Ed-note (Sabba) – No, this is not an anti-judaic picture. It comes straight from the CRIF facebook page (CRIF is the french equivalent of AIPAC)
Which should really get us to ponder and wonder: is it really these ‘people’ who run the world? Is it these people who have (almost) defeated the Christian West? The Christian West, the builder of Civilization, the greatest innovator, inventor, creator the world has ever seen?
In fact, the more I think about it, the more I believe no one can take on the West, no one can destroy the West, except the West itself.
I love that photo. It goes right into my collection of bizarre Judaic images, and that has to be one HUGE folder as you might gather! They really are of another planet, but to be honest, that one made me laugh, so silly. Rather innocent actually, I could not hate it.
I’m not sure what you mean by “defeated”, but how many wars fought by “Christian West” nations (of no benefit, but great harm and cost to the people of such nations) do you need before conceding that “the Christian West” has been thoroughly subjugated since long before even “the war to end all wars”? Maybe an appropriate place to start addressing the plight of the people of the West might be to exercise honesty and humility by acknowledging the depths of subjugation and depravity to which “the Christian West” has sunk.
Please Noor, feel free to share your Bizarre Judaic Pictures Collection! I for sure would love to see it!! Very much like,you, this pic from the CRIF facebook page made me laugh too at first and then it made me wonder….
Well… I find it kind of funny. Why not? Everywhere in the world there is funny and unconventional people who do weird and funny things… why not them too? I am sure that there is some of them who are against what is happening right now. Don’t judge a civilisation because of a funny person… at least, this one make us laugh while the rest of them crackpots make us cry.
“No one can destroy the West, except the West itself.”
Very true. That is why I say that the Jews have not conquered the West.
Instead, Jews ARE the West. To say that Jews “rule us” is to imagine that average Westerners do not think and act like Jews. It is like being a single cow in a herd of cows, and saying, “Cows rule us.”
If we are puzzled as to why people do not recognize the Jewish plague, it is because we foolishly deny that most people are Jews.
Adolf Hitler’s greatest sin was to inspire Germans to stop being Jews.
Anyone who genuinely stops being a Jew is automatically an evil “anti-Semite,” and is guilty of perpetrating a holo-hoax.
And speaking of the holo-hoax, it is true that all Western school children must undergo hoax programming, but it is also true that the truth is available all over the Internet. Nonetheless, most people continue to worship the hoax, because most people are Jews. The average Westerner feels the same arrogance and self-righteousness in connection with the hoax as Jews feel.
The average Westerner is a Jew.
I still considering this 2013 Israeli “Purim Costume” as one of the most disturbing, yet telling, images of RUTH-LESS Jewish Supremacist Culture.
“Praise YHVH . . . and pass the ammunition and Haman’s Ears!!!” . . . lol
“Holy Kreplach, Batman!!! . . . these are a twisted people!!!” 🙂
Hahaha! My sides are splitting! He must have tried out the new kosher marijuana that is awaiting approval in NY. Have mercy! 😉
The Jew is at war with all of us. Conscious,or unconscious. “My kingdom,is not of this earth”. Christ said. Not so the Jews theology. This world was promised to them ,by their God/Satan ,from Saturn : Yahweh. They took our world,because we are corrupt,and stupid. The Jew understands networking,concentrated power,verses mass . An old rich,Jewish women said to me one time:”Young man,alawys go to the top”. They know the power of money. It is a tool,and authority. You need it,above all things on this earth to suceed. The Jews do not say:” Work for it”. They say:” How we we get it”. Every Jew in good standing ,has no fear ,of being without. Yahweh promised them power,and all can partake. When the call goes out for support of their causes ,it is heeded. When any are in need, it is met. No questions. No, “Get a job”. :Have a bake sale”, “Sell