
ed note–the source of ‘anti-Semitism’ was never, is not now and never will be some ‘unsolved mystery’. Jews have been hated throughout history because of their behavior which is a product of the way they think. Their thinking is rooted in self-worship (God’s chosen people) mixed with criminal inclinations as inculcated into their ‘value system’ via the Torah and its various heroes and heroines who all engaged in criminal, illicit behavior. The very first recorded instance of ‘anti-Semitism’ was Abraham and Sarah being kicked out of Egypt after Pharaoh discovered that he got snookered by Abraham who sold his own wife Sarah to him as a concubine under the guise that Sarah was Abraham’s ‘sister’. The infamous ‘enslavement’ of the Israelites as recorded in the Old Testament was the result of Pharaoh coming to understand that they were a treacherous, double-dealing people who could not be trusted, and especially during a time of war.

The only ‘madness’ that needs to be tackled is Judaism, Jewish thinking and the criminal behavior that it has always produced throughout history. Once this has been accomplished, those who have been prisoner to this form of mental illness will be freed of their bondage and thus, ‘anti-Semitism’ will be eradicated.


Shortly before he arrives in Israel with his family to receive the Genesis Prize, renowned actor and producer Michael Douglas called Sunday for the world to deal with “the madness” of anti-Semitism, calling it “a disease that goes dormant, flaring up with the next political trigger.”



Writing in the Los Angeles Times, Douglas recounted a recent anti-Semitic attack on his young son, whom, despite having a non-religious upbringing from his intermarried parents, “developed a deep connection to Judaism.” This connection, the star says, led him to “reconnect with the religion of my father”, Hollywood legend Kirk Douglas.

Sewage from West Bank settlement pollutes Palestinian fields


In the piece, Douglas defines three causes for the reemergence of anti-Semitism today. The first, he says, is the historic hared of Jews, ” always grows more virulent whenever and wherever the economy is bad.” At a time when people are struggling financially, Douglas writes, “some find Jews to be a convenient scapegoat rather than looking at the real source of their problems.”

Mideast Israel Palestinians


The second cause cited by the actor is “an irrational and misplaced hatred of Israel.” He argues that acts of anti-Semitism such as the recent attacks that rocked Europe are explained away by blaming all Jews for policies of a nation.



‘Does anyone really believe that the innocent victims in that kosher shop in Paris and at that bar mitzvah in Denmark had anything to do with Israeli-Palestinian policies or the building of settlements 2,000 miles away?” he asks.



Finally, Douglas writes, the rise in anti-Semitism can be attributed to a growing “extremist fringe” within Islam, aided by the widespread reach of the internet.



“We’re now seeing the amplified effects of that small, radicalized element. With the Internet, its virus of hatred can now speed from nation to nation, helping fuel Europe’s new epidemic of anti-Semitism,” he says.


Douglas ends by calling on world leaders, both political and religious, to address the issue, and hails, among others, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Pope Francis for their strong stance against anti-Semitism.


“So that is our challenge in 2015, and all of us must take it up,” Douglas writes. “Because if we confront anti-Semitism whenever we see it, if we combat it individually and as a society, and use whatever platform we have to denounce it, we can stop the spread of this madness.”

0 thoughts on “Michael Douglas: World Must Tackle ‘The Madness’ of Anti-Semitism”
  1. It’s time to face anti-gentilism. We need to rise up and spread the truth about the lies these self worshipping idiots have spread. Don’t they look within and ask how they themselves can resolve the hatred towards them? If they having been trying to fight this off, then obviously it’s a problem within them. To be cast out by every known nation is something for jews to be embarrassed about. Jesus cast them out too. I’m happy to say that I met a great group of people over the weekend who don’t like jews and their self-proclaimed nonsense of being ‘chosen’. Times are changing. Bye bye jews. 🙂

  2. Hmmmmm he married a shicksa didn’t he?

    Suddenly he is an outspoken politically driven Jew. Yet he made his fortune partly on his appeal to shicksas the world over ~ looking all handsome and square jawed n gentile, not a word of his background until later on in his career.

    Using his name and fame this award draws yet more attention to the agenda ~ all parties are well served here. People listen to actors for some strange reason. Hell, they are effing ACTORS and paid to say what they say and do.

    Kudos to the poster here who is well versed in the school of “one image” speaks a million words. The best type of cognitive dissonance ever.

