Ed-note (Sabba) – It is not Hamas who seeks to exploit the tension to ignite a Third Intifada but the chosenites from hell themselves. Except that the Third Intifada might very well turn into a World Intifada… and it is going to feel like 1290 or 1933 all over again. Be careful what you wish for.
Looks like Jewfada more than Intifada
I’m not sure of the intended meaning of ariadnatheo’s comment. If suggesting that the Intifada tactic is actually welcomed by Israel, I think I would agree with that. Past experience suggests: Cui bono? Israel bono! Looking at the past century, are there any strategies of dissent that appear to have been more effective? What comes to my mind is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi whose genius for exposing the hypocrisy of the “Christian” British exposed them to relentlessly accumulative shame. A very aggressive form of pacifism in my view.
Of course, the Jewish-owned media didn’t mind British noses being rubbed in their own filth.
With that in mind, is there any conceivable strategy where Palestinians might expose the hypocrisy of the Judaic Israelis, and rub Israeli noses in their own filth?