5 thoughts on “NATO Commander: US Ready To "Fight and Defeat" Russia in Europe”
  1. Putin would be wise to plant a few tactical nukes in critical locations, say on Wall Street or NYC as ICBM’s are becoming too vulnerable. A good chess player anticipates future scenarios before they become real.

  2. As if people actually want war with Russia. The Jews do, only when other people can be hypnotized to murder each other for them, normal people do not want war. The 1917 Red Revolution in Russia was not enough for the sadistic bloodthirsty murderous Jewish cult, it is never enough for the bloodthirsty Jews, and now they want to finish the job, and get as many NATO country civilians vapourized in the process too, with nuclear weapons, weapons that the Jews alone invented for this very purpose.
    And who does all the dying in wars these days, around 97% civilians number the dead in typical modern conflicts.
    So the Jews just want to get as many Gentile civilians killed as possible. The sick Jewish reason? The ‘irritating’ ‘demonic’ Gentiles must all be purged from this world by all means. Simple as.
    Nobody wants war, it is all hype, the ‘need’ for it, the ‘justification’ for it, the ‘benefits’ of it, the ‘lack of alternatives to it’, the whole thing is just rammed down everyone’s throats by cruel hypnosis.
    If the ‘goyim’ woke up and banned Jewish banking, and banned Jewish politicians from being in office outside Israel, then there would be almost no one pushing for war anywhere in the world.
    “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none”. Gutle Schnaper, wife of Meyer Amschel Rothschild.

  3. ” Breedlove” …he sounds like a character in some comedy war satire ala DR STRANGELOVE .
    But this is reality ,and insanity !
    ” Fight and defeat “… Why ? Russia has not threatened anyone but is fighting the their own soveregnty .
    Breedlove is preening for his Rothschild’s Masters who NATO is a private army for .

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