4 thoughts on “MUST READ-Russia’s Foreign Policy: Historical Background by Sergey Lavrov”
  1. With all due respect to Mr. Lavrov, when he writes “Even worse, they want to equate the Soviet regime to Nazism, and partially blame it for starting WWII” I would say there was no comparison between the two regimes and an objective review of both would show the Jewish dominated Soviet regime to be the most barbarous in history, murdering tens of millions of people before the German-Soviet war began while Germany had very little violence at all within Germany, but Jewish propaganda would have you think that Germany had a population of tens of millions of Jews that were being killed by the “Nazis” before 1939, when in fact Germany’s Jewish population was about 500,000 with almost no violence against them. Hundreds of thousands of Jews left Germany peacefully where they joined the Jewish warmongers abroad doing their best to start a war with Germany. Also, while Germany is criticized for taking back German lands that included large numbers of Germans living on those lands and the west tells us that is why the west went to war against Germany, the USSR attacked Finland and grabbed Bessarabia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia with its Jewish leadership killing or deporting large portions of those populations with many never to be seen again while the west said nothing.
    In addition, don’t paint the Soviet Union as having a dovish attitude towards Germany. From Germany’s perspective the problem wasn’t “the anti-Russian aspirations of the European elites, and their desire to unleash Hitler’s war machine on the Soviet Union”, but the British, French and Americans unleashing another war against Germany and then the USSR attacking from the other side when they felt the time was appropriate, just as the USSR did to Japan at the end of WW II.
    While Hitler and Germany did consider attacking the Soviet Union for its land that Germany valued, there is strong evidence that it was Stalin that was going to attack Germany first, but Germany struck first seeing the buildup on its border. Russian historian Victor Suvorov says Stalin was going to attack Germany first and several German historians back him up.
    And today of course western “democratic” Europe hypocritically censors and jails historians that expose the lies of the so-called holocaust where in post war Poland “gas chambers” were built in Auschwitz and then claimed that the Germans had built them during the war and used them to kill Jews.
    One last thing. It was France and England that declared war on Germany, claiming Germany’s attack on Poland (which those countries created from German, Austrian and Russian territory twenty years earlier) prompted them to attack, when the evidence is out now that Britain did everything it could to have Germany attack Poland. England and France’s using Poland as a justification to start WW II is like if Germany attacked England because it abused Indians or France in 1961 when it went to war with Algeria.

  2. It is also noteworthy to remember that the Bolshevik revolution 100 years ago was financed with Jewish money sent from New York banking cartels. The current attack upon Russia is being paid for with Jewish money, too.

  3. @ Peter it seems that you still don’t understand who the NAZI are otherwise you would understand better what your own argument is, the KNOWN INTERNATIONAL JEWS ARE THE ONLY NAZIS, THEIR OWN TRIBE’S IDENTIFICATION IS KNOWN AS ” AshkeNAZI ” Jews and Sephardic Jews they are both the same tribe that was split back in the 700 century
    The Ashkenazi Jews that moved to Spain, after 700 that it took them to dismantle Spain they changed their identification from Ashkenazi to Sephardic because they emerged themselves into the Spanish culture and through intermarriage, their features changed but not their EVIL PHILOSOPHY, NOR THEIR SATANIC AGENDA OF CHAOS.
    Until the Royal family kicked them out of their land unless they converted to the catholic church which many of them did but they never became Christians they are just religious people but don’t fully believe in the message of the new testament.
    So when you say that the Jews that had control of Russia from 1917 till 1992 were the same Jews that drove Russia into the ww2 Stalin was a Russian Jew, same as Musilini was an Italian Jew, and we all know that Hitler was also a Jew, what bothers me as to what is now remember by this Russian head of state is that the WORD JEW WAS NEVER MENTION ANY WHERE AS TO HAS BEEN CAUSING ALL THE CHAOS THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON THROUGH OUT THE CENTURIES INTEAD HE GENERAL;Y MENTIONS THE WEST AS THE EVIL DOER INSTEAD OF CLAIMING THAT THE ONES CAUSING ALL CHAOS EVERY WHERE ARE THE DAMN JEWS, THAT ARE IN EVERY GOVERNMENT ACROSS EUROPE AND EVEN IN AMERICA’S MANY NATIONS FROM CANADA TO ARGENTINA.

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