After spate of deadly shipwrecks, alliance head warns of foreign fighters hiding among those seeking refuge by crossing Mediterranean
ed note–as we have stated many times on this website and accompanying radio programs, immigration is a problem. It taxes the already-strained social/economic systems of those countries foolish enough to fight wars for Israel’s benefit and only contributes to even more destabilization of an already unstable situation.
However, what must be understood is that–at least in the case of those immigrants arriving on Europe’s shores–this is the direct result of the Zionist-engineered wars being fought by white European countries against those countries Israel has decided must be destroyed if her long-term geo-political goals are to be met.
Now we see a new angle being added to the anti-immigration fever–the threat of ‘terrorism’, which will in turn inevitably lead to more anti-immigrant hostility which will then provide the fuel for more aggressive military action against those countries whose people are fleeing to the west as a result of their homelands being destroyed.
Those who have made anti-immigration their holy grail need to focus their efforts on ending the wars that are primarily responsible for the immigration problem in the first place. If they fail to do this and instead expend all their energy on complaining about ‘darkies’ invading their pristine white lands without addressing the cause of it, than it is a fair statement that they really don’t care about saving their beloved ‘white’ civilization and instead are just looking for a punching bag in venting their own pent up frustration over personal issues that have nothing whatsoever to do with politics, etc.
The wars for banks , corporate interests , and israels benefit and the Zionist NWO agenda are absolutely the first concern. These wars continue, nothing will change. The majority of the masses are aware of this but these subversive assholes will stop at nothing and do not care what the masses want. We say no. they do it anyway and always have a new scam in the making while we try to make each other aware of the last one. I have said it before and will state it again ; “stop paying income tax” I quit volunteering when Iraq was invaded. They can not come arrest us all at once. I work for myself though so it is easy for me with no corporate tax collector between me and the IRS. There is little work though anymore for the small guy like myself. My wife and I are the only employees. Working for anyone else makes it difficult though. These extortionists will come for me some day I am certain. They can go straight to hell without passing go. There is nothing left to take, they will just have to jail me. When the SHTF they are going to do this anyhow though. I am not helping them in the meantime though. Damn international gangsters.