10 thoughts on “NICOLAS SARKOZY: "Defending Israel is the Fight of My Life"”
  1. “I will defend Israel until I die. I don’t care if professing my Jewishness, is like public self masturbation! I live for Usury Tribe riches!”

  2. That country is built and sustained on injustice it will perish despite their best efforts and the efforts of their materialist anti-Christ.
    Quran 3:26-27
    Say: “O Allah, O Lord of the
    Kingdom, You give kingdom to whom You
    will, and take kingdom away from whom
    You will; and You bestow honor on whom
    You will, and bring disgrace to whom You
    will. In your hand lies the betterment (of
    everyone). You are surely powerful over
    You make the night enter into the
    day, and make the day enter into the night;
    and You bring the living out from the dead,
    and bring the dead out from the living, and
    You give to whom You will beyond

  3. Remember when Frsnch was targeted by the International Jews for harrasmrnt of every kind? Rothschild’s is back in the country with a vengence ! The dirty Jew Sarkozy ,like all of them,place Israel/Yahweh first. Like his hero Charles De Gaulle,he is an International Bankers creation…only Gentile De Gaulle woke up ,late in life. (To be deposed ), Sarkozy the ugly little Jew cannot!

  4. Amazing similarity! This guy looks just like his namesake, the former President of France. Nevertheless it’s one of those one in a billion coincidences of name and physical appearance similarity. The former Pres of France, who also plans to run again in 2017 and has in fact just created his own party for that purpose, called the Republican party would not make such a traitorous statement, putting a foreign state above his own “patrie.” No chance in a billion.

  5. Sarkozy ,like every Western Leader is purely concerned with one issue-supporting Israel. Beware;whether you be Muslim,Christian,Atheist,Hindus,or Buddhist,plus anything in between,what this dirty snazaolla ,little Jew is saying means the support of a dark,and satanic force the Jewish “God”is Satan ,and their Israel is his platform. All must fall before Yahweh-“every knee shall bend”. The “Anti-Christ “,is a Jew….666 “The mark of the beast”….and this comment comes from a non-religious person.

  6. Sarkozy is a traitor then, putting the interests of another nation and people before those of the French nation and people, one Israel is a genocidal monster that threatens France with the Samson Option. The Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, another Jew, also said that Canada would defend Israel to the last. The whole thing is utterly yet another example of total mind control of the Gentile prisoner population of France against their own best self-interests, to act in favour of a nation and people that is in fact the self-stated deadly enemy of the French people.
    How can people in several countries repeatedly be made to vote for Jewish politicians who maintain a principally pro-Israeli agenda, whilst Israel threatens the complete nuclear annihilation of them all with the Samson Option, and in the case of America, also even maintains the threat of the genocidal 1991 US Noahide Laws over them all. People are quite literally being sent insane, and this is extremely dangerous, because in such a mindless and driven state, they can be pushed to kill literally any other people anywhere, whoever the Jew tells them to kill.

  7. The illegal creation of this entity called “State of Israel” that is not even a state. was found on injustice, theft, genocide, lies, constant massacres, destruction of whole cities, towns, mosques, infrastructure, killing of hundreds of thousands and the evictions of millions. all these facts are ignored by the common American people because this Khazarian Criminal Mafia control the global news media, also the common American people are too lazy to read books.

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