ed note (Trevor) I recently exposed Miko Peled a gatekeeper. He kvetched about it here on his blog. Below is my response. Peled and Robert Martin have thousands of followers which they are misleading into believing that Judaism, the holohoax, and 9/11 are irrelevant to Palestine. The movement will never go anywhere as long as the discourse is being scrubbed by these gatekeepers. Judaism, like the billowing BP oil leak on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, is the source of the problem, and it is going to take a lot more than a little “clean-up” (in this case, with “Israel’s” “apartheid” policies) to resolve the issue.
0 thoughts on “Miko Peled and Robert Martin: two more gatekeepers of Zion, policing the discourse”
It’s all about the religion. Judaism is the problem. It’s based on the scribblings of Bronze Age goat herders who carried out rape, genocide, theft, and blood sacrifice to appease their god, Yahweh. That mindset hasn’t changed. Israel can’t get along with its neighbors because they have a mandate to make war on the world. Judaism is a relic of past. It doesn’t fit into the 21st century A.D.
Looks like Trevor hit a nerve. When Trevor exposed that little bastard as a gatekeeper for the Jews, the gatekeeper desperately retaliated by accusing Trevor of being, “An Israeli plant, or troll or paid collaborator or maybe he (or she) was all of the above.”
“How do we know someone is an Israeli plant? Easy. Read the content. They go from Palestinian solidarity to Nazi ideology so fast it becomes obvious it’s an Israeli intelligence plant. Shutting me down is not Israel’s primary objective, but delegitimizing the Palestinian cause is. The case that Israel wants to make is that the Palestinian cause is anti-Semitic, that it is aligned with the Nazi ideology and Islamic fundamentalist international terror networks and Iranian nuclear ambitions. Well, something like that.”
He is really squirming.
Jews hate Palestinians no matter what. Palestinians are “delegitimized” no matter what. But according to this Miko Peled, if you question the holo-hoax or any other Jewish lie about National Socialism, then you “delegitimize” the Palestinians that are already delegitimized. Therefore, to legitimize the Palestinians, we must legitimize Jewish lies such as the holo-hoax. Failure to do so would be “anti-Semitic.”
This Miko Peled condemns National Socialism as…wait. He is a JEW??? Well that explains it. There is no such thing as a pro-Palestinian Jew. Period. A person can be pro-USA and pro-Mexico at the same time, but not pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. It is not possible. The two dimensions are utterly separate and diametrically opposed. You are with the Jews, or you are with the decent folk. There are no nuances. No gray area. No “sort-of’s.” No “both – and.”
If you deny this, then you are a liar. You are a gatekeeper. You are an anti-Zionist-Zionist; a Jewish supremacist. What you call yourself is irrelevant – unless you call yourself an “ex-Jew” like Giliad Atzmon.
Until a Jew calls himself that, and repudiates the holo-hoax (or at least declines to defend the hoax), a Jew is a Jew. He can waive Palestinian flags and shout “Free Palestine,” but he remains a Jew, meaning he hates Palestinians and all Goyim.
TREVOR SAYS: “Peled and Robert Martin have thousands of followers which they are misleading into believing that Judaism, the holohoax, and 9/11 are irrelevant to Palestine. The movement will never go anywhere as long as the discourse is being scrubbed by these gatekeepers.”
CORRECT. Jewish supremacy and the persecution of Palestinians are wrapped up together with the holo-hoax. Anyone who defends the holo-hoax while claiming to favor Palestinians is a LIAR. He is a JEW (whether or not he calls himself a “Jew”). Indeed, since most Americans worship the hoax, most Americans are Jews.
TREVOR SAYS: “Judaism, like the billowing BP oil leak on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, is the source of the problem, and it is going to take a lot more than a little ‘clean-up’ (in this case, with “Israel’s apartheid policies) to resolve the issue.”
Yes, the Jewish plague does not end with Israel. The plague is wrapped up in the holo-hoax, in imperialism, in endless war, and in neo-liberalism with its drive to make the 99% slaves of the 1%.
Any society in which the people hate and resent each other and seek to enslave each other is a Jewish society.
A non-Jewish society is one in which people help each other, and care about other people’s welfare as much as their own. Jews help each other, but only as a pack of jackals who coordinate their hunts, as they seek to rape, pillage, and enslave.
