ed note–apologies for the oftentimes rambling and incoherent delivery of our esteemed Hebraic author, but if you pay attention specifically to the points highlighted in red, you will be able to grasp immediately the inherent madness known as Jtosis which afflicts the author right away.

Moshe-Mordechai van Zuiden, Times of Israel

Yom Kippur is coming up. This year it will coincide with the Jewish Sabbath (September 30 / October 1). While Jewish New Year (Rosh haShannah) is a new beginning for all of Mankind, Yom Kippur seems to be a private party between the Creator and the Jews. What’s going on?

There is a story that I heard from a very smart, wise and holy rabbi. I listened to it every Shabbat preceding Yom Kippur for years. In the beginning it shaped up each year, but now it seems to have stabilized. Meanwhile, I have found plenty of arguments to demolish it. I still have tremendous respect for this rabbi, but on this story I overtook him.

The story is as follows–

Yom Kippur is such a great gift of charity from G-d — only for the Jews. It goes beyond what makes sense. How could we come up to an earthly judge and say: We did it, but we regret it, so please overlook it. Yes, we did the same things for years and promised to improve every time and each time we failed, but we were sincere in our contrition at the time. And it is not from fear that we apologize for our violations of the law — we regret them from our love for the law giver, so please reward us as if every violation was actually the opposite. That would be absurd, no?

But that is exactly why G-d awards only the Jews with special leniency: because of our unquestioning loyalty to Him which also makes no sense. We said: ‘Whatever You tell us we shall do, no questions asked (Exodus 24:7).’ That is going beyond what is reasonable, so G-d treats us also better than the reasonable.

Gentiles, on the other hand, go by what makes sense. The rabbis teach us (Eichah Rabbah 2:13): “If a person tells you there is wisdom among the nations of the world, believe him.” Our Rabbis always needed to argue the Philosophers of the world. The latter made fun of our Commandments that are not understandable, especially of (the type of) the Commandment of the Red Heifer (Numbers 19:1-22). They go by logic, so G-d judges them reasonably. There’s no leniency possible there. Repentance doesn’t work for Gentiles. They will get the full measure of Heavenly punishment. So don’t waste G-d’s great special charity for us, and repent.

* * *

I will tell you what I like in the above story, what I dislike in it, where it doesn’t make sense, and then I will give you a better story instead.

What I like about it is that Jews get special treatment, because we deserve it for being the only People in the world who say ‘We will obey and then understand’ (Exodus 24:7). I’m sure that Gentiles also can get out of the ordinary treatment (punishment) by protecting Jews and making them live safely.

However, there are many Jewish sources that stress that G-d holds Jews to a higher standard, doesn’t give us a pass at all. And that the Laws for Jews are always more demanding than Jewish expectations of Gentiles. That would explain two things. Why Jews would need special days more conducive to repentance and mercy. And why Jews need to pray as a community whereby the virtues of members add up and morally weak points are cancelled out by strong points in others.

Anyway, the rabbi is only talking to Jews; if he were to address Gentiles too, he probably would pick another thing or two to say. And he most likely doesn’t know Gentiles as well as I do. He actually might be more familiar with idol worshipers from the Books and anti-Semitic masses from more-recent assaults on Jews than with modern Non-Jews.

Now, what I dislike about it–

I grew up with Gentiles, in a Gentile surrounding and with Gentile friends. I can tell you: they’re not that different from us. That’s why we are Divinely obligated not to marry them. On a human level it’s often hard to tell the difference and know why we shouldn’t.

You can’t maintain that Gentiles collectively or individually all would be so different, think differently, are less trusting in G-d and that their repentance would be of no value.

What doesn’t make sense–

Heavenly judgment does not resemble earthly judgment. Even for a rabbinical court, repentance plays no role for the verdict. First of all, because you don’t know if it is truthful. Secondly, a rabbinic court does not punish. It lets people return what they took unlawfully or pay up what they withheld. So it makes no sense to compare civil punitive law to Heavenly Judgment.

Besides, G-d knows if you really made amends and also: how could He punish? Even lowly me never punished my children. If they “misbehaved,” I would talk to them, help them. Sometimes I would learn why they did something that I didn’t like; sometimes I learned that they needed help with something. That’s the way to help things pick up.

Punishment hardly makes any sense, as it generally hurts people and does not improve them. Maybe punishment can voice a society’s norm, encourage people not to give up on justice and work as deterrence, but that’s about it. It makes no sense in the name of justice to hurt someone or satisfy feelings of revenge — especially not for G-d.

Gentiles have Free Will just as Jews have volition. The only difference is that we Jews have a larger store of literature in helping us to choose the moral path. This fact does not prove that we are more successful, but only that we are more challenged because we need more ammunition against evil.

