But it was the separate confessions of a former campaign adviser that should really ruin U.S. president’s Halloween
ed note–as with all things coming out of the mouth of Judea Inc, things must be looked at very carefully for nuanced words, meanings, symbolism, etc.
Our esteemed Hebraic writer did not just choose the words ‘shock and awe’ because they happened to have a nice ring to them. ‘Shock and awe’ was the term given to George Bush’s mass murder of Iraqis in 2003 when he ordered the US military to indiscriminately bomb Iraq mercilessly and unceasingly as the opening scene of a re-write/re-play of the Judaic drama found in the book of Esther whereby the leader of a sovereign nation was removed from power through Judaic trickery and violence. It has been speculated by some–with good evidence we could say–that ‘shock and awe’ was chosen as a cognate of the Hebrew word ‘Sheki-nah’, which means ‘the divine presence of Yahweh’ and which is represented by bright lights and which forms one of the prayers which Jews are obligated to say everyday, to wit–
‘Blessed are You, God, who returns His Presence (shekhinato) to Zion’
That Judea, Inc is gunning to have another leader of another sovereign nation removed–Trump as POTUS–is not a matter up for speculation or debate. He–despite all his flaws, real or perceived–represents a clear and present danger to the aims of the tribe, both in the short and long term and on both the domestic and foreign policy fronts. His stated plans of imposing a peace deal between Israel and the unfortunate souls who happen to live in close proximity to her, to his stated desire for a Palestinian state to his plans of halting American imperial adventures–both in the Middle East and elsewhere–coupled with his less-than-hostile disposition/posture towards Russia has made him an enemy of Judea and thus he simply has to go.
Likewise, as we have pointed out here on occasions too numerous to recount, it is indeed a period of great danger to everyone as these two monsters–Judea and Rome–battle with each other over whose agenda will dominate, and no one should make the mistake of thinking that somehow they are removed by distance or other circumstantial matters from it all. The storm that is upon us is something none of us have ever experienced before and are not likely to ever experience again, assuming of course that we manage to live through it all.
Please note some of the more salient points contained herein–
‘The assumption is that Mueller is betting that the severe indictment handed down against Manafort and Gates will persuade them, or other senior Trump campaign officials, to collaborate with his investigation.’
‘Collaborate?’ Shouldn’t the word be ‘cooperate’? Witnesses do not ‘collaborate’ with the police, but rather ‘cooperate’. ‘Collaborate’ means to conspire and collude and usually with evil purposes in mind. No one can deny the negative connotation with the word ‘collaborator’ and it implications of both treason and treachery.
‘Trump’s only remaining option is to fire Mueller, with a possible claim that he has exceeded his authority. Many of Trump’s rivals in Washington are anxious for such a development, which would create an acute constitutional and political crisis, spark automatic associations to Richard Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” and give a serious push to efforts to launch impeachment proceedings against the president.’
This may be what Judea, Inc has been gunning for all along as they already have a precedent in place involving Nixon.
Either way, no one should make or otherwise embrace the idiotic theory espoused by some that all of this is just ‘for show’ and that somehow Trump and his enemies are actually just ‘playing a game’ for public consumption as if it were all just a hyped-up episode of WWF, when in fact what we are actually witnessing here is WW3.
“In this situation, the reasonable presidential reaction would be to lay low, pretend to collaborate with the investigators, hope the probe will hit a brick wall and quietly try to resurrect his public standing. But since it’s Trump we’re dealing with, and since this is not what his belligerent loyal right-wing base expects, the chances that Trump will try the reasonable route are slim.”
There’s that word again … ‘COLLABORATE with the investigators’. Indeedy weedy. And that, according to our old friend Chemi Shalev – ‘US editor and correspondent for the Haaretz newspaper’ – is what betokens ‘the reasonable route’ for Trump to take. In civilized societies, collaboration with the enemy was punishable by death. No longer.
Chemi’s visceral hatred of Trump extends of course to his supporters. Namely, the law-abiding citizens of the one-sovereign land of North America who voted for him. Citizens whom Chemi characterizes as ‘Trump fans’ and ‘belligerent loyal right-wing base’. Ouch. Why so nasty, Chemi?
One can only conclude that as far as Judah Inc is concerned, both Trump and Putin represent that wholly intolerable threat to Juhadist ideology … namely, nationalism. Despite their best efforts to turn ‘goy’, particularly the white European variety, into a herd of ‘consumers’, pooftas, and tax slaves to the Jewish owned and controlled central banksterin’ system, nationalism keeps rearing its ugly head. People still want their taxes to go to a govt that works for them. Rather than vice versa. Strange, isn’t it.
Meantime, Judah Inc ramps up its program of deracination and miscegenation of all white Euro lands, seeding them with unassimilable Muslims and Africans. Diversity is Strength, didn’t ya know. That’s why Isreal supports ‘multiculturalism’ so passionately.
Sadly, the ONLY way to deal with the Jewish problem is the old-fashioned way … pogroms. Nationalize the money supply, wipe the odious debt, and break up the illegitimately acquired assets of the Jewish money lenders. The structures are already in place to deal with recalcitrants such as Special Counsel Robert Mueller. They’re called FEMA camps.
Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather
Shiny leather in the dark
Tongue of thongs, the belt that does await you
Strike, dear mistress, and cure his heart
Severin, Severin, speak so slightly
Severin, down on your bended knee
Taste the whip, in love not given lightly
Taste the whip, now plead for me