To repeat: I think it’s critical to refer, always, to “it” as the JEWISH state, just as they wish, and then show how their activities toward goyim, in and outside the Jewish state, is precisely because they are a JEWISH state.
I have always been hesitant to trust Miko Peled after I watched a youtube video of him discussing his book The General’s Son. In it he presented Palestinian and Jewish children who have died in all the conflicts between Palestinians and Israeli jews in the occupied land of Palestine as equal victims. In other interviews of Miko Peled, I have seen him promote the holohoax. For the synagogue of satan it is beneficial for them to promote the holocaust fraud as I have seen in TV sitcoms such as King of Queens and Seinfeld and in movies such as Sound of Music so that we goyim must forever worship them as gods and give them all our money. When I realized that Miko Peled is just another jew who will continue to promote the holohoax I knew NOT to trust him and that he just tricking us goyim to believe that not all of satan’s children are evil and that some of them are good jews.
Nice spotting, Trevor. No more slack for this half-hearted “good Jews”. Come clean about 9/11, the Holocrock, and the inherent sickness of Talmudic Judaism or be ridiculed and exposed.
Brilliant exposition, Trevorlabonte. [And great comments above as well.] The key messages in your article that resonated with my thoughts are as follows:
You have to FIND THE SOURCE of the problem and shut it off. Refusing to discuss Judaism is ignoring the source,
“Israel” is NOT an “apartheid” state because apartheid is a system of exploitation. Israel is a GENOCIDAL state because it is not trying to profit off of the Palestinians, it just wants them gone.
IF we were to just “tear down the wall,” how would that solve a military occupation? Where would the Palestinians go, when there would still be millions of jewish squatters living in the Palestinians’ HOMES? His solutions are too silly to be taken seriously. How could anybody be so delusional as to think “ending apartheid” addresses the core problem? The only solution is for all the invader jews to get out, and face criminal charges for what they did to the Palestinians, not just continue to squat in the Palestinian’s homes!
What we need to solve the problem is UNHINDERED DISCOURSE [without gatekeepers] acting like referees and trying to eject people for talking about the issues that will bring down the Rothschild cabal: JUDAISMl, 9/11, and the HOLOHOAX.
[And on Judaism, I really liked the way Konrad put it:]
Yes, the Jewish plague does not end with Israel. The plague is wrapped up in the holo-hoax, in imperialism, in endless war, and in neo-liberalism with its drive to make the 99% slaves of the 1%.
Any society in which the people hate and resent each other and seek to enslave each other is a Jewish society
Also, I just learned the following:
“Miko was born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family. His grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father, Matti Peled was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and the Sinai.”
This just about says what kind of peacemaking he is on about! One could only believe Miko if he first denounced his father and grandfather and all that they brought about. The only form of Peace is in these people getting busy righting/ recompensing all the wrongs since 1948. But then, that’ll have to make ’em go even further and have to right their wrongs in WWII as well! And then … only God knows how much farther back they’ll have to go — to Abraham’s time?!!
Re: 9/11, I wonder if many others have already noted this work that might add something positive to the movement :
“The truth-seeking community – and the airline industry – are abuzz over Rebekah Roth’s new book Methodical Illusion. It’s poised to break into the top 1,000 worldwide, selling so fast that Amazon may even have tried to stop its rise to bestseller status by falsely claiming “sorry, out of stock.” ”
Differences in material and distribution are causing a stir, a frenzy, a backlash What? I do agree that there are negative Scions growing in the what shall we call it, I like ‘Movement’ it implies some kind of growth along various ‘lines’. Which would imply that people will arrive at different places along the lines at various times and not all at the same time. I certainly didn’t arrive at TUT without growing into my understanding of what the hell happened in Palestine, what is happening and how to End it permanently. I’ve gone from being shocked at being called anti-Semitic to knowing how to combat that crap…over many years, and good mentors.
The ‘Movement’ in my mind is to totally eliminate Israhell entirely and turn it back to the Rightful heirs, The Palestinians…wherever they are they now they will be the prime movers and shakers from River to Sea. But I don’t care if Jews get permission via petition to live there. I don’t care where they go ~ preferably back where they came from. This would be the look of a winning hand ~ what I’d gladly be a member of Hamas for fighting for.
I’m acutely aware of the HasabaRat methods of ‘poison every well/mouth piece’ but in this critique of the ‘internal Left’ filled with the Scions turned ‘Gatekeepers’ seems myopic when the idea is to Free Palestine.
