just unbelievable. They let Lady Gaga to sing that song. It just tells the truth. And the Joooozzz are going to be mad as hell. It might be a parody but tells what it is.
Reposted on FB
It is a parody. I don’t know who sings it but it is not Gaga. No money to be made in such material! It’s just not sexy enough…
Strange. My understanding is that the Liberty attack was carried out by the Israeli military and not Mossad. More importantly, I see no justification for distinguishing between Jewish Zionists operating outside Israel and Israel itself–a distinction without a difference.
Terrorism and false flags are one aspect of Zio strategy, but the more effective weapon has been cultural subversion. If MacDonald’s, Hoffman’s, and Jones’s scholarly works on Jewish subversion are too much, Arnaud de Lessus lays it out nicely in an essay at angelusonline dot org, tying together Marxism; Freudian pansexualism as a means of cultural annihilation and control; the Talmudic/Cabalist Frankfurt School; and Masonry–its philosophy if not its overt practice these days–as the chief enemies of the Church and Western Civilization. The Frankfurt School/New School and its ilk were funded by the Rockerfellers and were welcomed into the Ivy League with open arms. Any questions about our financial-technocratic elites incubated in the Ivy League’s Stalls of Academe?
If anyone thinks this stuff is ancient history, take a look at the US military, which is today, with its homo/transgender agenda, a tool in almost every respect of this nation’s worst enemy, the unseen enemy within. The Pentagon, as well as Centcom, is crawling with Israelis who come and go as they please, and so far from being the last bastion defending our families and communities, the Pentagon is at the forefront of destroying both through weaponized pansexualism. Congress for its part is hardly in the news these days and does what it’s told.
Your comment is too incredulous to warrant a response. With the exception of your opening paragraph.
just unbelievable. They let Lady Gaga to sing that song. It just tells the truth. And the Joooozzz are going to be mad as hell. It might be a parody but tells what it is.
Reposted on FB
It is a parody. I don’t know who sings it but it is not Gaga. No money to be made in such material! It’s just not sexy enough…
Strange. My understanding is that the Liberty attack was carried out by the Israeli military and not Mossad. More importantly, I see no justification for distinguishing between Jewish Zionists operating outside Israel and Israel itself–a distinction without a difference.
Terrorism and false flags are one aspect of Zio strategy, but the more effective weapon has been cultural subversion. If MacDonald’s, Hoffman’s, and Jones’s scholarly works on Jewish subversion are too much, Arnaud de Lessus lays it out nicely in an essay at angelusonline dot org, tying together Marxism; Freudian pansexualism as a means of cultural annihilation and control; the Talmudic/Cabalist Frankfurt School; and Masonry–its philosophy if not its overt practice these days–as the chief enemies of the Church and Western Civilization. The Frankfurt School/New School and its ilk were funded by the Rockerfellers and were welcomed into the Ivy League with open arms. Any questions about our financial-technocratic elites incubated in the Ivy League’s Stalls of Academe?
If anyone thinks this stuff is ancient history, take a look at the US military, which is today, with its homo/transgender agenda, a tool in almost every respect of this nation’s worst enemy, the unseen enemy within. The Pentagon, as well as Centcom, is crawling with Israelis who come and go as they please, and so far from being the last bastion defending our families and communities, the Pentagon is at the forefront of destroying both through weaponized pansexualism. Congress for its part is hardly in the news these days and does what it’s told.
Your comment is too incredulous to warrant a response. With the exception of your opening paragraph.