your car,and walk”. The Jews only give,outside of the community,so they can ‘take,’,take’,’take’. The Gentile is taught simple morality,and that I am sorry to tell you,is the mentality of a slave,and meant to be so. Jewish ethics are the Talmudic Dialectic. Conflict,division,opposites,work together for power. There power. Some thinkers believed Christianity was a posionous Judiac injection into the worlds bloodstream,to disarm ,the Gentiles. I think so. Earlier Christian powers ,new this. They kept the Old Testament locked up,and properly blended, Pagan,and Classical philosophy,within its frameowork. Christ was put first: The Sermon On The Mount,Beautitudes, Golden Rule,and New Covenant. usury,or interest on money was banned. This took the Jews key power away. But the Jews where lurking. Evil is deception,and subversion. It is dishonest. They overturned the West,by blending Christianity as”Jewish”. All the while ,they reamined JEWS. We must be “Judeo -Christian:,while they are never “Christian -Judeo’s. They reject Christ not because of any theological purity, for “GOD”. They reject him ,because He was a total break ,from what they believe,and do ! “I give you a NEW COMMANDMENT,LOVE ONE ANOTHER”. Jews cannnot do that. It destroys their Chosen People Of Yahweh Status. They are a “Chosen People”,of ‘God”. I accept that. But that “God”,is not a universal diety . He clearly states – ONLY SERVES THE JEWS? Rap ,your head around that fact,and you will liberate yourself from the Jews. The only way we win,is to stop being Jews. Reject them,and all they stand for. Return to the culture,and bearings of the Gentile world. Stop worshiping these creatures.. They are not victims. they victimize. they are not persecuted. They persecute. Thry are not “god”. They are the devil. Defience. Pure all Jewush argument,thought,and theology. Learn from them to unite,and stamd together. Diverse in background,but united in action againt them. Stop the pity. Pity yourself,and the world. The Jew does not pity you. He uses you. They can rule,you,hurt you,deamd war,and kill you,and make you love it. Stop ‘lovin it’,and them,or die . the Jews are what Verduns, Red Revolutions, Depressions, Dresdens, Hirsohimas, abortion mills, Iraqs, Gaza’s,and Syrias ,are made of. “They turn the people,against each other,and give them no peace”. Adolf Hitler.
I must add 911’s are made of the jews too!
I see,even on UT,we have a poster,saying :” All civilizations have funny people”. Yes they do XPLOREXPRESS, but none sanctify it,like the Jew does. people like you are always ready to cut them a break. “They rae notall alike”. You do not know Jews ! within any diversity they migh have,is a unity of destruction targeting you ! The Jews thrive ,on your mentality,and nurture it. “Beauty is in the eye beholder”, “There is good ,and bad in al races”,”Let it all hang out”. “LEFT/RIGHT, are just few of the clices system sthey oushed out to disarm you. Even the ‘nice ones’, see you as just a “Goyim”, “The herd”. There is no good Jew,but a total convert . That is rare.
Behold the Jews ! Aren’t they just so holy ! “So cute”. “The masters of comedy”, “Science”, “Holyness”. “The leaders of humanity”. “Gods Chosen People”. These montrous fools,are the culture distorters ,we all bow down to. “Dr Fienburg smiled at me yesterday”. Wow !
Well Leon… seems that you take some sentences in a text and not the others… I am certainly not ready to cut them a break, very, very, very far from it… I know very well who they are but ugly comments on a funny picture will not solve the problem and insulting me by saying that I am a goyim and part of the herd neither. You don’t know me so please, calm down on the belittling and the judgements. I am not… certainly not… from the herd and far from to be a goyim and if jews are thriving on MY mentality, they will die of starvation very soon. Being agressive and nasty will solve nothing.
@Konrad. OMG I just found these images. You, sir, are a very sick individual. Why can’t I stop laughing? And not just a normal laugh either ~ sort of a recurring snigger from deep down in the belly. Yep, very sick. It is contagious.
@ nooralhaqiqa: I’m glad they amused you. Humor is a potent weapon against Jewish supremacy.