Perhaps we need to get them, the mendacious “left” in or back in and correct their thinking. And maybe you can’t reach all the Miko’s but it’s not propitious to target these people Weir, Escobar, with a no evidence.
Whereas Gareth is a total enemy. Lots of evidence.
I’m a bit dumbfounded about seeing Weir and Escobar. I don’t think you understand that not everyone is at your point on the growing scale. I do believe that Alison Weir has done enormous out-reach to illuminate the Crimes we commit in Palestine and the amount of money we support it with. I had the honor of hosting her here in Billings, MT. Denigrating her for not calling for the Right of Return but calling for a completely Equal State to you doesn’t equal that but in fact, it does. Israhell is nothing without total dominion. Yet you are finding away to poison this well when you should be finding away to get this asset/jewel to bring awareness of the plight of Palestine to the public.
A gatekeeper? thankfully Weir’s not ragging for the Talmud etc. therefore, under the bus.
I think that supporting her is far more productive than hounding her over important points, I agree but none the less her avenue of enlightenment should be supported. I don’t see that her well needs poisoning.
As for Escobar I’m sure you mean Pablo, and now he’s a ‘Gatekeeper’? Show me where and how pleeeze.
this quote:
With the Zionists stealing all the attention, a more dangerous, insidious incarnation of the enemy, wearing the mask of “anti-war” leftist, operates treacherously right in our midst, stabbing us in the back every chance we give them. Although they claim to be on our side, their actual mission is to protect several key pieces of information which are absolutely crucial to the warmongering Zionist imperialist project Really, Actual Mission,protect Key Pieces of Info? prey tell?
Nathaniel Kapner’s another one. He buys into the Khazar BS, claims that the jews have a “special purpose” (albeit to spread Christianity), and won’t acknowledge one problem with his beloved Old Testament.
I don’t think Brother Nathaniel Kapner is a gatekeeper. [He may be a little removed from the many things/ understandings, e.g. on OT, that we’re lucky to have here at TUT… but that doesn’t make him a disinfo agent.] … Brother Kapner is being [literally] put out on the streets by the satanic elite/ govt. (if you see his latest posts) , and that says a lot about his legitimacy. Besides, once you listen to him with a heart and not just your mind, you can tell. We should all help/ support him with whatever we can.
It’s all about the religion. Judaism is the problem. It’s based on the scribblings of Bronze Age goat herders who carried out rape, genocide, theft, and blood sacrifice to appease their god, Yahweh. That mindset hasn’t changed. Israel can’t get along with its neighbors because they have a mandate to make war on the world. Judaism is a relic of past. It doesn’t fit into the 21st century A.D.
Looks like Trevor hit a nerve. When Trevor exposed that little bastard as a gatekeeper for the Jews, the gatekeeper desperately retaliated by accusing Trevor of being, “An Israeli plant, or troll or paid collaborator or maybe he (or she) was all of the above.”
“How do we know someone is an Israeli plant? Easy. Read the content. They go from Palestinian solidarity to Nazi ideology so fast it becomes obvious it’s an Israeli intelligence plant. Shutting me down is not Israel’s primary objective, but delegitimizing the Palestinian cause is. The case that Israel wants to make is that the Palestinian cause is anti-Semitic, that it is aligned with the Nazi ideology and Islamic fundamentalist international terror networks and Iranian nuclear ambitions. Well, something like that.”
He is really squirming.
Jews hate Palestinians no matter what. Palestinians are “delegitimized” no matter what. But according to this Miko Peled, if you question the holo-hoax or any other Jewish lie about National Socialism, then you “delegitimize” the Palestinians that are already delegitimized. Therefore, to legitimize the Palestinians, we must legitimize Jewish lies such as the holo-hoax. Failure to do so would be “anti-Semitic.”
This Miko Peled condemns National Socialism as…wait. He is a JEW??? Well that explains it. There is no such thing as a pro-Palestinian Jew. Period. A person can be pro-USA and pro-Mexico at the same time, but not pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian. It is not possible. The two dimensions are utterly separate and diametrically opposed. You are with the Jews, or you are with the decent folk. There are no nuances. No gray area. No “sort-of’s.” No “both – and.”
If you deny this, then you are a liar. You are a gatekeeper. You are an anti-Zionist-Zionist; a Jewish supremacist. What you call yourself is irrelevant – unless you call yourself an “ex-Jew” like Giliad Atzmon.