Jews are a People — the only People — grounded on a mission. We are the only Nation with a raison d’être. Only Jews can practice, learn and understand all of Judaism, and so the Jewish Nation must live on — as the only one. This is also for the good of all people, as Jews have as assignment to proliferate our holy moral Lore, meant for and important to all of Humanity.

Therefore, I assume that “there is no Yom Kippur for Gentiles” means that there is no specific day on which all Gentiles collectively need to find Heavenly pardon. (Gentiles should also not celebrate Shabbat, and Yom Kippur is the ultimate Shabbat on earth.) Rather, each individual Gentile may repent on any day and time on his/her own.

Jews need Yom Kippur and the other Festivals, and Yom Kippur Katan and Rosh Chodesh almost every month, and every night before going to sleep with specific prayers to shape up and turn our ways around as a People.

7 thoughts on “Must Read–Gentiles and Yom Kippur”
  1. Their Israeli state is a fine example of their moral uprightness. Geez, these creatures are so highly deluded in their Orwellian world that they need to be blown off to another Planet–before they kill everyone and everything on Earth. This God-Light-Evolutionary Planet of immense potential was meant for the life and growth of Gentiles, NOT JEWS–who are an alien, highly dangerous and hostile life on it:

  2. the smarter they think they are, the stupider they get.
    this pukesludge is typical of the degenerates’ moral schizophrenia, no 2 sentences make a sensible fit.
    listen to the oh, so morally uplifting, empathyzing jew, he sees far and wide … oy gevalt

    I grew up with Gentiles, in a Gentile surrounding and with Gentile friends. I can tell you: they’re not that different from us.

    and in the same breath

    Only Jews can practice, learn and understand all of Judaism, and so the Jewish Nation must live on — as the only one.

    Only Jews … why?
    because they’re not that different from us.
    forked tongue protruding from the forked brain, left brianlobe is KOL and the right one, NIDRE, it takes a lifetime practice to become proficient at it.

  3. Reading the lesser book of Solomon on Demonology, several Kabbalah books, reading their Talmud with the Jewish encyclopedia at hand understanding that the rest of the people are beasts, it should come as no surprise that their g-d is the devil. Freemasonry, John Dee, Jesuits and other religious orders also are of satanic origins (Adversarial to creator and creation). In fact, B’nai B’rith is a masonic jewish only organization, a group whose history is of lies, deceit and death. From it’s origins to it’s current run, I have to wonder if they were created without a soul, with everything they say and believe being the opposite of the truth. America’s founders and funders were of these as Albert Pike and Manley Hall so truthfully put it in their writings such as Initiates of the Flame. These are a genocidal people. The works and site https://ashraf62.wordpress.com/ancient-egypt-knew-no-pharaohs/ and related digs of Palestine in the late 1800s to early 1900s would seen to have proven the point, as well as a very vile people of Canaan throughout the semitic period that had few normalized weights and measures, few crafts and practices people and animal sacrifice straight out of hell. They subverted the Babylonians, Persians (Esther), Macedonians (Greeks – Maccabees) and Rome, have been thrown out of almost every land they have lived including Carthage and Alexandria. The list swells to over 200 when limiting laws and at times, forced conversion were implemented. Kennedy’s speeches on secret societies and Benjamin Freedman’s speeches are a good representative of people that will stop at nothing to take everything from all living things as their own. Jewish/Masonic genocides are the most horrific in any lifetime which include the wiping out of indigenous peoples around the world, all world wars, US, French, Soviet and Chinese revolutions, Armenian/Assyrian/Greek genocide and others.
    For those that understand 9/11 as a great fraud of our time, reading the details of WWI and II are even more pathetic lies. If people understood the magnitude of their actions, grew a conscience and found out the truth, there would be few countries that would survive a people’s revolution and few monuments would remain standing. Rothschild family are the kings of masonry and have their monuments in Israel itself as Masonry is as big a lie to the same “g-d” the devil.

  4. This is a dangerously delusional, deranged & demented person I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here; Jews are inordinately drawn to psychology and psychotherapy because they know they’re fruitcakes and are trying to figure out their own psychosis and neurosis. It’s really too bad because one simple, first step would be to be baptized in order to infuse the Grace of Jesus Christ and dispel some of the darkness.

  5. Thanks Jim Reinhart. This is millenia worth of soul-stealing at work. It is what the Jewish g-d exists for. I call it ‘it’ as Lucifer was apparently uncreated and Satan went to the Light. Yet, these dark energetic masses proliferate and need human soul energy for their very survirval. They/it need human ‘loosh'(sp?). And why the terror caused by warring, raping and murdering are all important by the Jewish Khazarian Zionists to maintain globally. The human body generates a chemical during such terror that the ‘it’ needs to feeds on. It’s essentially part of their dark, dead practises for a dead g-d.

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