Netanyahu says that obstacles to peace lie with the Palestinians and not with Israel
ed note–yes, yes, we know, it IS tiresome ladies and Gentile-men, but it has to be done, if for no other reason than for the historical record.
As discussed here on many occasions, Israel will not (nor does she need to) launch any preemptive screeching campaigns against Trump’s proposed ‘ultimate peace deal’. To do so only reveals the fact that she is the one who is CONSTITUTIONALLY AND ORGANICALLY opposed to any legal arrangement that inhibits her from engaging in what she does best in accordance with her religious DNA–i.e. murder, theft, rape, pillage, and then lying about all of it and portraying herself as the aggrieved victim.
Instead, what she will do is to incite the Palestinians through the various moles, assets and agents she maintains that are deeply embedded within the Palestinian resistance to react emotionally (and with as much volume and drama as possible) rather than responding rationally so that Israel will then be able to enter from stage wherever with a feigned look of bewilderment mixed with sadness and with her trademark shaking of the head and her ‘tsk, tsk, tsk’, state with heavy heart that once again, quelle dommage, peace eludes all of us–due not to Israel, the ‘light amongst the nations’ and GAAAAAAWD’S chosen people, but rather–because of the Ishmaelites and their irrational hatred of everything decent and civilized.
And now, a few ‘oldies but goodies’ that have appeared in previous posts–
‘All can rest assured that Israel will–through her various inside assets within the PA–stoke Palestinian anger and that it will be ‘Palestinian intransigence’ that Israel will use in justifying her rejection and abandonment of Trump’s peace deal. Wait for it, watch for it, because it is coming…’ well as–
‘…It needs to be understood that the posture which the Palestinians are maintaining, and particularly their recalcitrance over meeting with Trump’s peace team, although completely understandable from a ‘human’ standpoint, nevertheless is exactly what Israel wants (and is indeed bringing about through her tentacled influence within the PA) in order to make believable the narrative that it is the Palestinians–not the Jews–who do not want peace and that–once again–Israel was the one operating in ‘good faith’ and ‘if only’ the Palestinians would be more reasonable then peace could be achieved…’
Sewer brained netanyahu is the reason “isn’t-real” will NEVER be allowed to exist.. Fecal brained benji is our World’s most despicable LIAR and he will continue to be so until he eventually rots in Hell.. He and he alone has seen to it that any and all jewish people will never be trusted, nor believed and there is NO CHANCE of this FACT ever changing in this generation…
Why is it, after all this time under occupation, that the Palestinians can’t see they’re going to be played yet again. Why can’t they shut down the Yewish moles within their ranks in order to try to make headway in this 2 state idea? I mean, if they can’t get this done this time, I’m not too sure there’s going to be a next time. The balance of power in the world seems to be moving toward the east (the China pivot) and no one in that part of the world gives a damn about the Palestinians. The Arab world seems to only care about the Palestinians for purposes of leverage, and that appears to most definitely be on the wane too.
And all these “internal” problems for Nuttyahoo seem well timed in order to “make it impossible” for any time to be spent on negotiations with the Palestinians.