ed note–there are no ‘doubts’ in Netanyahu’s mind concerning what Trump envisions. Netanyahu and all ‘good Jews’ understand that the Torah is kristol clear on this issue–a Jewish state from the Nile to the Euphrates, leaving ‘nothing alive that breathes’ in achieving the creation of this Jewish state. Furthermore, the name ‘Palestine’ itself is a dagger in the eye of all ‘good Jews’ who follow their Torah and Judaic tradition, as it is the name given to the region first by the Greeks–whom the Jews despise for the Hellenizing influence that Greece brought to Judea, and then which was later adopted by the Romans after their defeat of Judea. The only ‘doubt’ in Netanyahu’s mind is what type of explosive device is going to be detonated in an act of Judaic false flag terrorism, as well as in which western city in order to affix the blame for it on the Palestinians so that Trump finds his peace push DOA.
Instructive report, including the ed. note, regarding the same ol’ same ol’ Zionist tactic of scheming to use any disinformation and tell any lie to achieve Zionism’s psychosis-based objectives (primary of which are extermination of the Palestinian presence from the “holy” land and thence full-on expansion from there…Lebanon, Syria et al). And of course Netanyahu has the US in his hip pocket, with Zionist Jews of the likes of Kushner, Greenblatt et al to act as the Zionists’ lawyers and ensure that the Palestinian narrative is always slyly or overtly skewed to prove the old — was it Abba Eban? — adage that the pitiable, holocausted Jews have “no partner for peace.” Sickening…. Viva Palestine!