His party didn’t get anything like a majority of the UK votes, and yet Cameron could claim victory within hours. What a contrast to Netanyahu’s 42-day coalition struggle
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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What do you expect from Nutteryahu ? Cameron is a half Jew been to Israel given a great welcome and is told he is a friend of Israel . But notice you have to get to the last paragraph to get some real info. The SNP swept the board in Scotland out of 59 seats they got 56 . So what you have is an English Jewish controlled parliament verses a NON-Jew or Jewish controlled parliament in Hollyrood -Edinburgh .There are less than 6000 Jews in Scotland 0.1 % of the population as the Scots wont let Jews control them or rip them off so they migrated to England home of the “Wandering Jew ” I dont know any Jew in the Scottish Parliament. I can see a Scottish cry for Freedom and another Scottish Referendum if Jew Cameron refuses to give Scotland more powers to govern itself which the Scottish people themselves will cry for if Cameron carries on removing Scottish welfare benefits and privatising the NHS -which 99 % of Scots want to keep public . Watch this space !
In these British Election results,the term “New Israel”,as that former world Empire was once renown lives up to the name ! The Rothschild’s have total rule of that society indeed! The International Banking Jews of the City Of London fully in command !