Hindu symbol
Confederate paraphernalia will be forced offsite, but Nazi paraphernalia still abounds

Times of Israel

JTA — Don’t try to search for Confederate flag memorabilia on Amazon or eBay right now – you won’t find much. In the fallout from the Charleston church shooting last week – perpetrated by a 21-year-old with a certain fondness for the Confederate flag – the online retailers have removed most products featuring the Confederate flag from their websites.

However, a search for Nazi memorabilia on the sites still yields a wide array of results. Looking for old coins or posters emblazoned with swastikas? Or maybe even Nazi-themed jewelry? Amazon and eBay have got you covered.

In the process of effectively removing their Confederate flag content, the companies have inadvertently raised a perennially difficult question: How ethical is it to sell products that feature symbols that represent hateful messages?

Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center argues that removing Confederate flag merchandise should pave the way for removing other symbols.

“If this is a decision that they made out of their concerns about what the symbol itself stands for and what it has inspired, then I think they’re gonna [sic] have to revisit their overall policy on other issues,” Cooper told the Algemeiner. “Like the swastika, the Celtic cross, which is used by many white supremacists and Nazis…the Hamas flag, Hezbollah, and all the other terrorist groups on the State Department’s terrorist list.”

Derek Bambauer, a professor at the University of Arizona who specializes in Internet law, told Reuters that it is not easy for a company as large and sprawling as eBay to remove swaths of similar content.

“For Amazon and eBay, it’s a question of scale,” Bambauer said. “eBay has had to work on everything from Nazi memorabilia to counterfeit jewelry and one of the hardest parts at their scale is to look at keywords, identify sellers with problems and flag issues.”

Several other online retailers have been chided in recent years for selling Nazi-related products – Walmart’s Dachau concentration camp poster and Sears’ “punk rock” swastika ring are two memorable examples.

So there would certainly be precedent to build on if Amazon and eBay were to take a stand against Nazi-related merchandise.

0 thoughts on “No Amazon, Ebay crackdown on swastikas”
  1. The Jews have attacked the Swastika from the beginning. It is the polar opposite of their Hexogram,666-Star Of Saturn/David. The article makes it clear the “Confederate Flag”,is “just the beginning”.
    So I find the headline most misleading.
    The Jews distorted the Swastika…it does not mean “hate”.The Confederate Flag, was a symbol of rebellion against the Federal Government.. again ,’not necessarily,” hate”.
    When I was growing up,both symbols where on toy military sets,model kits,books.
    The Jews long sgo made them be taken off.
    Now the kids,everyone is dumber. ….but Jews like stupidity.
    Don’t rejoice at any of this politically correct nonsense.
    The Jews are after ALL Gentile symbols.
    That means Greco-Roman,Hindu, Christian, Buddhist,Islam.
    ‘Thou shalt have no other Gods,but Yahweh”.

  2. The Jews will remove all symbols they find blasphemous, the Crucifix, the Swastika, the Confederate battle flag. They defile the Muslim Prophet Muhammad and curse Jesus Christ, should it come as any surprise that they would attack these symbols? Israel, Jews and ISIS are busy defacing our gentile past.
    The Swastika is a global Gentile symbol, found in too many civilizations across the planet to relay here. Defending the Swastika and Confederate flag is defending our Gentile history. If we submit to Jewry by casting down our symbols it will rightly be seen by Jewry as an example of our submission to their Satanic world order.

  3. I bought a Confederate Flag ,and officers host,as a boy at a parade long ago.I had rebel soldiers, along with the Union.
    I owned German Soldiers, model kits, and due cast, with the Swastika.
    People accepted it as accurate history ,and not necessarily a political endorsment.
    The Jews took this away,because they seek the elimination of all symbols, and regalia,of Gentile culture, and history.
    The Jews wiped out Gentile symbols in the Soviet Union. They relished the firebombing of Axis Cities during WW 2…..planning them,and giving the missions Old Testament, or Kabbalah code names.The aiming point of the atomic bomb drop,was Hiroshimas Catholic Cathedral.
    The Jews took down Christmas, and turned it into just another holiday.
    Easter is not much anymore.
    Like D Hart said, the Jews are after ALL Gentile symbols. So don’t think its just the controversial ones !
    I admire the Swastika. I own few, and their is no symbol,they hate more then the Crucifix…..both are the antidotes to their Satanic, Hexagram, 666, and Menora.

  4. Good comments. To precise some things, the star of David is not come from this king, it’s the seal of Solomon, frecuently used by the Rothchilds in their documents. The swastika levogira (left direction pin) represents an aryan symbol for the sun, it was in the national socialist blutfahne (flag of the aryan blood, from de the martyrs). All our gentile symbols don’t have any meaning of hate, only the liar, horrible, swindler, monster and murderer eternal jew is full of hatred and projects his hate to gentile mankind. Yes, the vampire is victor, his immemorial enemy: Catholicism is lying in the dust, mortally wounded, with the kosher last jewish popes finishing it’s burial. But all of you are right, it’s the time to resist, we all are Rome, Greece, Europe, are our heritage, it’s our duty to defend our symbols. And by the pass: the killings at the Charleston’s church are a judaic forgery, the assasinations never ocurred, it’s a lie from scaremongers, to distract atention with lies of “white supremacism, racism, etc” from the real racists, supremacists, the horrible jews, the Satan-Saturn sons, the ugly sheydims. Don’t believe to your kosher chimp face degenerate president.

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