That is why the Jews and their allies so dread and despise the French comedian Dieudonné. –K
I love that photo. It goes right into my collection of bizarre Judaic images, and that has to be one HUGE folder as you might gather! They really are of another planet, but to be honest, that one made me laugh, so silly. Rather innocent actually, I could not hate it.
Interesting Purim costume:
I’m not sure what you mean by “defeated”, but how many wars fought by “Christian West” nations (of no benefit, but great harm and cost to the people of such nations) do you need before conceding that “the Christian West” has been thoroughly subjugated since long before even “the war to end all wars”? Maybe an appropriate place to start addressing the plight of the people of the West might be to exercise honesty and humility by acknowledging the depths of subjugation and depravity to which “the Christian West” has sunk.
Please Noor, feel free to share your Bizarre Judaic Pictures Collection! I for sure would love to see it!! Very much like,you, this pic from the CRIF facebook page made me laugh too at first and then it made me wonder….
Well… I find it kind of funny. Why not? Everywhere in the world there is funny and unconventional people who do weird and funny things… why not them too? I am sure that there is some of them who are against what is happening right now. Don’t judge a civilisation because of a funny person… at least, this one make us laugh while the rest of them crackpots make us cry.
Very true. That is why I say that the Jews have not conquered the West.
Instead, Jews ARE the West. To say that Jews “rule us” is to imagine that average Westerners do not think and act like Jews. It is like being a single cow in a herd of cows, and saying, “Cows rule us.”
If we are puzzled as to why people do not recognize the Jewish plague, it is because we foolishly deny that most people are Jews.
Adolf Hitler’s greatest sin was to inspire Germans to stop being Jews.
Anyone who genuinely stops being a Jew is automatically an evil “anti-Semite,” and is guilty of perpetrating a holo-hoax.
And speaking of the holo-hoax, it is true that all Western school children must undergo hoax programming, but it is also true that the truth is available all over the Internet. Nonetheless, most people continue to worship the hoax, because most people are Jews. The average Westerner feels the same arrogance and self-righteousness in connection with the hoax as Jews feel.
The average Westerner is a Jew.
I still considering this 2013 Israeli “Purim Costume” as one of the most disturbing, yet telling, images of RUTH-LESS Jewish Supremacist Culture.
“Kid’s Purim Costume Idea: The Burning Twin Towers?”
“Israel Children celebrated successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday”
I really like this write up on this “Award Winning Costume” that PressTV did, unfortunately
the photo itself has been removed from the article:
“Israel celebrates successful 9/11 operation on Purim holiday”
“Praise YHVH . . . and pass the ammunition and Haman’s Ears!!!” . . . lol
“Holy Kreplach, Batman!!! . . . these are a twisted people!!!” 🙂
Hahaha! My sides are splitting! He must have tried out the new kosher marijuana that is awaiting approval in NY. Have mercy! 😉
The Jew is at war with all of us. Conscious,or unconscious. “My kingdom,is not of this earth”. Christ said. Not so the Jews theology. This world was promised to them ,by their God/Satan ,from Saturn : Yahweh. They took our world,because we are corrupt,and stupid. The Jew understands networking,concentrated power,verses mass . An old rich,Jewish women said to me one time:”Young man,alawys go to the top”. They know the power of money. It is a tool,and authority. You need it,above all things on this earth to suceed. The Jews do not say:” Work for it”. They say:” How we we get it”. Every Jew in good standing ,has no fear ,of being without. Yahweh promised them power,and all can partake. When the call goes out for support of their causes ,it is heeded. When any are in need, it is met. No questions. No, “Get a job”. :Have a bake sale”, “Sell your car,and walk”. The Jews only give,outside of the community,so they can ‘take,’,take’,’take’. The Gentile is taught