In speech at Grand Synagogue, PM links threat of jihad to Iranian nuclear plans, tells French Jews they are always welcome in Israel
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
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Satan never sleeps.
They are making such a Jewish thing about this and it’s not necessarily so.Now I see why Mossad would facilitate.
Satanyahu leading the masses. All this is the work of the diabolical beings walking on two legs. Israel is behind all these False Flags.
It’s all about the Jews. Of course.
France was becoming entirely too complacent. Time to shake those folks up and pull off the equivalent of another 911.
As with pre WW2 Europe, Jews are being “urged” to make aliyah through nefarious means. The same hands are behind it all of course ~ we are just further down the road.
A good site for more clarity and truth regarding this over reported media free-for-all:
MG … I’m sure you’ll appreciate this :
Thank you Human Melody for this link. Its beautiful and we are going to stand together Christians and Muslims against this evil that is more evil than humans have ever known. I was born Catholic but I left the Church many years ago. I believe in Jesus Christ, not in the Old Testament.
Remember: Jesus did not warn us about the Muslims. Jesus warned us about the Jews.
You are welcome, Isaac. [I shared the link because I learned of MG’s interview with the Sheikh some time back. And I thought that this message from the Sheikh was relevant to our recent TUT discussions.] Your appreciation/ encouragement made me want to share more …
Just like you, I lost my ‘denomination’ … within Islam in the wake of 9/11. I decided to start [re-]learning from scratch. The sectarianism, the CIA-Islamism, Salafi supremacism and Saudi-Wahhabi ritualism all seemed more like an insult to my own ability to strive, learn, grow and find a ‘personal connection with God’. I didn’t want to take Priests as my Lord; I wanted the Lord Himself. And I was extremely lucky; God Helped me and had Mercy on my penitent soul. … When I vowed to commit to Him alone, I started to discern things I’d otherwise never have (which, by the way, also engendered a fierce battle with Freemasons/ Jews)! It began with the consciousness that the Creator could choose to love and guide anyone at any moment — anyone I was standing next to. And I’d climb mountains and cross seas to be next to one upon whom His Love and Mercy is descending or is embodied. [Very soon, our universe appeared to be filled with His Signs. One just has to “see” from the heart/ soul.]
Our incredibly beautiful, loving and awe-inspiring Creator took a separate moment to create each of us. And each life is thus a unique journey, and each soul is destined to find their own Signs and Wonders, in their own pace. … This is evident in how even a disbeliever is only carrying out his part of God’s Plan (like Satan, the Antichrist and the Jews… they were created to test us Believers). And lucky are those that follow their hearts specifically in the direction of Truth, Love, Beauty, Courage, Justice, Equality, Conscience, Decency and Morality … because this is the direction to God, and these are the Essences of God. … [And thus my lifelong respect for Truthers who resist injustice … for they are the bearers of a key part of the Covenant. And the Covenant is not a heartless, legal contract or a casket —– it’s that undying Love and passion with which you want to die for the One you love, and what you love, till you meet Him in the Hereafter.] And the Perfection of Faith is in loving and hating everything/ anything for the Sake of God alone (viz., on His account alone).
Life is a Hologram, a deceiving matrix, a video game. All life events are predetermined by Him — it’s only our ‘responses’/ ‘reactions’/ ‘states of the heart’ that are being recorded for grading on the Day of Judgment. [Viz., more than what we did, it’s why we did it.] This world is just a sampler platter of carbon-copies of the original a la carte in the next Life. And not knowing this makes our lives just a series of disillusionments from misplaced-love … for the only deserving place to place all our Love is the Source and Giver of that Love Himself — God.
I had this born-again Christian buddy in college. One of the only humans with a heart of Gold that I ever met (I realized later that that’s what caused him to be excommunicated)! He gave me a King James Bible. I’d debate a lot with him. He was more scriptural, and I was more intuitive and thinking/ reasoning. This phase opened me up to many things.
