ed note–a few protocols that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival–AS WELL AS THAT OF THEIR CHILDREN–need to know about this one.


It is/has been a constant here on this humble little informational endeavor that the one test that can be administered in finding out whether a follower of Judah-ism is lying is whether or not his/her mouth is open, or, as we have put it many times in that catchy little rhyme which we are proud to have trademarked–




However, there are times when the followers of Judah-ism–despite being as magnetically pulled towards lying as they are–do indeed engage in telling the truth, even if it is done in coded language, and one of those times is right here/right now and in the person of none other than Mr. Armageddon himself, ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu.


Where some mastery in decoding/translating Jewspeak is needed however is in understanding exactly ‘who’ those ‘enemies’ are that Netanyahu is referencing, and here is where the follower of Judah-ism, even when he/she appears to be telling the truth, is indeed engaging in the VERY Judaic practice of deception.


When Bibi refers to Israel’s ‘enemies’ and leads those within earshot of his voice to think he is referencing Hamas and Hamas alone, herein lies the deception, for what he is doing in effect is turning the telescope backwards when looking at an object, making it APPEAR smaller than what it really is.


The truth, and indeed an awful and apocalyptic truth it is, is that he is talking about the ENTIRE GENTILE WORLD, all 7+ billion of us, who are going to ‘pay’ for the crimes of destroying Israel on several historical occasions throughout the last several thousands of years and making the apple of yahweh’s eye suffer.


Today it is Hamas, meaning Gaza…Tomorrow it is Hezbollah, meaning Lebanon and Syria…The day after it will be the ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, meaning Egypt and the rest of the Arab Middle East…The week after, it is ‘Haman’, meaning Iran…The week after that, it is ‘Gog and MaGog’, meaning Russia and all the slavic nations, and then it will be ‘Rome’–truly ‘La Enchilada Grandissima’–meaning Europe and the USA.


All of these nations/peoples are on Israel’s ‘to-do’ list in terms of utter destruction, so when ‘Bibi’ talks about this present war being ‘just the beginning’ and adds to that threat by saying–


‘We will never forget the horrific acts perpetrated by our enemies against us…’


remember, he isn’t talking about the events of 2 weeks ago, but rather, the events of 2,000 years ago.


In short–and please forgive the bad grammar here, he ain’t just talking about Hamas and–just as importantly–he ain’t lyin’.


What the Jypsy state is in effect doing is creating a new religious celebration of Gentile destruction/defeat along the same lines of Passover, Purim, H’Nooka, etc, all wrapped up into one and which Netanyahu predicts will be the case when he declares in coded Jewspeak the following–


‘Stories of the heroic acts of our people in these dark days of pain and grief will be told for years to come, stories that will become an integral part of the history of Israel…’




Israel National News


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a statement to the public about the ongoing war against Hamas on Friday evening, marking a rare occasion in which an Israeli Prime Minister speaks on Shabbat.


‘Citizens of Israel, Shabbat Shalom. Shabbat shalom to our forces deployed across the country who are celebrating the Sabbath in the field, far from home,’ he said.


‘Today, we all understand that we are fighting for our home. And we are all fighting tooth and nail: soldiers, police officers, citizens, security forces, health personnel and rescue teams — and Israel’s citizens, with your extraordinary volunteering spiring that has touched the entire world.’


‘We are all mobilized, we are all united…Stories of the heroic acts of our people in these dark days of pain and grief and of that cursed Saturday will be told for years to come. Stories that will become an integral part of the history of Israel,’ the Prime Minister said.


‘We will never forget the horrific acts perpetrated against us by our enemies. I spoke today with bereaved families and families whose loved ones are still unaccounted for. Their world has collapsed. I know. We will never forget the horrific acts perpetrated by our enemies against us and we will never forgive. We will not allow the world, or anyone, to forget these horrors, the likes of which the Jewish people have not endured in decades,’ he stated.


‘We are pounding our enemies with unprecedented force, and I stress, this is only the beginning. Our enemies have only just begun to pay the price. I will not detail our plans, but I tell you, this is only the beginning,’ Netanyahu stressed.


‘In my phone calls with President Biden and other world leaders, and through many other efforts, we are securing vast international support for Israel. Earlier today I met with the US secretary of state. We are ensuring that the war will continue through munitions and weapons that are en route to Israel. We will obliterate Hamas, we will triumph. It might take time, but we will end this war stronger than ever. ‘May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down.’ Shabbat Shalom.’

2 thoughts on “Lest We Forget–Netanyahu says ‘This war is only the beginning, and our enemies have only just begun to pay the price’”
  1. The thief has 99 days … A well known African saying.
    The J-cults are creating the structure for their own demise. The sooner it comes the better for ALL.
    So, the arch-racists, who try to enshrine the idea of ‘A Jewish State’ appear to be intent on addressing the non-existent ‘increase’ of anti-semitism. Hypocrisy writ-large …
    Sometimes in life, people become so enraptured with their own self-image of exceptionalism that they tend to forget their humanity or mortality. Quite sad actually …
    It appears so obvious what is happening, and yet the majority are NOT allowed to even discuss it … fascinating.

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