Until a Jew calls himself that, and repudiates the holo-hoax (or at least declines to defend the hoax), a Jew is a Jew. He can waive Palestinian flags and shout “Free Palestine,” but he remains a Jew, meaning he hates Palestinians and all Goyim.
TREVOR SAYS: “Peled and Robert Martin have thousands of followers which they are misleading into believing that Judaism, the holohoax, and 9/11 are irrelevant to Palestine. The movement will never go anywhere as long as the discourse is being scrubbed by these gatekeepers.”
CORRECT. Jewish supremacy and the persecution of Palestinians are wrapped up together with the holo-hoax. Anyone who defends the holo-hoax while claiming to favor Palestinians is a LIAR. He is a JEW (whether or not he calls himself a “Jew”). Indeed, since most Americans worship the hoax, most Americans are Jews.
TREVOR SAYS: “Judaism, like the billowing BP oil leak on the floor of the Gulf of Mexico, is the source of the problem, and it is going to take a lot more than a little ‘clean-up’ (in this case, with “Israel’s apartheid policies) to resolve the issue.”
Yes, the Jewish plague does not end with Israel. The plague is wrapped up in the holo-hoax, in imperialism, in endless war, and in neo-liberalism with its drive to make the 99% slaves of the 1%.
Any society in which the people hate and resent each other and seek to enslave each other is a Jewish society.
A non-Jewish society is one in which people help each other, and care about other people’s welfare as much as their own. Jews help each other, but only as a pack of jackals who coordinate their hunts, as they seek to rape, pillage, and enslave.
To repeat: I think it’s critical to refer, always, to “it” as the JEWISH state, just as they wish, and then show how their activities toward goyim, in and outside the Jewish state, is precisely because they are a JEWISH state.
I have always been hesitant to trust Miko Peled after I watched a youtube video of him discussing his book The General’s Son. In it he presented Palestinian and Jewish children who have died in all the conflicts between Palestinians and Israeli jews in the occupied land of Palestine as equal victims. In other interviews of Miko Peled, I have seen him promote the holohoax. For the synagogue of satan it is beneficial for them to promote the holocaust fraud as I have seen in TV sitcoms such as King of Queens and Seinfeld and in movies such as Sound of Music so that we goyim must forever worship them as gods and give them all our money. When I realized that Miko Peled is just another jew who will continue to promote the holohoax I knew NOT to trust him and that he just tricking us goyim to believe that not all of satan’s children are evil and that some of them are good jews.
Nice spotting, Trevor. No more slack for this half-hearted “good Jews”. Come clean about 9/11, the Holocrock, and the inherent sickness of Talmudic Judaism or be ridiculed and exposed.
Brilliant exposition, Trevorlabonte. [And great comments above as well.] The key messages in your article that resonated with my thoughts are as follows:
You have to FIND THE SOURCE of the problem and shut it off. Refusing to discuss Judaism is ignoring the source,
“Israel” is NOT an “apartheid” state because apartheid is a system of exploitation. Israel is a GENOCIDAL state because it is not trying to profit off of the Palestinians, it just wants them gone.
IF we were to just “tear down the wall,” how would that solve a military occupation? Where would the Palestinians go, when there would still be millions of jewish squatters living in the Palestinians’ HOMES? His solutions are too silly to be taken seriously. How could anybody be so delusional as to think “ending apartheid” addresses the core problem? The only solution is for all the invader jews to get out, and face criminal charges for what they did to the Palestinians, not just continue to squat in the Palestinian’s homes!
What we need to solve the problem is UNHINDERED DISCOURSE [without gatekeepers] acting like referees and trying to eject people for talking about the issues that will bring down the Rothschild cabal: JUDAISMl, 9/11, and the HOLOHOAX.
[And on Judaism, I really liked the way Konrad put it:]
Yes, the Jewish plague does not end with Israel. The plague is wrapped up in the holo-hoax, in imperialism, in endless war, and in neo-liberalism with its drive to make the 99% slaves of the 1%.
Any society in which the people hate and resent each other and seek to enslave each other is a Jewish society
Also, I just learned the following:
“Miko was born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family. His grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson was a Zionist leader and signer on the Israeli Declaration of Independence. His father, Matti Peled was a young officer in the war of 1948 and a general in the war of 1967 when Israel conquered the West Bank, Gaza, Golan Heights and the Sinai.”