The Christian sentiment (viz., the one untainted by Zio-Judeo influences) carried a number of things that appealed to my essentially emotional and idealistic nature. Like the emphasis on Love, or the term “personal relationship with God” … or even the Gospels that said “when the tears of my brother didn’t move my heart, my Lord He troubled me”. [I was really into music; I’d listen to those special Gospels by placing God in place of Jesus. Actually I’d listen to any love song by imagining its subject is God and not just a girl!] … I found these dimensions/ sentiments missing in Islam (viz., the post WWI Islam that me or most others were exposed to). And then I realized that those dimensions were removed from Islam by crooks that “thought, reasoned, dressed and depicted” Islam like Jewish Rabbis in lavish, materialistic robes! I smelled the rotten Pharisees behind all this, and was compelled to feel like we need a Fox Mulder of Islam! However, that was only part of the quest for “Truth” — for God’s Truth is multidisciplinary and requires a lifelong quest to sustainment/ completion. [The Truth is manifesting today through many. I started to see it when I found it, irrespective of the proportion or the source. A lot of people have a piece of the puzzle, while some have many, and then there are some that are close to completion. It’s fascinating…. and it’s not to be judged but appreciated, embraced and plugged into an ever increasing totality/ fruition, like the formation of a select resistance army that Prophet David was in!]
The Blessed Sheikh Imran Hosein (one of my most revered and beloved Teachers) returns a lot of those lost dimensions/ sentiments back into Islam. He woke people up AND revived “reasoning” (to mention one) at the same time. He frequently identifies and filters Judaic filth that was inserted into Islam. [On this note, my thoughts are often in line with OCDG’s, here at TUT, in that: Muslims have a doubled responsibility today of not only fighting the enemy but also to revive and amp-up the self-perfection/ self-reform aspect of Faith… because the absence of the latter equals self-sabotage.] Regarding Islam, I dwell more on the ‘Belief’ (Aqeedah) aspect of it than the ‘Jurisprudence’ (Fiqh) aspect of it — because that was the ‘way’ in which God pulled me in by the ear and from the Fire. And we all have different modes of ‘awakenings’. I care more about the Heart of Islam than the externalities… because the Jurisprudence part gets more easily stumped/ sabotaged by “culture”. And I hate that term, culture. It amounts to nothing but self-worship guised as a collective. It’s always been and still is Satan’s key weapon (and is being used against the French Muslims as we speak). And the Jews are planning to use it in destroying America at the moment. … This is a “last call” for us to bond/ bind on the basis of Faith (Love and Hate for the Sake of God Alone), because every other secular approach is already covered in the Antichrist’s PhD! A stern and Vivid prioritizing of the Hereafter (and Moral Absolutes) is the ONLY way to reduce/ neutralize culture-based provocations (Asabiyah) and the “divide and conquer” that follows.
And, thus, I care only about our similarities, and I deliberately dismiss our differences. [I stay inspired and continue learning by actively looking to be inspired by others.] I feel delighted when I see (e.g.) someone like Henry Makow interpreting Romans 10:9-10 (“…through Jesus Christ”) to mean “Dying to the World” [and not “embracing dogma”]. (Any Christian reading this and appreciating Henry’s depth of understanding must realize that there are a lot of Muslims still devoid of this depth of understanding, thanks to Salafi/ Wahhabi orthodoxy and Freemasonry!) … Interestingly, that interpretation resonates with Islam as well —– the aspect of Islam that was removed from the mainstream and is now being revived (Tasawwuf/ Tazkiyah). This interpretation will not only bring Christians and Muslims together meaningfully, but will also break and nullify the Materialistic (and cultural) voodoo spell (mind control) that the Zionists have cast over us. [You cited how Jesus warned us against the Jews. Well, I take that to mean: Jesus warned us against anything/ anyone that’s Judaized, no matter the religion or classification.]
I love God above all else. And all Messengers from Adam to Muhammad (saas) are from HIM, and represent HIM completely (they are all one family, one Light). And since I love Prophet Muhammad (saas) more than I love myself or my family — I already love Jesus (a.s.) more than anything else on earth right now. … The ZIonist Jews have taken every bit of happiness and joy out of our lives… to the point that nothing is worth living for if it isn’t under the Caliphate of Jesus. I’ve pinned all my/ our hopes (and our children’s hopes) on Jesus’s Blessed return. And the heart yearns and cries at those verses in the Quran, wherein : “Allah made Jesus Blessed wheresoever he be … and Blessed the day he was born, the day he will die, and the day he will be raised alive.” (19: 31, 33)