ed note–I was absolutely shocked at the number of people in this ‘movement’–no pun intended–who sent this to me along with comments such as ‘I love it’ and ‘isn’t this great?’ In what way does this help the Palestinians, Syrians, Iraqis, etc? All this manages to do is to make all anti-Zionists look like, well, sickos.

But remember, according to a significant number of individuals and groups in this ‘movement’, acts such as this are considered ‘great’ whereas those who attempt to engage in an intelligent, rational discussion of Judaism as the core problem causing situations such as WWIII are considered ‘haters’ and ‘nazis’.

Beam me up, Scotty.

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0 thoughts on “Natali Cohen Vaxberg Faces Charges After Defecating on Israeli Flag”
  1. Agreed.
    Meanwhile, more who care about Palestine are locked out of the movement by the azz-s. I suppose this is why we need our own movement (and I do mean no pun here.) Yet it’s idiots like this who steal the headlines…

  2. What is it with Jews and Scatology?!
    While emotionally this story may make one feel emotionally validated. At least those who know the History of the Jews and Israel.
    It still does nothing to further enrich the argument against Israel and Judaism. But rather emboldens Israels and Judaisms supporters even more so!
    By portraying those against Judaism and Israel as crude and intellectually retarded. By using this womans obnoxious example.
    While initially ones positive enthusiasms may rest with this young “Lady’s Art.” Such as when one hears “F#@K Israel!” shouted out laud. It still does nothing in courting public opinion on our side and even indeed makes the situation worse!
    Sometimes it is best to step back in пее jerk reactions to things we read and react emotionally to. In order to get a better vision of what the true agenda is. If not by the protagonist themselves. Then by the ones who promote them and there actions.

  3. This Israeli girl’s video shows her defecating on the flags of numerous nations around the world, including many Muslim nations. The USA, Japan, North and South Korea, and so on — they all get the same treatment. So does the Israeli and Palestinian flag. One of the flags is of today’s Syria. Another flag is the Syrian colonial flag, which is the flag of the US-backed insurgents. The video also shows a dog defecating on a map of the world. All of this is acceptable to Jews, even laudatory, but no one may desecrate the holy banner of the Chosen.
    Americans regard such things as pathetic attempts to get attention, but Jews find it intolerable. To defecate on an Israeli flag is to rub their own filth in their faces.
    Jews have always delighted in scatological jokes and insults. Their Talmud describes Jesus as boiling in excrement. When Hezbollah drove the Jews out of Lebanon in 2006, the retreating Jews made a point of defecating in every Lebanese house they passed, preferably on bed sheets or bed pillows. The Jews called them “parting gifts.”
    When Jews want to keep Palestinian protesters away from certain roads, water trucks are brought in, loaded with highly concentrated raw sewage. The Jews use presure hoses to inundate the place with the toxic sludge, rendering it so foul that Palestinians stay away, unable to bear the stench, which lingers for weeks. It’s a form of chemical warfare against Palestinians.
    Meanwhile the Jews delight in destroying sanitation facilities in Gaza, forcing their victims to wallow in excrement, so that Jews can condemn Palestinians as “filthy animals.” There are many news articles on the Internet that discuss the severe problem with sewage in Gaza.
    Therefore, to defecate on an Israeli flag is to engage in a form of “blowback” against Jewish depravity. I don’t suggest that this Israeli girl had this intention, but the effect is the same. Jews are tearing their clothes in rage and anguish, and that pleases me.
    That silly Israeli girl’s video is here…

  4. This putrid display has no relevance to real resistance against Judaism. Their obsession with scat (excrement) is well known and documented. I see this stunt as just another zio trick, meant to pull in the gullible masses who will undoubtedly fawn over this filthy little trolip as if her ‘display’ of ‘revulsion’ to the ‘jewish State’ is really ‘cool’ and ‘showing them!’. It’s neither. A most disgusting and unsavory way to express one’s disdain in public or anywhere. No one worth their salt would condone something so filthy. Why not burn one of the “israeli” Flags in effigy? That has a more direct effect. The jews know what fire symbolizes. It cleanses. This rag (pun intended) is too crude for anyone self respecting and truly aware of the misfortune we all have been ‘graced’ with on this planet; the parasite fanatic jew.

  5. That Israeli girl, Natali Cohen Vaxberg, is not making an artistic “statement.” She just wants attention. Hence she defecates on the flags of many different nations.
    The Jewish corporate media calls her a “left wing artist.” This label is false. The media use it in order to shame all genuine leftists in Palestine.
    In Palestine, roving gangs of thugs look for any Jews who do not scream “Kill the Arabs!” loudly enough. The gangs carry signs that say, “Kill the Arabs and the leftists.”
    This girl’s stunt will bolster their attacks on any remaining leftists.
    Perhaps that was her intention.

  6. On watching the video I simply could not believe the degeneracy of what I was seeing, but there it was.
    Distasteful though it is, we have to analyse what else might be going on in her life, and this we do here by looking at the consistency of her motions – and they generally are too too soft, lacking form.
    In the nature of something like this, the video shoots would have taken several successive days to complete.
    So what was she subsisting on ? Ready to go junk food stacked up in the fridge, plus liberal quantities of alcohol, and she didn’t at all go out over the several days, so infatuated she was with herself.
    Verdict; acute incurable case of narcissistic toxicity, only sustained by the symbolic utter degradation of several other peoples she could think of at random, but why do it to a Jewish flag as well is beyond me.
    Do people realise that she must have been too intoxicated over this whole time to reflect on the fact that whatever prospects she may have had for any kind of employment, let alone in a professional capacity, are gone for good, as this is now all over the world ?
    By her actions she’s unwittingly made the girls of the night seem wholesome.

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