‘Protecting intelligence sources’ was prioritized over indications of imminent rocket attack, cross border incursions, and taking of hostages. Only ‘minor steps’ taken, according to new details in military probes of ‘Oct. 7 failings’


ed note–as always, a tidal wave of important info that every Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own future survival needs to understand about all of this.


Firsto, ladies and Gentile-men, the evidence–from sources no less authoritative than the IDF and its various intelligence apparati, that Israel knew of the impending attacks of Oct. 7th but refused to act in any preventative manner, is not just as high as a mountain, but indeed, as extensive as an entire mountain range.


On the other hand, the only ‘proof’ that exists of Israel being ‘blindsided’ by the attacks are those statements made by those with the most to gain from the propagation of such notions, meaning Netanyahu and the rest of the Torah Terrorists making up his ‘Greater Israel’ government.


Now, it is important to note that the only reason that the genocide in Gaza was afforded the opportunity of continuing for as long as it did, and to produce the incalculable amount of human suffering that has been its outcome, is because of Israel using the cudgel-narrative of ‘we were blindsided and now we are defending ourselves’ in beating down any and all opposition to what was taking place.


And intrinsic to her being able to use that cudgel-narrative, ladies and Gentile-men, (and in so doing, being afforded an open road to engage in the level of genocide that she has) have been those ‘pro-Palestinian’ groups and various ‘analysts’ who have appeared on various talk show programs over the last 15 months and who–ostensibly out of ‘respect’ for the ‘resistance’ and its bold moves on Oct. 7th, have parroted Netanyau’s ‘explanation’ viz that ‘Israel didn’t know’ and was ‘blindsided’.


In other words, once again, just like the Americans believing that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 were the result of ‘intelligence failures’ on the part of the US government that resulted in ‘jhadists’ murdering 3,000 people on that morning, likewise, the pro-Palestinian groups, by parroting the narrative crafted by Netanyahu and his ‘Greater Israel’ war party, helped to facilitate the murder of what may well turn out to be a quarter of a million innocent people in Gaza, to say nothing of what’s to come.


Any and all Gentiles with a vested interest in their own future survival will call to mind how central the role has been of the Nova music festival to all of this in crafting the narrative that the Pirates of Judea needed in order to get this genocide in Gaza started and to keep it going for over a year. The image of young people celebrating at a music festival, just as would be seen in any Western country, being kidnapped and murdered (mainly by the IDF and IAF) was as intrinsic to the needed narrative as the bombings that took place at the Boston Marathon in 2013.


And now, ladies and Gentile-men, we have yet another piece of evidentiary proof, to be added to what is now the already-existing MOUNTAIN RANGE of similar proofs that indeed




–And it is only the hopelessly deluded within the ‘pro-Palestinian’ community who continue to believe otherwise, as noble as their ‘disbelief’ may be considered to be.


Note as well those sections dealing with ‘sensitive sources’.


For those unable to do the simple math in all of this, these were the ‘Mista’arvim’ agents embedded deeply within Hamas who were sending Israel detailed information about the impending attacks and who doubtless were tasked with some of the more ghoulish aspects of what was said to have occurred on that day involving rapes, beheadings, babies cooked in ovens, etc, so that Israel, in aggrandizing and inflating the ‘horror’ of ‘Simchat Torah’, could procure for herself the ‘license to kill’ she needed in seeing WWIII/Armageddon take place, and with it, the realization of ‘Greater Israel’.





On the night before the October 7 Hamas massacre, an IDF intelligence unit collected signs of preparation for rocket fire on Israel. The unit also observed unusual activity of Hamas aerial forces that could indicate a transition of the group to ’emergency mode’, Ynet and its sister publication Yeditoth Ahronot learned.


Those indications, especially of imminent rocket fire and of other threats were discussed in IDF consultations in the following hours but did not result in any decisions to raise the alarm over a possible Hamas assault nor to any significant steps in dealing with it.


This information was included in documents reviewed by senior government and security officials and presented in their arguments for the resignation of Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi. 


Contrary to earlier reporting, the IDF not only estimated that Hamas was preparing for a military exercise, but had seriously considered the possibility that the group was about to launch an assault on Israel. 


Despite that, the IDF decided on only a limited number of actions.


Amid wide consensus across both military and intelligence, the IDF opted to avoid exposing ‘sensitive intelligence sources’ rather than elevating any level of preparedness.


These revelations expose a central and dramatic aspect of the events of that night previous to Oct. 7th. A participant in the recent consultations on the matter described them as ‘a nuclear bomb.’


Since the massacre, other indications of an impending attack have come to light as well, including the use of Israeli SIM cards and the deployment of emergency assets in the Strip used during the 2021 conflict two years earlier.


But the preparation to launch a rocket attack, ‘was a worrying sign all on its own, and more so when it was added to other concerning indications.’


The military is continuing its review and inquiries into the failings of that night. A person present in conversations about those inquiries said a senior officer had asked why there were no steps taken to prepare for a rocket attack, including moving the thousands of people from the Nova music festival grounds near the border where there were not enough shelters to protect against a rocket and mortar strike?


There is also the question as to whether instructions were given to launch an intelligence flight over Gaza.


At 2 am, the Air Force duty command center was notified about the unusual activity in the Hamas aerial units. At the same time, more indications of a possible rocket strike were received. 


All of that information was discussed in a call that Yaron Finkelman, the chief of the Southern Command, held with other senior officers, Shin Bet representatives, and a representative of the Air Force.


Their evaluation written in simple terms read ‘unusual activity was identified.’


Finkelman said there were three possibilities, the third of them being an assault.



IDF prioritizes protecting intelligence sources


As Ynet reported last November, Finkelman gave a series of orders, but all were to be carried out while prioritizing the protecting of intelligence sources in order to prevent Hamas from realizing the fact Israel was aware of its unusual activities. 


An official close to the government testified that the Southern Command was aware of the Nova festival and had given the organizers the license for it. ‘If the information, not about the assault, but about possible rocket fire, did not meet the standard to stop the party, what would have?’ 


‘Protecting sources was prioritized,’ said a senior officer, to explain the gap between the general consensus that there was low probability of an assault and the indications in the report. ‘If someone would have thought that there was really a danger, preventing it would have been prioritized over any of the intelligence sources and that is why a limited group was involved in the discussions.’ Missing from them were the chief of military intelligence and the Commander of the Air Force.  


Summary of the Southern Command’s consultations was delivered to Chief of IDF operations General Oded Basyuk who conducted a number of telephone calls. ‘After consulting the deputy head of Shin Bet, commander of the Southern Command, operations commander and intelligence research department chief, there are three possible scenarios,’ he wrote. ‘A Hamas drill, increased preparedness to defend against an Israeli attack, or preparations for an attack against Israel in the coming hours that includes breeching the border, abductions, shooting attacks, rocket attacks and an incursion from the air.’ 


He ordered a number of actions be taken, including a review of Israel’s aerial defenses, but despite his understanding that there was the risk of a rocket strike, abductions, or ‘an unusual terror attack’, the conclusion was that special care had to be given in protecting ‘sensitive sources’ and of coordinating actions with military intelligence.’


Later review showed that the Intelligence forces’ Operational Brigade was not tapped about any possible deployment of forces along the border in the overnight hours. There is an ongoing debate about the responsibility for that.

One thought on “New official report states that despite early indications of Hamas’ plans for ‘breeching the border’ and ‘taking hostages’ that Nova music festival was not shut down”
  1. In other words, it was a simple MOSSAD operation, which is why the sources had to be kept secret, because they wanted as few people as possible to know about it! The Hamas leaders only found out the next morning that they had attacked Israel…

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