  3. “I think the strongest anti-Semitism sometimes exists among Jews. To this day a German Jew often hates Russian or Polish Jews. There are German-Jewish clubs around this country that did not allow Russian or Polish Jews when they first started. Some have relented a little, but not all. I’m sure that when Hitler started, many German Jews didn’t mind what he did to other Jews. They didn’t expect him to turn on them. Isn’t it ridiculous? But if anti-Semitism can exist among Jews, why shouldn’t it exist among others?” — actor Kirk Douglas (neé Issur Danielovitch, son of Russian-Jewish immigrants), The Ragman’s Son – An Autobiography, p. 23 (Pocket Books: New York, 1989)

  4. “Wherever the Jews settled after ceasing to be a nation ready to defend its liberty and independence, one observes the development of antisemitism, or rather anti-Judaism; for antisemitism is an ill chosen word, which has its raison d’etre only in our day, when it is sought to broaden this strife between the Jew and the Christians by supplying it with a philosophy and a metaphysical, rather than a material reason. If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local causes of this sentiment.

    But this race has been the object of hatred with all the nations amidst whom it ever settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of the Jews belonged to divers races, as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of antisemitism have always resided in Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it”.

    Bernard Lazare, Antisemtism, its History and Causes, 1894.

  5. I think these biblical stories are all myths. But, insofar as stories go, it is interesting that the Quran rectifies some of the stories without going in depth into the story as far bible does.

    As for supposed Jews going to Egypt, I do not think the Quran ever mentions that Abraham went to Egypt, but Joseph does, which incidentally is not a prophet in the bible, but is in the Quran. And, the name of the brother that throws him in the well is Judah; and as far as Christians are followers of Christ, we can know who the Judeans are followers of.

    And, in historic sense there was no Jewish identity nor people, until after the Persian King of Kings released the slaves of Babylon, whom some seem to have assumed that identity from a hodge podge of stories put together from various tribes.

    In the end, not even in a Biblical sense could Abraham be construed Jewish.
    Although, you may be right Jewishness is a thing unto itself and must be construed as being different even from that which the Quran refers to as children of Israel, which was the title of Jacob. If we consider him to be real historic character.

    Children of Jacob, or Israel, included, Joseph who was chosen by God to be prophet and was thrown into well by brothers, headed by Judah.

    The Jews can not lay claim to be biological children of Jacob, much less Abraham; neither in myth nor in historic form that calls their existence into question.

  6. Ed note is right on the target.

    I love what Lasilencia states “It’s time to face anti-Gentilism. We need to rise up and spread the truth about the lies these SELF-WORSHIPPING IDIOTS have spread…..”

    Michael Douglas, a secular Jew, he is so subjective in his world view, he could not see anything beyond his nose. In his comment and writing prove he is a SELF-WORSHIPPING IDIOT.

    “Anti-Semitism” will only be eradicated when Jews change their self-worshipping narcissism and their bad behaviors toward Gentiles.

    Let us free Mankind from the prison of Judaism, the diabolical Judaic belief system; it would be the start of the new dawn for humanity.

  7. Yes. “Anti-Semitism” is criticizing the Jewish crimes against humanity, in such a case Jesus was the first Anti-Semite. the Jews should be ashamed of themselves. When the Jews start behaving like human beings then and only then Anti-Semitism will disappear.

  8. I agree, Mr. Douglas. Let’s stop being so anti-Semetic against real Semites, like the Palestinians.

  9. PROsemitism ——- what is it? If there is an “antisemitism” you must ask: “What is PROsemitism?” PROsemitism must be a supporter of “semitism”, which really means Judaism (even though most Moslems are SEMITIC). So what are you supporting if you are a PROsemite? Well first of all we must define Judaism:
    Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
    A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
    1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
    2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
    So right off the get-go you hate all NON-Jews, NON-members of YOUR group(TRIBE).
    THAT means, that if I am not one of the TRIBE, you do not like me.
    Since Jews brand all NON-Jews “gentile” and automatically denigrate them, to be PROsemitic one must by definition be ANTI-GENTILE.
    They hate all NON-Jews so fundamentally, that they have to SPECIFICALLY NAME what they grudgingly term “RIGHTEOUS GENTILES”. Those are NON-Jewish HUMANS that went so far out of their way to help/save Jews that the Jews were FORCED to ACKNOWLEDGE the humanity of that specific ‘gentile”. You see, PROsemites do not acknowledge the EQUALITY of spirituality and humanity of “gentiles”
    According to the SPLC & ADL an organization is a “HATE GROUP” if it has
    “beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people”.
    Jews have HATED CHRIST and his followers for 2,000 years. Go ask your Jewish friends to “acknowledge” Jesus Christ.
    Jesus Christ was an anti-semite according to the Temple Priests who HEREM(excommunicated) Him just prior to crucifixion.
    JUDAS ISCARIOT was a Jew —- in good standing with the Temple Priests.