This just about says what kind of peacemaking he is on about! One could only believe Miko if he first denounced his father and grandfather and all that they brought about. The only form of Peace is in these people getting busy righting/ recompensing all the wrongs since 1948. But then, that’ll have to make ’em go even further and have to right their wrongs in WWII as well! And then … only God knows how much farther back they’ll have to go — to Abraham’s time?!!
Re: 9/11, I wonder if many others have already noted this work that might add something positive to the movement :
“Airline whistleblower solves 9/11”
“The truth-seeking community – and the airline industry – are abuzz over Rebekah Roth’s new book Methodical Illusion. It’s poised to break into the top 1,000 worldwide, selling so fast that Amazon may even have tried to stop its rise to bestseller status by falsely claiming “sorry, out of stock.” ”
Differences in material and distribution are causing a stir, a frenzy, a backlash What? I do agree that there are negative Scions growing in the what shall we call it, I like ‘Movement’ it implies some kind of growth along various ‘lines’. Which would imply that people will arrive at different places along the lines at various times and not all at the same time. I certainly didn’t arrive at TUT without growing into my understanding of what the hell happened in Palestine, what is happening and how to End it permanently. I’ve gone from being shocked at being called anti-Semitic to knowing how to combat that crap…over many years, and good mentors.
The ‘Movement’ in my mind is to totally eliminate Israhell entirely and turn it back to the Rightful heirs, The Palestinians…wherever they are they now they will be the prime movers and shakers from River to Sea. But I don’t care if Jews get permission via petition to live there. I don’t care where they go ~ preferably back where they came from. This would be the look of a winning hand ~ what I’d gladly be a member of Hamas for fighting for.
I’m acutely aware of the HasabaRat methods of ‘poison every well/mouth piece’ but in this critique of the ‘internal Left’ filled with the Scions turned ‘Gatekeepers’ seems myopic when the idea is to Free Palestine.
Perhaps we need to get them, the mendacious “left” in or back in and correct their thinking. And maybe you can’t reach all the Miko’s but it’s not propitious to target these people Weir, Escobar, with a no evidence.
Whereas Gareth is a total enemy. Lots of evidence.
I’m a bit dumbfounded about seeing Weir and Escobar. I don’t think you understand that not everyone is at your point on the growing scale. I do believe that Alison Weir has done enormous out-reach to illuminate the Crimes we commit in Palestine and the amount of money we support it with. I had the honor of hosting her here in Billings, MT. Denigrating her for not calling for the Right of Return but calling for a completely Equal State to you doesn’t equal that but in fact, it does. Israhell is nothing without total dominion. Yet you are finding away to poison this well when you should be finding away to get this asset/jewel to bring awareness of the plight of Palestine to the public.
A gatekeeper? thankfully Weir’s not ragging for the Talmud etc. therefore, under the bus.
I think that supporting her is far more productive than hounding her over important points, I agree but none the less her avenue of enlightenment should be supported. I don’t see that her well needs poisoning.
As for Escobar I’m sure you mean Pablo, and now he’s a ‘Gatekeeper’? Show me where and how pleeeze.
this quote:
With the Zionists stealing all the attention, a more dangerous, insidious incarnation of the enemy, wearing the mask of “anti-war” leftist, operates treacherously right in our midst, stabbing us in the back every chance we give them. Although they claim to be on our side, their actual mission is to protect several key pieces of information which are absolutely crucial to the warmongering Zionist imperialist project Really, Actual Mission,protect Key Pieces of Info? prey tell?
Taken from “Persians shouldn’t sleep with Jewish whores” from: http://whatsupic.com/special-usa/the-book-of-gareth57656.html
Ties into the Miko thread ~
Nathaniel Kapner’s another one. He buys into the Khazar BS, claims that the jews have a “special purpose” (albeit to spread Christianity), and won’t acknowledge one problem with his beloved Old Testament.
I don’t think Brother Nathaniel Kapner is a gatekeeper. [He may be a little removed from the many things/ understandings, e.g. on OT, that we’re lucky to have here at TUT… but that doesn’t make him a disinfo agent.] … Brother Kapner is being [literally] put out on the streets by the satanic elite/ govt. (if you see his latest posts) , and that says a lot about his legitimacy. Besides, once you listen to him with a heart and not just your mind, you can tell. We should all help/ support him with whatever we can.