simple morality,and that I am sorry to tell you,is the mentality of a slave,and meant to be so. Jewish ethics are the Talmudic Dialectic. Conflict,division,opposites,work together for power. There power. Some thinkers believed Christianity was a posionous Judiac injection into the worlds bloodstream,to disarm ,the Gentiles. I think so. Earlier Christian powers ,new this. They kept the Old Testament locked up,and properly blended, Pagan,and Classical philosophy,within its frameowork. Christ was put first: The Sermon On The Mount,Beautitudes, Golden Rule,and New Covenant. usury,or interest on money was banned. This took the Jews key power away. But the Jews where lurking. Evil is deception,and subversion. It is dishonest. They overturned the West,by blending Christianity as”Jewish”. All the while ,they reamined JEWS. We must be “Judeo -Christian:,while they are never “Christian -Judeo’s. They reject Christ not because of any theological purity, for “GOD”. They reject him ,because He was a total break ,from what they believe,and do ! “I give you a NEW COMMANDMENT,LOVE ONE ANOTHER”. Jews cannnot do that. It destroys their Chosen People Of Yahweh Status. They are a “Chosen People”,of ‘God”. I accept that. But that “God”,is not a universal diety . He clearly states – ONLY SERVES THE JEWS? Rap ,your head around that fact,and you will liberate yourself from the Jews. The only way we win,is to stop being Jews. Reject them,and all they stand for. Return to the culture,and bearings of the Gentile world. Stop worshiping these creatures.. They are not victims. they victimize. they are not persecuted. They persecute. Thry are not “god”. They are the devil. Defience. Pure all Jewush argument,thought,and theology. Learn from them to unite,and stamd together. Diverse in background,but united in action againt them. Stop the pity. Pity yourself,and the world. The Jew does not pity you. He uses you. They can rule,you,hurt you,deamd war,and kill you,and make you love it. Stop ‘lovin it’,and them,or die . the Jews are what Verduns, Red Revolutions, Depressions, Dresdens, Hirsohimas, abortion mills, Iraqs, Gaza’s,and Syrias ,are made of. “They turn the people,against each other,and give them no peace”. Adolf Hitler.
I must add 911’s are made of the jews too!
I see,even on UT,we have a poster,saying :” All civilizations have funny people”. Yes they do XPLOREXPRESS, but none sanctify it,like the Jew does. people like you are always ready to cut them a break. “They rae notall alike”. You do not know Jews ! within any diversity they migh have,is a unity of destruction targeting you ! The Jews thrive ,on your mentality,and nurture it. “Beauty is in the eye beholder”, “There is good ,and bad in al races”,”Let it all hang out”. “LEFT/RIGHT, are just few of the clices system sthey oushed out to disarm you. Even the ‘nice ones’, see you as just a “Goyim”, “The herd”. There is no good Jew,but a total convert . That is rare.
Behold the Jews ! Aren’t they just so holy ! “So cute”. “The masters of comedy”, “Science”, “Holyness”. “The leaders of humanity”. “Gods Chosen People”. These montrous fools,are the culture distorters ,we all bow down to. “Dr Fienburg smiled at me yesterday”. Wow !
Well Leon… seems that you take some sentences in a text and not the others… I am certainly not ready to cut them a break, very, very, very far from it… I know very well who they are but ugly comments on a funny picture will not solve the problem and insulting me by saying that I am a goyim and part of the herd neither. You don’t know me so please, calm down on the belittling and the judgements. I am not… certainly not… from the herd and far from to be a goyim and if jews are thriving on MY mentality, they will die of starvation very soon. Being agressive and nasty will solve nothing.
@ Leon Degrelle Forever:
@Konrad. OMG I just found these images. You, sir, are a very sick individual. Why can’t I stop laughing? And not just a normal laugh either ~ sort of a recurring snigger from deep down in the belly. Yep, very sick. It is contagious.
@ nooralhaqiqa: I’m glad they amused you. Humor is a potent weapon against Jewish supremacy.
That is why the Jews and their allies so dread and despise the French comedian Dieudonné. –K