  10. anti-GENTILISM is the problem. Cavemen did not sit around their caves:
    GROK: “HEY, me hate Jews.”
    HORG: “What a Jew?”
    GROK: “Me not know …. but me hate”
    Then non-Jews sat for tens of thousands of years waiting for a Jew to come along, so we could all be mean for no reason. Sorry, what happened was Jews created a social system of Xenophobic Tribalism (look it up) wherein THEY hate all NON-Jews, and this hate of all non-Tribe members has, naturally, caused People to not like them.
    anti-semitic … that’s what they called Jesus of Nazareth in the Galilee …
    JUDAS ISCARIOT was a JEW beloved by the Temple Priests.
    Judaism is neither a race or a religion, it is Xenophobic Tribalism.
    A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples.
    1. The organization, culture, or beliefs of a tribe.
    2. A strong feeling of identity with and loyalty to one’s tribe or group.
    Quick summation? They are the enemy of anyone who is not a TRIBAL MEMBER …… and only “tolerate” Gentiles.

    The World should insist Israel live by the standards Israel demands of others. Be judged as Ye judge others. If Israel wants to be recognized, Israel must recognize the EQUALITY and HUMANITY of ALL People. Quit calling NON-Jews SHISKA, GOYIM, GENTILE. If Israel wants Hamas to ‘repudiate’ their charter, Israel must REPUDIATE their manual of hate, the TORAH, which openly proclaims that all ‘gentiles’ should be ‘Hewers of wood, and bearers of water’ …….. for Israel.
    Israel must recognize the Native People’s RIGHT to a Palestinian state.
    Israel REFUSES to sign the Non Proliferation Treaty or open It’s NUKES to inspection, Israel should have the exact same sanctions that were put on Iran.

    Jews are despised because they are DESPICIBLE.

  11. I wish folks would stop repeating the nonsensical term Anti -Semite.Term has been adopted by European phony Jews to have claims to Arab lands. Just imagine if Negros in Detroit decided to claim the city and and they adopted the term against whites-as being anti-European.It wouldn’t fly. Are Goyhams that stupid not to expose these vermin pretending to be arabs. But call them Arabs to their face and see what happens.
    Couple days ago–came across a Utube video– Famous actors who are Jews-I was shocked in how many were over 70 years in hollywood. Why do they hide behind wasp names. Careful who you speak–you might get arrested :^(.

  12. @ jojo archers

    I wish folks would stop repeating the nonsensical term Anti -Semite.

    Jews and their allies promote the term “anti-Semite” in order to control the discourse. It causes the Goy masses to falsely equate anti-Jewish-ness with racism and “xenophobia.”

    Therefore, to be an “anti-Semite” is to be the worst form of “racist” (even though Jews are not a race).

    Evangelical Christians do not talk about “Jews.” They worship “Israel.” Hey do not want to expose “Jews.”

    Jews and their servants repeat the term “anti-Semite” every four seconds on average. It’s like billions of parrots making the exact same sound.

    Imagine what would happen if the parrots started chirping “anti-Jew.” The parrots would quickly start to wonder, “What is it about JEWS that makes everyone hate them?”

  13. Please read the following in the order given, and nothing more needs to be said, it all becomes clear.

    1. “The 1976 Interview with Mr. Harold Rosenthal”, who was personal aide to then Sen. Jacob K. Javits. Mr. Rosenthal was ultimately killed for giving this arrogant but truthful interview.

    2.”The Jewish Question in Europe and It’s Remedies”, La Civilta Cattolica, Oct, Nov, Dec. 1880. Published under the authority of Pope Leo XIII. – amazing total expose of the nature of Judaism.

    3. “The Plot Against the Church” written under the pen name of “Mauice Pinay”. Twelve Vatican Theologian/Historians, while studying documents in the Vatican Archives, in their original languages, discovered the most evil and all encompassing conspiracy in history. The book was published with the cooperation of several anonymous Prelates. When Rome discovered the existence of the book, the Vatican tried to stop it’s publication, but the book had already being published in Italian and was on the bookshelves. How thousands of Jews faked conversion to Catholicism, among other faiths, where they have become Cardinals, Bishops, Protestant Bishops, Pagan Priests, Islamic Clerics, etc, all to further their dream of a One World Satanic Judeo/Freemasonic Dictatorship. Amazing book with sections of information, lost centuries ago in the Vatican Archive, the origins of Freemasonry, infiltration into every aspect of society and countries, etc, etc.

  14. I am glad the world is waking up little by little, slowly but surely. When more people realize the diabolical aim of these beings things are going to change.

  15. nice try at spinning the obvious, mikie! it is time to end the madness of zionism! if we all speak out against it every time we see or hear it….

  16. in order to be unbiased, we should see some real accurate honest statistics on jewish racism: hatred and abuse of arabs (real semites!), hatred of african-americans, and of course hatred of the goyim. this is not a joke: what is good for the goose is good for the gander- that is the fact at issue here. if you hate others, you really cannot complain is someone hates you- that is a double-standard. bottom line is- jews rabidly hate gentiles, yet this is not seen as hypocrisy- their hatred is OK, but anyone who hates them must be exterminated.

  17. “Because if we confront ZIONISM whenever we see it, if we combat it individually and as a society, and use whatever platform we have to denounce it, we can stop the spread of this madness.”


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