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0 thoughts on “Netanyahu govt ‘more frightening’ than all Israel’s enemies, ex-Mossad chief tells crowds”
  1. It is clear that Netanyahu’s parking ticket has expired. If he doesn’t get it and refuses to unclench his paws form the seat they might even have to Nemtsov him.

  2. That’s what I love about RT.

    I can always count on them to support Jewish atrocities.


    “Dagan criticized Netanyahu’s Operation Protective Edge against Hamas militants last summer.”

    You’ll never see RT refer to “Israeli militants” or “Jewish militants.”

  3. Konrad, on my iPad for the past week presstv news on the hour has been unavailable, whereas no problem getting rt on the hour, and no problem getting France24 on the hour.

    Just more censorship off the back of fake terror like the Sydney Seige, so that they can stage more fake terror with less chance of detection.

  4. @Konrad Sir, YA what is up with RT? Like Hamas is the embodiment of anything people say militants, extremists, terrorists BLAH BLAH BLAH. But nooo never jewish or israHELLi militants. So bored and sick with it.

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