The ” Liberals ” are sending to the prison faster then the Kosher Conservatives .

  3. My reply is at the top.


    Free Palestine Flag tattered

    “Left” and “liberal” are mutually exclusive terms. If you are a “liberal” you can’t be Left. “Liberal” means you want a kinder gentler capitalism. “Left” means you are anti-capitalist.

  4. On Memorial Day, I remember the cover-up of the USS Liberty. I remember the anti-war American Patriots; Smedley Butler, Eugene Debs, Charles Lindbergh…….

  5. Dante, me thinks you are either misunderstand me or ‘living in a world of commie fear’ I sure don’t get your Left/Right Culture Marxist Matrix? pffft ~ i see Militarization of Police and tighter and tighter restrictions on voicing grievances with the PtB. Social Darwinism and Fascism are default of a failing Capitalist system which Marx was against. Why you bring up Marx is beyond me ~ all the ills of the world are caused by Capitalism and it’s never ending Exploitation and Full Spectrum Dominance of the world/universe culminated and promulgated in the US State Dept.
    I object to the all the Junk Patriotism (sub-fascism) hoorahs for the dead Veterans who were nothing but mercenaries doing the dirty work of the Fascist PtB.

  6. Sorry Darwin…. define it how you want personally ” Liberal ” Left” it’s meaningless .
    Been there done that.
    Only by breaking the Dialectic which is Judaic ; Thesis ,Counter thesis ,Synthesis ,is the human mind and world free .
    No such thing as ” kinder gentler Capitalism “.
    No such thing as ” Communism ” . It’s a racket that works together from the the Jews power matrix .

    FDR was a ” Liberal ” and his allies where International Bankers ,Imperial Britain ,and Communist Russia who had the same Jewish bankers paying them.
    They crushed the Axis, who had a ” very kinder Capitalism ” and the Jews March continues .

    ” liberalism ” is a sop ,and fraud .
    No solution and intended not to be…just a Matrix trap.
    Get off the text book definitions written by Jews .

  7. Well, i’ve no love for FDR and all that swear by him… i’m not a librul i’m a Socialist ~ i suspect that you feel everything that is wrong with the world is a Jew conspiracy or trap.
    You can define it as you want but i don’t buy into everything that is bad is Jew hatched or run. Yes,
    i do see much of the world is suffering from Israhells existence and they are Capitalizing on
    World Finance ruling JWO. But i’m not such a fool to overlook the neo-Fascists running this country that is wanting world hegemony.

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