0 thoughts on “Netanyahu Claim to Jerusalem As “Capital City of Israel” Rejected by United Nations”
  1. Palestine wins One out of a thousand. Of course jews feel that if they loose one out of a thousand that their the victims and they will retaliate by murdering all the Palestinians they can or untill they run out of ammo.
    Will someone make this psychotic crime state disappear?
    Imagine a world with out Isreal!!!!!!!!!!!’

  2. Hmmm
    It is hypocritical to say the least that Israel demands that the world accept its place in the world as an independent State by virtue of a UN Mandate. And yet contained as part of that very same mandate the UN stated explicitly (Wikipedia claims the US “recommends” which is of course an outright lie) that Jerusalem would remain an independent international city governed by the UN. At no time, in no way shape or form was Israel granted the right to rule let alone annex and claim Jerusalem as its own. If the same standards were applied here that justified the invasion and subsequent destruction of half a dozen Muslim countries was equally applied Israel would cease to exist in its present form. It would be remade in the mold of the rest of the countries in the region. But as this illustrates in grotesque relief the US “war on terror” in the Middle East was really a war to enable Israeli imperial ambitions. First the West Bank and now Jerusalem. All courtesy of the US taxpayers.

  3. DDearborn. Hmmm. I think Lasilencia is right. Every thing she say is exactly what has happened. I made a copy of that comment, I think is good.

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