ed note–I realize this piece is a few days old, but again, the entire world—all 7 billion of us, CANNOT afford to ill-consider the words of a madman such as this.
Please read between the lines of what Nutty Netty is saying here–
1. ‘Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the nuclear agreement between world powers and Iran and said the deal makes war more likely.’
Translation–‘I’m going to get a f****** war started if I don’t get my way’
2 “When bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse…”
Translation–‘Give me what I want or things are going to get worse in ways you can’t even begin to imagine’.
3.’The best of intentions don’t prevent the worst of outcomes…’
Translation–‘Give me what I want or or you’ll find out what the ‘worst of outcomes’ really is…’
4.’No one should question Israel’s determination to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons’
Translation–‘Remember 911? We did that, had our people filming it, and after they were sent home by your then-director of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff, they appeared on Israeli television and admitted they were Mossad and had been sent to ‘document’ the event. Remember the USS LIBERTY? We did that, and got rewarded with $10 billion a year. Remember JFK, RFK, Oklahoma City, Boston Marathon, the Anthrax attacks, etc? We did that, and can do it all over again, whatever it takes to save the Jewish state.’
In a fiery address before the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu criticized the nuclear agreement between world powers and Iran and said the deal makes war more likely.
“Ladies and gentlemen, check your enthusiasm at the door,” Netanyahu said, listing examples of Iran’s involvement in regional wars, transfer of strategic weapons threatening Israel, and what he said were international terrorist plots uncovered in recent months.
“When bad behavior is rewarded, it only gets worse,” said Netanyahu, urging the West to monitor Iran’s compliance with the agreement, check its regional ambitions and use sanctions to tear down what he called Iran’s global terrorist network.
Acknowledging that his was a minority view, Netanyahu said there were “well-intended people” who believe the deal was the best way to block Iran’s path to nuclear weapons, but that the best of intentions “don’t prevent the worst of outcomes.”
Israel will not allow Iran to “walk in, sneak in or break into the nuclear club,” said Netanyahu, adding that no one should question Israel’s determination to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Whatever international agreements or resolutions were reached on the matter, “Israel will do whatever it must do” to defend the state and its people, he said.
The Israeli leader also took the United Nations to task. Accusing the organization of “Israel-bashing” and repeatedly passing resolutions against Israel while all but ignoring the savagery of the civil war in Syria, Netanyahu said the U.N.’s attitude toward Israel was unjust and disproportionate. He urged the body to support Israel.
He said a common threat from Iran and radical forces was bringing Israel and its Arab peace partners and others in the region closer together. He added that he hoped this would lead to more peaceful partnerships.
Netanyahu said that he remained committed to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that he was prepared to “immediately resume direct peace negotiations … with no preconditions whatsoever.”
Shortly after Netanyahu finished his speech, two Israelis were killed in a shooting attack in the West Bank, a statement from Israel’s military said. According to preliminary reports, a civilian car was fired upon while driving between the Jewish settlements of Elon Moreh and Itamar.
Army forces were searching the area for the gunman. Israeli media reported that the two people killed were a couple who were the parents of four children. The children were reportedly not hurt in the attack.
In a statement from his office, Netanyahu called the attack “especially heinous and shocking.” While the perpetrators remained unknown, he said that “wild Palestinian incitement leads to acts of terrorism and murder such as we have seen this evening.”
In a speech to the U.N. on Wednesday, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas renounced the 1993 Oslo accord between Israel and the Palestinians, accusing Israel of repeatedly violating its terms.
In his speech, Netanyahu faulted the Palestinian Authority for the failure of peace efforts, and called on Abbas to return to the negotiations. He urged the U.N. to support direct negotiations between the two parties and refrain from imposing solutions.
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This is very dangerous .Do not take any if Marks incites lightly, or just have faith”.
Russia,and Iran are directly challenging the International Jews hegemony.
China weight will be thrown in soon.
” Nutty Netty” , is s dangerous rat being cornered .
The days of their easy victories are coming to and….and that could mean End Game for the Anti Christ Jews.
But they need to ” End Game Iran” ,and dont. just consider it ancient Persia, or ” land of the Aryan,” …. The Jews want all Gentiles destroyed or subjugated ,” Thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.
The Jews rule of all media,Finance, politics, and even organized Christianity makes them almost immune from any effective opposition ,or revelation.
They got away with midwifing two world wars, Communist revolutions, killing JFK , espionage, corrupting elective politics… pushing Iraq war 1 & 2: 9 1 1. Taking total control of our money!
Even the blatant catering of the politicians, to a small even tiny minority, doesnt wake anybody up !
So this makes nothing Yahoos, threats ,and boasts highly alarming…and expected.
Please don’t anybody blame this on fake Jews versus real Jews. I assure you despite any contention amongst the tribe, Jews are fully aligned behind the chosen people system: and that means, they win and you lose… This time it could be your life, and our planet… Thou shalt have no other gods but Yahweh!
Don’t forget that, because they don’t.
It seems to me that A. Hitler was right, this warmonger evil jew doesn’t understand cause and effect, playing his role of a bullyer and eternal victim (f….g vampire!). As well it appears to me, with all due respect to our admired Mark G. (and Dante) that he-they was-were a little sentimental and scaremonger in this work. Best regards friends