In Times of Israel interview, PM says his policies ‘essential’ to country’s future, intimates that Obama administration wants to see him gone
ed note–please read between the lines on this one. He is not kidding and is prepared to do whatever is necessary to keep himself in office.
Between now and Tuesday will he blow something up and blame it on Iran? A cornered rat is dangerous.
No, he is a gonner. They’ve already asked Herzog what carpet color he prefers and the workers were measuring the office while Netanyahu was feverishly trying to reach Sheldon Adelson and leaving pleading messages on his answering machine. He has displeased the big boys in London and the US too many times, throwing an unwelcome light on Jewish Power.
PS Herzog said “light blue” with six-cornered stars
CK, he won’t be doing that as nobody would believe him, given his political position, and the vote would dip even further against him.
Rather, what I fear he may do is commit suicide in a very grand style; order the nuking of both Iran and Germany with 20 – 30 nukes on each, which would force the other five nuke powers to do the same to Israel, because that’s what you have to do with a mad dog, before that dog bites the five other nuclear powers.
I believe that this Chen Ben Eliyahu, who wrote that op ed in the Hebrew langugage Israel National News within the past week, urging such action, is connected via intermediaries to Netanyahu, and would have had his nod for such a impossibly insane gratuitous suggestion.
The rest of the Israel power structure surely can’t be as insane as he is, along with the editorial staff at the Hebrew language INN, who gave oxygen to one CB Eliyau.
My reason for the preceding para is that sensing the danger of a complete psychosis of PM Netanyahu, they will collectively have quietly prevailed on all those in the chain of command in charge of Israel’s nukes.
Some years from now we might get a, now it can be told, that Netanyahu, on the eve of a electoral disaster without precedent, was actively canvassing those whose cooperation he would have needed to effect a launch of 20-30 nukes on each of the two countries.
Too late, his canvassing had been anticipated by all concerned in other parts of their political structure.