ed note–and people are shocked that the majority (99% +) of the Jewish community supports the murder of Palestinians when the majority (99% +) of the Jewish community supports the murder of unborn children in the most horrific, diabolic manner imaginable?
Pure evil. But I guess that’s all right if the baby is a goy.
Charles Manson, Hannibal Lecter, Saturn / Israel, the god that devoured his own children, and the narcissistic, pathological mutants that are born destroyers…all rolled into one.
Sometimes I wonder that in the evolutionary / adaptive genetic structure humans have, if something either went wrong in their branch, or they were simply created this way. A human branch going off in their direction, leads only to dead end. It can die out from a number of reasons. It would be like a self destruction situation that implodes on itself. Self destructive in the end.
Why is she blaming all unborn should die because she is Jewish if that is too much to tolerate, change her religion or give her self a shot of poison to end her heinous idea to kill non-Jews.
They usually just cut the arms and legs off the torsos of the unborn babies, see that on ultrasound live video, ‘The Silent Scream’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gON-8PP6zgQ as they writhe around trying to scream in the womb without even any anaesthetic, as they are not supposed to feel pain, just like animals were not supposed to be able to feel pain at one time, before their heads are cut off last of all once they work their way all the way to the top of the womb, and then the dismembered parts are sucked out by vacuum.
Putting the babies to sleep is actually more merciful, seeing as how the mothers and the doctors are going to kill the babies one way or the other anyway, and at present, the babies are fully conscious whilst being dismembered, ever thought about that?
Those people are going to kill those babies anyway, it is not presently in our power to prevent that legally, sadly, though there are instances where I support the abortion of severely disabled or deformed foetuses (I would wish that for myself in such a situation in any future reincarnation, if my own body were like that, in a heartbeat), to prevent the suffering they would experience trapped in a disadvantaged body all their lives and having to rely on the sacrifice of many others just to keep them half-alive in that pitiful tortured state. At least then the soul of that poor baby can come back again and enter a properly formed sperm and become a normal baby as they are supposed to.
People are badly mistaken when they think it is ‘sacred life’ that they are saving when they preserve these barely functional and terribly suffering babies, as the soul is the living entity, not the body, so we should let the souls of each of them have the opportunity to have a better body, rather than being actually irresponsible and condemning those souls to a lifetime of terrible suffering whilst they are left helplessly trapped inside a vehicle that they cannot escape from.
Every soul is eternal, so nothing is lost by doing that. That is real compassion and real spirituality. I have seen even a loving dog compassionately push away a deformed new pup with her snout whilst suckling the others, refusing that one any milk, and normal Tibetan Buddhist practice in such instances was (and maybe still is in some areas) to gently lay a badly deformed or disabled baby in an ice cold stream until they lost consciousness in a few minutes and passed on to a better life, free from such terrible suffering, and I would definitely wish that for myself in an instant if that were ever to become my own situation.