
JERUSALEM POST – Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a number of other Israeli political leaders reacted Thursday to a terror attack in the West Bank on Thursday in which a Palestinian driver seriously wounded three IDF soldiers.

The Prime Minister immediately commended the swift actions of the IDF who responded to the attack and wished the injured a speedy recover.

He once again called on the international community to condemn this attack and the one earlier in the week when an Israeli vehicle was firebombed in east Jerusalem. The US did condemn the Jerusalem attack.

Netanyahu said, “I find it strange that those who were quick to condemn terrorism against Palestinians are silent when the terrorism is directed at Jews.”

Yisrael Beytenu head Avigdor Liberman praised the IDF security forces who arrived at the scene for responding correctly and shooting the terrorist, but slammed  Netanyahu and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon for inaction in preventing such attacks.

“Responsibility for this falls on the prime minister and minister of defense, who are not working in a determined way to fight terror and to stop it from happening. Rather, they are doing the opposite, he said”

Zionist Union also lauded the security forces at the scene of the attack.

“We applaud the IDF soldiers for acting appropriately and directly to stop the terrorist from hurting even more people and are convinced that the security forces will seek out whoever is behind this attack until they are caught, so that every terrorist will know that the State of Israel will not let terrorists slip out of its grasp.  We wish those injured a quick recovery. “

“It is up to the prime minister to restore security for every person in Israel. This is an extremely serious incident of criminal terrorism.”

Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben-Dahan said the most effective response would be to deport the terrorist’s family immediately.

“Only significant deterrence will prevent additional terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens,” he added.

Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel pointed out that “residents of Judea and Samaria deal with attacks and harassment every day that don’t reach the media” and called on Ya’alon to increase security at major intersections.

“This attack, like previous ones, are a direct result of the Palestinians’ well-oiled incitement system,” he stated.

Ariel also said that while “us Jews” condemned the firebombing of Palestinian homes last weekend, he does not expect the Palestinian Authority to do the same following Thursday’s attack.

Culture Minister Miri Regev said “the time has come for [Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud] Abbas to stop being two-faced. I call on him to fight incitement and hatred that is deeply rooted in the PA; it must be uprooted.”

Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid said he “salutes IDF soldiers who acted quickly and determinedly and killed the terrorist…Anyone who harms or tries to harm Israeli citizens needs to know that our long hand will reach him.”

The Joint List did not respond to requests for comment.

0 thoughts on “Netanyahu: Those who condemn terror against Palestinians silent on terror against Jews”
  1. Netanyahu said, “I find it strange that those who were quick to condemn terrorism against Palestinians are silent when the terrorism is directed at Jews.”

    there is nothing strange with that .
    When an innocent, armless, powerless person is attacked by a bully, then the attack should be, rightly so,condemned. When the bully, who attacked the innocent, armless, powerless person finally gets some beating ,then there is a reason to cheer that event up.
    Nothing strange in that. It is called justice.

  2. “…Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid said he “salutes IDF soldiers who acted quickly and determinedly and killed the terrorist…Anyone who harms or tries to harm Israeli citizens needs to know that
    OUR LONG HAND will reach him.”…”
    Well, he didn’t say anything new.
    Germans ( oops, sorry, I forgot that now we call them Nazis), applied the same idea of collective punishment ( done by the “..very long hand that reaches ..” ) towards those , who dared to “harm” very precious German citizens or ,even more precious , German soldiers during WW2.
    History likes to repeat itself.
    Now ,instead of “precious Germans citizens ” , we have “precious Israeli citizens”.
    But ” the Long Hand that reaches” still stays the same.
    This time is dressed in the IDF unfiorms, instead of the Nazi uniforms.
    But the ‘philosophy ‘behind it didn’t change.
    It is about one group of people (supposedly the better/chosen ones) trying to totally dominate all the other ones.
    “..During the occupation, for every German killed by a Pole, 100-400 Poles were shot in retribution. Communities were held collectively responsible for the purported Polish counter-attacks against the invading German troops…”

  3. it is interesting why, all of a sudden ,they seem to care what the International community thinks about their actions,
    .”.. He once again called on the international community to condemn this attack ..”
    Why the international community should condemn this attack?
    Gaza is being carried on the backs of the international community.
    NOT POLITCIANS ,mind you, but people, regular, ordinary people, from many , many different countries ,who care about what is going on in Gaza and Palestine.
    They watch, monitor, update, inform, donate, help in many other ways so the people in Gaza feel that they are not left alone.
    The politicans and all sorts of people in power?? Most of them are corrupted, sleazy, cowardly creatures who, either fully cooperate with the Israeli regime or are afriad of their own shadow and the “long hand that reaches..”.
    So No. The international community is not going to condemn the attack,
    because the innocent people ,who are abused, mistreated, oppressed, imprisoned, killed, etc., have the absolute right to self-defense, the right to fight back for their dignity and their lives.
    Their lives matter.
    For them , for their families and loved ones, for all the good people who care.

  4. Has nobody realised a good sniper could probably rid the world of Netanyahu from Syria, Jordan or Egypt.
    …or from just up the road from his house.

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