Get ready to stand out, as Trump peels away the layer of political correctness that blurred distinctions within humanity; now everyone will be reminded that we’re Jews, and that’s not necessarily in our favor.
ed note–a few ‘worth noting’ items in this one–
1. ‘It is forbidden to think, let alone express out loud, the obvious: that the differences between Judaism and Christianity, which embrace different systems of morality and differ in character, manifest themselves in the way states conduct themselves. And now, even before Trump has been sworn in, a layer of political correctness is being peeled away, exposing a mix of skin tones for all to see.’
WOW, what a whopper that one is. Our esteemed Hebraic author is basically saying that despite the very sophisticated and relentless schmooze campaign that has been underway for many years whereby organized Jewish groups such as ADL et al try to paint Jews as ‘just like everyone else’ is on its face a scam meant to lasso deluded Gentiles into opening gates of their world to people who do not share their values. Furthermore, her last statement, vis a vis Trump’s presidency and how it threatens to expose these ‘differences’ between Jews and Christians within the parameters of ‘morality’ and ‘character’, citing specifically the very same item that we at this website seized upon immediately concerning Netanyahu’s ‘turn the other cheek’ comment is quite telling indeed, in that our Hebraic author fears that what Trump has planned is a series of political machinations meant to show just how out of control the Jewish state is and why the world–for the sake of its own survival-needs to reign this mad dog in before the point of no return is crossed.
I actually considered simply retyping this article in here and adding my very oral retorts and responses to this truly blunt writing. More navel gazing ~ ‘And where are the Jews in all this?’
Israel is truly going fullblown Likud and then some. The Pharisees are flourishing and they call for more and more to return “home” via violence in distant places where Jews are now settled and comfortable. Kinda like pre WW2 and Europe…
A little pre-apocalyptic conditioning here perhaps? We know Nutty sees himself as a potential Samson.. or, shuld he prevail, potential de facto ruler of a noahidized planet. Is this why he pushes so hard and helps bare the bones of the real Pharisee to the rest of the world? He has removed the cloak to prepare for the battle they have been pushing for since they assassinated Jesus?
‘No longer will values shared by Israel and the Western world dictate Israel’s policies, but a value system unique to Jews.’
Indeed. And when has The Juze ever lived by a value system that was not unique to Itself?…
‘If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile (“heathen”) it does not have to be returned.’ – Baba Mezia 24a … ‘When a Jew murders a gentile, there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.’ – Sanhedrin 57a … Yada yada yada. Echoed time and again by their ghastly rabinate and political leadership.
‘For us, the guiding principle is to preemptively kill anyone rising to kill you, as the Talmud decrees’ shouts Carolina. And thereby articulates The Juze’ uniquely paranoid morality.
Of course they have infected Yanklandia with this same horseshit … ‘A key concept underlying President George W. Bush’s National Security Strategy (NSS), issued 20 September 2002, is that of “preemption,” defined as “preemptive and preventive action.”’ – CFR, Feb 1, 2004
The same utterly stupid ‘doctrine’ that led Yanklandia into a bogus war with Iraq in search on non-existent ‘weapons of mass destruction’. All enabled, of course, by the Mossad psyop known as IXXI.
But Carolina does reveal something useful at the close of her rant. To wit… ‘The state of the Jews should prepare to be on the receiving end of the attitude the world reserves for Jews. This time it will be without the protection of political correctness, which was invented specifically for them.’
Well, there you have it … ‘Political Correctness’, that good old Soviet term, was ‘invented’ specially for The Juze. Which also tells you who turned Rusklandia into such a hellhole for 70+ years.
‘What does it mean to be a nation that lives among others as if it were like them, while at the same time living according to a different ethical system?’
What does it mean, Carolina?
Who gives a flying f*** how they fare ? I care as little about them as they do about the Palestinians. A nation full of sociopaths and monsters, devoid of any shred of humanity, they make Goebbels et al seem like saints in comparison. If I have one hope, one wish that I want to come true, its that this puddle of filth that stains the map of the middle east, gets all its just deserts…………………and I bet I speak for 90% of mankind.