If the U.S. leaves Syria in the hands of Russia and Iran, this is bad news for Israel
ed note–once again, and particularly for all the geniuses and experts out there who take a cyclopic view of geo-political intrigue that requires stereoscopic vision in getting the full picture, please pay close attention to what our panicked Hebraic writer is saying here–
1. That the ‘Jew-rusalem move’ was just for show and was done purely in the interests of creating the illusion of a ‘pro-Israel’ Trump so that when he made the move that really counted–withdrawing troops from Syria and disengaging from the Middle East quagmire–that he could fall back on the political currency he accrued.
2. That all the fanfare and noise that has been/is created surrounding the ‘friendship’ said to exist between Trump and Nutty Netty is all show and no go, and that the Jew-rusalem’ declaration that was the result of this ‘friendship’ was–in the words of our jittery Judaic–merely a ‘gesture’ more ‘symbolic’ than genuine, going so far as to add that ‘even if a few more states follow suit’ in moving their embassies, that ‘this won’t change Israel’s situation’.
Bottom line folks is thus–the world is sick of Israel, it’s sick of the Jews, and even the most craven and cowardly political leaders who never miss an opportunity in kissing Judaic hind quarters are quietly throwing their lots in with those who recognize that humanity has reached a ‘do or die’ moment and that something must be done in getting a muzzle around the mouth of this rabid, mangy Judaic mutt before it devours the entire planet.
‘But, but, but…Trump’s Jewish daughter and Jewish son-in-law’…
Yes, yes, we know all about them…Heard about it a million times already…
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and even the most craven and cowardly political leaders who never miss an opportunity in kissing Judaic hind quarters are quietly throwing their lots in with those who recognize that humanity has reached a ‘do or die’ moment and that something must be done in getting a muzzle around the mouth of this rabid, mangy Judaic mutt before it devours the entire planet.
MI6, CIA, and Mossad will blow something up this time. False flag ‘gas attacks’ are worn out…..